I forgot about this gem. Hope to see more from you!
Author's Response: Means a lot coming from you, man. Sorry I've taken awhile to respond to this, had a lot on my plate...
I'm going to update this eventually, I've changed the story it came from and I'm planning on getting it published. So, you might end up with a successful author on the site using his characters in stories here.
Reviews For The beginning of Elitism: Tiffany Lokart
Date: Jul 01, 2008 08:26 pm [Report This]
Just for you, review # 100! (I know, 100 reviews on this fic would be better :P, but still cool nonetheless)
A great story, lots of pooping action and the like. I wonder, will we see more of Tiffany's bum dropping more brown goodness?
Author's Response:
You may do, you may not, I might do, you never know.
Thanks for review no.100, btw.
Date: Oct 25, 2007 07:44 pm [Report This]