Reviews For Kameyo Kudo
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Title: Kameyo Kudo: Chapter One Reviewer: OrpheumZero Signed
I really wish you would get back on track with this. I've been dying to see what was going to happen with that video and everything! :P
Date: May 22, 2011 03:46 am [Report This]
Title: Kameyo Kudo: Chapter One Reviewer: crystal Signed
have you done any more of this? I really have liked this girl ever since you posted it to that no toilet challenge I made along time ago. I really have missed reading your stories.
Date: Sep 05, 2010 11:45 am [Report This]
Title: No Toilet! Reviewer: packrat Signed
Very impressive.  Normally, I'm not one to like poop desperation, but this was very well done

Author's Response: Thank you!
Date: Sep 04, 2010 10:38 pm [Report This]
Title: No Toilet! Reviewer: Jimmy Olsen Signed
This is a solid, entertaining story. It may have been bumped out of my top 10 by newer fics, but it remains among my favorites. And I still really want to know what happens after people see the video! Get writing!
Date: Aug 08, 2009 04:39 am [Report This]
Title: No Toilet! Reviewer: Morpha Signed
Great story. I particularly loved the scene between her and the plumber.
Date: Oct 10, 2008 08:07 am [Report This]
Title: No Toilet! Reviewer: Togepi_987 Anonymous
Wow. This story is hilarious. I liked the part where her panties were exposed. Keep up the good work, Poowrite
Date: Jan 05, 2008 01:13 am [Report This]
Title: No Toilet! Reviewer: EFROdian Signed

You never cease to impress me with your depiction of characters from other sources; however, your talent for depicting characters becomes most apparent when you create your own.  I would call Kameyo a huge success.  I would also call your writing creative, descriptive, and above all, well-developed.  Have you ever written anything besides a poop or pee fetish related story,  because I think you have talent for writing stories period.  Not that I would ever want to see you stop writing these kinds of stories, mind you, but I think you would be a very good storyteller in other genres too, especially fantasy.  Now that that's been said, I WANT TO SEE MORE OF KAMEYO PLEASE!!!!  Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: I\'m totally flattered *blushing.* Thanks :).rnrnI started a few non-pooping stories a few years ago, but never finished them. They were posted on back before it was and I believe what I started is probably lost forever.rnrnI really appreciate the compliments and the reviews! Thanks :D
Date: Oct 29, 2007 01:45 am [Report This]
Title: Kameyo Kudo: Chapter One Reviewer: EFROdian Signed

Nice!  I hope to see more stories starring cute little Kameyo!  By the way, it might be just me but her backstory sounds a lot like one Sakura Kinamoto the Cardcaptor, sans the older brother and having her mother alive instead of her father.  I don't know if it was coincidence or not, and I don't mind either way, it was just something I noticed (especially her zeal for doing chores around her house since her mother is usually unable to do them.  I've really grown to like Kameyo (I sure admire her discipline and independence... and could learn a few things from it).  I also like how you included a poop scene but wove it seamlessly into the story.  I hope you do more fics concerning her.  Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: D\'Oh! The similarities to Sakura\'s back story are totally co-incidental. I was never a Cardcaptor fan, so I didn\'t know anything about her. Even if I did, though, I doubt I would have changed it. I think, based on what I have seen of CCS, their personalities are pretty different.rnrnI\'ve grown attached to Kameyo, too. It maybe be part of the reason I\'ve been so slow updating this story. I don\'t wanna post anything with her in it unless it\'s perfect :).rnrnThere are more stories planned in the Kameyo Kudo series, as soon as I get around to writing them ^.^.rnrnThanks for the review!
Date: Oct 29, 2007 01:28 am [Report This]
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