Zoe Orimoto
The cute and perky female member of the group. Wields the spirtis of wind, and is the only one whose two forms are actually quite attractive. Is hinted to have possible feelings for either Takuya or Koji.

The gang are on their way to Burgermon village, but Zoe is desperately in need of a toilet. What is she to do when the Trailmon has no bathrooms and there's not much foliage in the surrounding area?

Categories: Digimon Frontier Characters: Zoe Orimoto
Warnings: Desperation, Loli, Defecation, Voyeur, Urination
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2149 Read Count: 1763
Published: Sep 08, 2007 Updated: Sep 08, 2007 [Report This]
Summary: Zoe returns home after her journey to save the Digital world, and as a bit of 'celebration' she decides to take dump!
Categories: Digimon Frontier Characters: Zoe Orimoto
Warnings: Desperation, Loli, Defecation, Urination
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 956 Read Count: 2110
Published: Sep 08, 2007 Updated: Sep 08, 2007 [Report This]