Reviews For The Missing Piece
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Title: Rest Reviewer: Daikentk Signed
Where is the donate button, unbelieverblly hot
Date: Dec 09, 2021 06:33 am [Report This]
Title: Most Reviewer: Arthoon Signed
This was so well written, a rare find for male desperation writing honestly. Loved it. I would love to read another fic about Elias sometime! Hope you do more

Author's Response: Thank you! I was considering another fic about Elias and Alice, except when they're in college, but I don't know yet. I agree, male desperation is really hard to find!
Date: Oct 29, 2021 09:59 am [Report This]
Title: Most Reviewer: adamb Signed
Fantastic story love the desperation and detail, can you do a female desperation one next? Looking forward to wherever you choose!

Author's Response: Thanks and yes I just posted one with female desperation!
Date: Oct 23, 2021 11:41 am [Report This]
Title: Rest Reviewer: yurifreak Signed
So good, can't wait for more from you.

Are these OCs or are they from something? Just curious lol

Author's Response: Thank you, I?m glad you liked it! Yes, they are OCs.
Date: Oct 08, 2021 05:44 am [Report This]
Title: Most Reviewer: Discordia Signed
Honestly, this is one of my favorite stories

Author's Response: Aw, thanks!
Date: Sep 27, 2021 10:01 am [Report This]
Title: Most Reviewer: Maximusride Signed
Good one, its great to have some variations in this website

Author's Response: Thank you! This is my first story on here and I was a bit nervous on how it would be received. I appreciate your feedback
Date: Sep 23, 2021 12:30 am [Report This]
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