Reviews For Wonder Woman's Baby-fication
please continue this story, i love both the story and comic
Date: Feb 05, 2012 07:54 pm [Report This]
in row four it should say : "you're" not,
procedure to make sure the punishment truly sinks in and >>your
procedure to make sure the punishment truly sinks in and >>your
Date: Jul 27, 2010 06:32 am [Report This]
I like it, I hope you write more
Date: Dec 16, 2009 05:03 am [Report This]
I have to say I really like where this is going. I think you portrayed WW's progression (regression?) from an average adult to a child-like personality rather well, which is something that isn't always the case in these kinds of stories. Also, the pooping was especially detailed for a babyfication story, which I approve of. Waiting for the next chapter!
Date: Dec 09, 2009 07:11 pm [Report This]
Very good work. I'm not much of a superhero fan, to be honest, so I'm not really familiar with Wonder Woman outside of what she looks like. It makes it hard for me to say whether you nailed her character or not, but in a story like this that probably isn't a big deal. The descriptions were top-notch and I liked how you started by giving her motivation to be where she was.
It felt a little rushed at the beginning. The pee desperation could have gotten a little more attention.
The pooping was very good and fun to read. I liked her reaction and could see the seat of her pants expanding as you told the story.
It felt a little rushed at the beginning. The pee desperation could have gotten a little more attention.
The pooping was very good and fun to read. I liked her reaction and could see the seat of her pants expanding as you told the story.
Date: Dec 08, 2009 01:08 am [Report This]
you took this from a fan comic right?
Author's Response: Well, ya. I got the original idea from the comic by SatyQ. However, I changed the order of events and in the next chapters I'll focus on cleaning up the mess along with how the nurse will drive Wonder Woman toward diapers. So while the basic idea was SatyQ's, the rest is mine.
Date: Dec 06, 2009 06:33 pm [Report This]