Summary: A series revolving around a 23-year-old college student who becomes mates with a gassy slime-girl he accidentally creates. Alongside the woman's clones, he begins a journey to uncover the truth about certain parts of as past. In doing so he, discovers the truth about who he is and what he can do...
Categories: Original
Characters: None
Warnings: Farting
Challenges: None
Open: Closed
Series - J
Summary: Korra begins her trip to Republic City, but she wasn't thinking of a bathroom when she snuck intot he cargo hold of a ship.
Categories: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters: None
Warnings: Defecation, Farting, Scat, Urination, WS
Challenges: None
Open: Closed
Categories: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters: None
Warnings: Defecation, Farting, Scat, Urination, WS
Challenges: None
Open: Closed