Reviews For Dedication
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Title: Consumat-inn Reviewer: Jimmy Olsen Signed
Where's the rest of the chapter? It looks like some of it got cut off.

Author's Response: Hence, the "Incomplete" tag. Posting this in pieces as the weather hasn't exactly been kind up here with random hurricane and all.
Date: Aug 28, 2011 03:41 am [Report This]
Title: The Order Reviewer: Jimmy Olsen Signed
I love this premise, and I think you do a good job with descriptions. I'm not sure why I don't enjoy this story more. I feel like I should. Maybe because it feels generic.

Author's Response: You're probably right, this topic has been used many times before, but I'm trying now to write a baseball accident story based on one of the pictures here, and maybe a Fire Emblem story based on Lyn.
Date: Jun 25, 2011 01:36 am [Report This]
Title: The Order Reviewer: Crystal Anonymous
Good, I like this so far.
Date: Jun 18, 2011 06:23 pm [Report This]
Title: The Order Reviewer: Crystal Anonymous
you goning to do more on this soon?

Author's Response: Yes, actually getting ready to write the next chapter now.
Date: Jun 14, 2011 03:12 am [Report This]
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