Reviews For Everyday Magic
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Title: A Milky Convenience Reviewer: Nia Signed
Nice, great story, it was also really cool to see something I thought up in the story as well. I didn't notice how many stories there was of these two, I remember reading the first one, I really need to get back to reading more of this kind of stuff,(like the magic and bathroom like stuff and the egg stuff too) I just don't find it often and you do it really good too, I'll be sure to read the rest of the stories in this series.
Date: Sep 30, 2013 01:42 am [Report This]
Title: A Milky Convenience Reviewer: OrpheumZero Signed

As usual, a great story. Somehow, I imagined Mandy would all over the other spells, especially the one to transform poop. Seems like something she'd at least have a curious interest in trying. What she'd change it to, I can't readily imagine. Peanut butter covered M&Ms? :P


Seemed like it could have had more, especially since you had Mandy full of eggs. But I guess you didn't want to distract from the main inspiration. Though, I can probably guess you've got a few scant ideas of what to do in another installment with all these spells mentioned.

Author's Response:

Your right, I didn't want to veer away from the main theme of the story, plus it was getting rather lengthy, but I was tempted with possibly having Mindy having her massive orgasm in Veronica's room, but I wanted to stay on track.

Also, it's not like Mindy didn't have any interest in trying the poop spell, but she was currently 'occupied' with the eggs in her, plus, I'd imagine trying to poop would've triggered her to come. ^_^ 

Date: Sep 29, 2013 02:58 pm [Report This]
Title: A Sensational Inconvenience Reviewer: OrpheumZero Signed
Pretty nice. It is a bit odd how one moment it sounds like a pseudo futuristic story, then becomes a Pervy Potter near the end. Still, it was pretty nice. Though I feel a bit cheated the eggs weren't real this time (well, organic :P). I can imagine a more nitpicky person like Jimmy though will probably wonder why there isn't more explanation to the world, but I think it works out well enough, being a stand alone that could flesh out if you so choose.

Author's Response:

glad you liked it. but how does the story sound futuristic? Wait, you're probobly refering to the combination of technolegy and magic, given the chair and later use of magic. my goal with this series is that it's like the world of harry potter,(I've actually thought about having the setting be in the HP world but in a different part of the world) I've seen the movies and as far as I know the world is depicted as regular everyday life, but magic exists, in secret i think? You you can think of this series as happening in the near/alternate future with all the usual technolegy but magic is present too.

I try not to make the magic seem too focused on, with spells flying everywhere, but still present. Like if you have the thought, "Oh yeah, they can use magic." then I'm happy.

another example from HP, when the characters wern't in Hogworts they didn't use magic all that much IIRC, but did much more when they were at the school.

Anyway, thanks for reading ^_^ 

Date: Sep 27, 2012 03:47 pm [Report This]
Title: Inconvenience Reviewer: Jimmy Olsen Signed
This is quite a story. It may be the longest one I've ever reviewed on this site (which is my excuse for taking so long to put together a review for it). I love the characters of Mindy and Veronica. They have great chemistry. I especially like the scene where the girls meet inside the forest, and Mindy pretends she's going to leave with Veronica, but then runs back into the forest. Their conversation about the misfiring levitation spell is another great character moment (although, to be honest, it made me feel like I was reading a Harry Potter fanfic).

I've got to say, I love reading about giant bugs. That's one of my special affinities in science fiction and fantasy. I thought the scene of the bugs' attack was exciting and dramatic, but I think you should describe the bugs as soon as they show up. I couldn't really picture them, and wasn't even sure what size category they were. It's also hard to picture bugs with "fleshy" tentacles, since insects' parts are generally covered with hard chitin. The quasi-rape stuff does kind of gross me out, although the implantation scene wasn't the part that really bothered me (more on that later).

"Dry panties soon became a rarity as Veronica's bladder also empties into her panties, which she wasn't even aware of from the fear of seeing what was happening just feet in front of her." This is the best descriptive passage in the story, but it also illustrates the story's biggest problem, which is that the prose shifts between past and present tense. Another passage I loved was, "the large bug made a bee-line straight for her." Great pun. You definitely need to do some proofreading, because there are frequent spelling and grammar errors, and one sentence that completely baffles me. "This experience was Veronica's first time though, it wasn't a couple of fingers, Mindy remembered her first time, she was screaming out much like her friend was." I'm guessing you left some words out or something, because I can't unravel what that could possibly mean. I also feel like pointing out that "fourteen year old teen" is redundant, as is "tree-filled forest."

One last nitpick before I get back to the content. It would help the reading experience if this was divided into chapters. When I had this saved onto a word processor, I noticed that there are already scene divides that occur at about one quarter, halfway, and three quarters into the document. So it would be easy to cut the story into four chapters of equal length.

I really don't like the ending, where Veronica becomes an irresponsible nymphomaniac. Wouldn't the trauma of the insertion process, which you describe in horrifying detail, deter her from allowing the whole thing to happen again? Rather than allowing herself to be raped, and setting herself up for punishment from her parents, wouldn't she just start masturbating instead? I think her change is unbelievable, and arguably offensive.

The bottom line is this is an okay story with tremendous characters (you should use them in other stories if you haven't already) that needs some proofreading and revising if it's going to become truly enjoyable.

Author's Response:

thanks for the detailed review

now to comment on some of your comments:

 "It's also hard to picture bugs with "fleshy" tentacles"

I've read H-manga with bugs having fleshy tenticles, so...

 "The quasi-rape stuff does kind of gross me out"

heck, sex grosses you out lol :p

 "You definitely need to do some proofreading"

I do, I read through my fics twice to pick out mistakes, I catch a lot of them, but obveiously, proofreading you own work doesn't catch everything. fallenstar used to proofread my work, but my recent fics don't appel to him.

 ""This experience was Veronica's first time though, it wasn't a couple of fingers, Mindy remembered her first time, she was screaming out much like her friend was." I'm guessing you left some words out or something, because I can't unravel what that could possibly mean.

The sentance is missing a 'wasn't', so it's supposed to go like this:""This experience wasn't Veronica's first time though, it wasn't a couple of fingers, Mindy remembered her first time, she was screaming out much like her friend was.""

 " It would help the reading experience if this was divided into chapters"

At most, the story could be split in two, not four. chapter 1 being the oviposition and chapter two being the laying. I didn't split it becouse it was a contest entry, but now that I know it would be fine to seperate a contest entry into chapters, I'll do it in future entries that I think need it.

 "Wouldn't the trauma of the insertion process, which you describe in horrifying detail, deter her from allowing the whole thing to happen again?"

It was her first time and she was against it of course it would be a horrible experance. but with the laying and a day to sleep on it, she found she likes it. similarly to my RP character of becky, who after being raped, discovers she likes being raped, specifically the lose of control.

 " I think her change is unbelievable, and arguably offensive."

Really? Offensive? O_o

Date: May 04, 2011 05:37 pm [Report This]
Title: Inconvenience Reviewer: ing131 Signed
The story was pretty good, all in all, though i'm not very big on the bug rape or egg thing either. I would have liked more depth in the wetting scene, but that would not hve fitted well with the whole "paralized/ terrified" thing I guess. Overall it was enjoyable! Good luck in the contest!
P.S. Ginny is the girl harry likes, and also Ron's sister, I think!
Date: Apr 28, 2011 01:54 pm [Report This]
Title: Inconvenience Reviewer: Megasean3000 Signed
Awesome fic :D I love oviposition, especially to lolis ^^ Give yourself a nice pat on the back ^^
Date: Feb 11, 2011 02:33 pm [Report This]
Title: Inconvenience Reviewer: OrpheumZero Signed
Another good story. Though I still think you should have considered using the actual Harry Potter universe (come on, this would have worked perfectly with Hermione, Luna, and Ginny :P). Anyway, aside from the bug rape (which wasn't too bad, just not my cup of tea), it was fun. Of course, you're one hero is a bit of a nitwit for tempting fate by "not wanting be an incubator for a creatures eggs" :P

Author's Response: I'm sure it would be a good HP fic, but i'm not very knowledgable about HP, I know who Hermione and luna is, but Ginny? Is that that ghost girl harry meets?
Date: Feb 08, 2011 09:03 pm [Report This]
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