Reviews For Everything is Poop
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Title: Everything is Poop Reviewer: Redhero95 Signed
I think it will be MUCH BETTER if you added pictures of Wyldstyle on the toilet. Would'nt you agree?
Date: Jul 09, 2015 08:57 am [Report This]
Title: Everything is Poop Reviewer: T3hL33tSnake Signed
In other words: don't quit your day job.
Date: Jul 02, 2014 07:01 am [Report This]
Title: Everything is Poop Reviewer: MrMoow Signed

I'm sorry but, 280 words? I don't expect novels (I'm sure no one here does) but that's just way too short. There was almost no detail. "She felt sudden relief as it all came out of her system." All of what? We didn't even know if she had to pee, poo, powder her nose up until she sat on the toilet, even then it was fuzzy. Make sure your audience knows what's happening in a scene, that's very important for erotic fiction.

Date: May 27, 2014 01:21 am [Report This]
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