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Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Nia Signed
Nice, great story, it was also really cool to see something I thought up in the story as well. I didn't notice how many stories there was of these two, I remember reading the first one, I really need to get back to reading more of this kind of stuff,(like the magic and bathroom like stuff and the egg stuff too) I just don't find it often and you do it really good too, I'll be sure to read the rest of the stories in this series.
Date: Sep 30, 2013 01:42 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: OrpheumZero Signed

As usual, a great story. Somehow, I imagined Mandy would all over the other spells, especially the one to transform poop. Seems like something she'd at least have a curious interest in trying. What she'd change it to, I can't readily imagine. Peanut butter covered M&Ms? :P


Seemed like it could have had more, especially since you had Mandy full of eggs. But I guess you didn't want to distract from the main inspiration. Though, I can probably guess you've got a few scant ideas of what to do in another installment with all these spells mentioned.

Author's Response:

Your right, I didn't want to veer away from the main theme of the story, plus it was getting rather lengthy, but I was tempted with possibly having Mindy having her massive orgasm in Veronica's room, but I wanted to stay on track.

Also, it's not like Mindy didn't have any interest in trying the poop spell, but she was currently 'occupied' with the eggs in her, plus, I'd imagine trying to poop would've triggered her to come. ^_^ 

Date: Sep 29, 2013 02:58 pm [Report This]
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