Reviews For Spice and Air
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Title: Chapter 1.5: A New Perversion (messy end) Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous
Awesomely done!

But, any chance you could make something sometime where Horo "accidentally" goes in his mouth, and makes him take it? Or...something. 
Date: Mar 28, 2013 11:21 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1.5: A New Perversion (messy end) Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous
Wonderful, and amazingly in character from what I can tell. I can easily see them in your writing, and this is an awesome addition. 
Date: Feb 23, 2013 12:06 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1: A New Perversion Reviewer: slicks77 Signed
The desperation aspect is whats best to me. I thought you pulled it off nicly,
Date: Dec 05, 2012 09:39 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1.5: A New Perversion (messy end) Reviewer: slicks77 Signed
That was so much sexyer than the origonal.
Date: Dec 05, 2012 09:36 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1: A New Perversion Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

I would be rather interested in the alternate ending version, as well as any similar stories, even involving pee. If she were to use him or go in him, it would be quite nice. 


Regardless of all that, this story is wonderfully written! I think you captured their personalities quite nicely.  

Date: Nov 22, 2012 09:50 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 2: Acceptance and Advancement Reviewer: OrpheumZero Signed
Another good chapter. Though I think there could have been a little more detail on Holo/Horo going near the end. But still pretty nice.
Date: Oct 30, 2012 08:59 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1: A New Perversion Reviewer: adamb Signed
Excellent story, a second version sounds like a good idea *hint* ;)
Date: Oct 27, 2012 02:46 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1: A New Perversion Reviewer: OrpheumZero Signed
Never seen much of the series, but from one clip I saw, this does sound exactly like the character. Good job.

Author's Response: Thank you!
Date: Oct 19, 2012 11:54 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1: A New Perversion Reviewer: Eroppai Signed
This is a very well-written fart fic, and having it be with established characters actually makes it hotter. The descriptions of the sounds and the smells of her flatulence were written convincingly, and the characters were in character. Good job.

Author's Response: Thank you!
Date: Oct 18, 2012 04:06 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1: A New Perversion Reviewer: Anime Lover Signed
quite nice and amusing, my favorite part was when Holo was trying to get Lawrence to come before she had an accident

Author's Response: Thanks! I enjoyed writing that part and I wasn't sure whether for it to happen or not. I decided instead that the convo afterwards would be funnier, and wanted to try keeping this version mainly fart related. I'll probably make another version where she does, because I'm sure some people would like that too.
Date: Oct 17, 2012 07:36 pm [Report This]
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