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Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Linkx Signed
It was great dude, really lent itself well to the skyjim setting. Loved the fear of spiders and the final event. Like orpheum said love it when she gets no sympathy, good stuff.

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. It was a lot of fun writing a character who got no sympathy, and writing a character who gave no sympathy. Thanks for inspiring me with Castle Fear!
Date: Dec 30, 2012 03:08 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: OrpheumZero Signed

Great story. Interesting to see the messer not get any sympathy at all for once. And it's nicely done, doesn't leave too many open threads to make people feel like it's incomplete, but still open enough for more if you were to be inclined to.


And again I must ask, got any plans for Yunie? :P

Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I don't really have anything specific planned next. I've thought about revisiting Yuna, but I've also wanted to do a Rebecca Chambers story for a while too.
Date: Dec 28, 2012 06:26 pm [Report This]
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