This may be a classic, but I never read it before. I was confused at first when the narrative switched from Kunimitsu to Michelle, but once I understood that these were 2 women who were about to use the same restroom I came to enjoy how their 2 stories synched up. It's full of good mental images, but I'm not crazy about the ending. The ninja assassin plot isn't anything very entertaining, but is decent. I liked picturing Michelle reading casually while passing a volume of waste that would have most women screaming in pain and disbelief. A greater pleasure can be got from visualizing her moving to the next stall with a messy bottom, only to almost back into the other woman. It's one of those scenes that is so clever and enjoyable that I feel jealous for having not thought of it myself. I also liked Kunimitsu giving herself "a little help" with the soap. The buddy-wiping part strains credibility, as does the very end, where there's the revelation and then they're suddenly friend. I hope FatalSniper decides to revise this story. With some tinkering and some more detailed descriptions of the characters and their actions this could be one heck of a story.
Author's Response: Yea, I don't whether Bluesniper cares to do anything with the story or not. Though it'd be awesome if he did, since it would be cool to see a revision with the added touch of his years of exerience *much like the update I did for the Trilogy of Poo ;)*
Reviews For More urgent needs
Date: Sep 03, 2009 12:51 am [Report This]
It's a shame I missed this when it was new. Quite a good read. Quite good indeed.
Date: Aug 26, 2009 02:13 am [Report This]