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Nyou Dreams

Started by Jimmy Olsen, October 24, 2007, 10:06:22 PM

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Jimmy Olsen

A celebrity pooper on tour?  That could make a cool story.  I'm picturing something like a circus act, possibly with swindling going on (like identical twins are used to create the illusion that one woman is pooping twice as much).
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Kinda reminds me of a failed idea I had a few years back about a series that was essentially College Girls Pooping, but with anime/game girls. That is, the entire thing is strictly about pooping, not just a story with the toilet action being the big pay off.

Of course, it does sound similar to our "Poop competition" idea. Hell, maybe have it be the follow up. Like anime/girl x, who wins the competition, goes on a tour to show off her prowess, with the "sideshows" as Jimmy suggested. One of which could be something like twins (like Maya and Meena from Dragon Quest IV) pretending to be just one girl, and seemingly creating an inhuman amount of poop.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

Bumping this thread in the hopes that someone will notice or be reminded of these ideas.  Celebrity poopers (or pissers) are a great premise for a fic.  And I'm still in love with the idea of a phony performer who is really twins, although I can't think of any way they could switch places during a performance.
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Maybe it's some zany mirror trick, like one appears to sit in a porta john with mirrored sides, but the back one is really a one-way mirror and the twin is sitting (facing the opposite way of course) and going at intervals the other isn't.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

I had this dream last night.  I was watching it as a third person viewer.  The setting was a giant Victorian-style mansion that was sort of like the U. of I. library.  I think it was the present day.  A young woman who was a guest asked the master of the house where she could use the bathroom.  He told her that one of the floors had a wooden chest full of assorted chamber pots.  When she was done, she could just put her pot back in the chest and a servant would take care of it.  She was not happy about this.  The dream must have ended before she did anything, because that's all I remember.
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Had a dream where a group of one guy and two girls were out together somewhere in my university, and the two girls appear both went peeing in what appears to be behind a building with that guy standing watch, but in my view.

Jimmy Olsen

I had a dream last night about a feral woman who lived in the hidden parts of a giant building.  The dream was a story within a story.  I was in a similar building, and I imagined these scenes unfolding before my eyes like a movie.  This woman's home was the ductwork, maintenance spaces, and other niches and crawl spaces.  She was called the Queen of the Rats and was exactly that.  She could communicate with rats, and they did her bidding.  Basically she was the female equivalent of the Rat King from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  She hardly ever left the building or entered an ordinary room, and no one was sure she existed until the story's protagonist discovered her secluded stomping grounds.

She went around in the nude, and was surprised that the male protagonist thought this was odd.  He also noticed she hadn't bathed in a while, but wasn't that bothered.  What did bother him was the next little issue that came up.  The Queen of Rats though that natural bodily functions were a public matter and needed no excuses.  At one point, when the protagonist was crawling a little ways behind the Queen, she evacuated her bowels in the center of the shaft.  It was a firm and dry movement, quite thick and over a foot long before it broke off.  There was enough room that the man could easily avoid touching her waste, but he was so shocked and angry he couldn't form sentences.  She thought he was surprised that it was so big.  "I like to keep my muscles in shape, and the anal sphincter is a muscle," she explained.  He chastised her for her disgustingly inappropriate behavior. 

I don't remember where the dream went from there.  All I remember is thinking that LivingInfinite would like to see this, except he'd be disappointed that the Queen of Rats purposely relieved herself instead of having a fear accident.
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Please tell me at least she didn't have the skeletal face like the 2012 series Rat King  :P
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: OrpheumZero on February 24, 2013, 03:15:23 AM
Please tell me at least she didn't have the skeletal face like the 2012 series Rat King  :P

No, she was just a thin muscular naked woman with dark tangled hair.  I didn't even know about the 21st century versions of the Rat King until I Googled him just now.
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I actually had a Video Game Dream once with a female game character. It didn't have anything to do with the chick peeing or having to take a dump, but it had something to do with sex. Remember Jenny, from Gun? The Prostitute from the Alhambra Saloon in Dodge City?
Well, in the dream, we were at my Grandfaher's house, (God rest his soul) and my entire family was there, as well as my Grandfather, and everyone else was outside of my Cousin David's room, (It used to be my Aunt Jessica's room, which I used to call her Jessie) and it looked rainy outside, just the kind of weather I liked at my Grandfather's house, and me and Jenny were fully clothed, but we were laying in my Cousin David's bed, with the covers up over us, and we were basicly making out and talking. (Pillow Talk, if I'm correct) The rest of the dream didn't make any sense, but I basicly didn't want to tell my friends about it since it was emberassing for me to tell them something like that, so I kept it to myself up until now. Sorry if I lost anyone or even took up too much of their time with this. Just saying.
"Ja, Dempsey, family reunions are often stressfull." -Edward A. Richtofen, quote from Call Of Duty: Zombies Mode. "Tomorrow comes today." -Gorillaz, quote from the song Tomorrow Comes Today from their first album.

Jimmy Olsen

I definitely had this dream because I read EnragedFilia's superhero story.  It was set in a superhero base during a team crossover.  The base was a mansion with a giant underground structure.  A bunch of superheroines were in a restroom at the base, and this one spidery woman was giving them the creeps.  They kicked her out of the ladies' room.  So she found a neglected bathroom in some dark corner of the base and wrote "spiders' room" on the door.  Within seconds, there were a bunch of other spider themed superheroines were there too.  They all had to go to the bathroom and their spider sense told them there was a spiders' room.  There were about seven superheroines with some spider trait or another in one bathroom, but I woke up before any of them used the toilet.
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Recently had a weird dream where Sophitia and Seong Mina from the Soul Calibur series had a couple of moves where they farted and pooped respectively on their opponent. Basically, Sophitia would do the grab where she sits on her opponent's face, but instead of smashing them into the ground, she would just let one rip, and Mina would knock the opponent to the ground, perch atop her staff, and drop a stinker next to the opponent's face (it didn't actually land on them, but the stench of it was what did the damage). The idea was that somehow in my dream, the game developers knew about the "historical" figures Sophitia and Seong Mina, and that they actually had these moves, but they obviously couldn't include them in the game.

Then all of a sudden the real Sophitia and Seong Mina were in the boardroom with them (because, you know, game developers work in a boardroom) and they were going to force the developers to put the moves in, but I woke up before I saw just how they planned to force them.   >:(

Also, Jimmy, that sounds like an awesome story.


I thought I'd post this before I forgot it. Before I woke up around two something in the afternoon today, I had a dream (I can't recall much, damn it to hell) that basicly involved me escorting the female cast of the Resident Evil games to a toilet. However, in the dream, I failed to get them there on time, and they wet themselves. This part happened somewhere in between my whole dream, because the whole first and last part were normal. The interesting part was it was a dream within a dream. I was at one of my cousin's house that his parents moved to, and me and my family were visiting, and for some odd reason, we were supossed to leave soon, but yet we stayed there for a few extra minutes for some reason, but somehow, everything changed to my old house that I grew up in. However, I was having the whole dream that had the normal begining and normal ending with the interesting part in the middle in my dream because I was asleep in it. I woke up in it and began to describe it. Then I actually woke up.
"Ja, Dempsey, family reunions are often stressfull." -Edward A. Richtofen, quote from Call Of Duty: Zombies Mode. "Tomorrow comes today." -Gorillaz, quote from the song Tomorrow Comes Today from their first album.


Had a few dreams the other night. First one was, after some strange hijinks involving a school, finding Pay-Per-View machine in a lounge and easily unlocking the adult content. Only thing was some strange trailer for a scat film. Considering it was a Western made porno, the dream played it like those really hardcore ones. Thankfully, the dream ended without showing too much, though some funny sounding dialogue could be heard.

The next set of dreams involved a Ty Lee type girl (in terms of aloof personality) letting me be near her when she pooped. First time she's squatting and leaning back so I hold her (and can see the giant banana slug like logs she's making), while some dweeby guy gets shooed away for trying to watch as well. There's anothe one where she apparently messed herself a bit, but wanted to finish with me nearby and does it while lying next to me.

Strange, but amusing, lol
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


last night i had a nightmare that there was a toilet in the women's room of a shopping mall
with a video feed
used by cute, innocent women who would sit down to use it with that sweet contented look they get when they have a private bathroom break from having a nice day

and it would eat them and vomit their blood like the bed in nightmare on elm street
like that only without the arms, more grotesque squishing and bone-breaking noises of the body being compressed into a very small space
and instead of a giant torrent of blood there was a squirt of just the amount of blood you would imagine to be in a person. some would get on the camera

and there was a cult that celebrated every time this happened, they had an outlet in the mall and the feed was on their window

i was very scared and upset and not turned on but i guess since it involves women using the toilet in a cute manner it kind of counts