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Nyou Dreams

Started by Jimmy Olsen, October 24, 2007, 10:06:22 PM

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Jimmy Olsen

This might be too off-topic for this forum, but I'm going to post it anyway.  It could be a fun thread.

Have you guys ever had dreams about stuff like in the stories on Nyou Fiction or the pics on Nyou 1 and 2?  I'd be interested to hear about them.  There are probably some fun stories and great mental images there.  :)

I thought of this topic because I had one last night.  I was swimming at a lake near where I live with the Inner Senshi from Sailor Moon, plus Usagi's friends Naru and Unazuki and I think 1 other girl from the show.  Great situation, right?  ;)

Well it was until we were all on the shore and I somehow started a fire.  I was doing something that caused sparks, but I can't remember what.  Anyway, it was just a small brushfire, but the girls were overreacting and panicking, and Usagi was totally freaking out.  We had left our shoes and clothes way down the shoreline, so we couldn't stamp it out and the only way to smother it was if 1 of the girls took her swimsuit off, and no one volunteered.  The senshi couldn't use their powers because they would give their identities away to the other girls (I knew they were the senshi for some reason).  So they told me to go get help.  I had to climb stone steps that curved around up the side of a bluff to reach the suburbia-like neighborhood above.  I can remember it vividly, but it's sort of hard to visualize. 

As I was walking away I kept my eyes on the girls.  Ami said she had a solution, but everyone had to look the other way and cover their ears.  She was blushing a lot.  The other girls eventually did what she asked, and Ami pulled down the bottom of her swimsuit and squatted over the fire.  At this point I was walking up a part of the steps that took me momentarily behind a couple trees.  I was excited to see Ami pee but I kept moving, since they told me to go get help and I felt wrong shirking that duty just to be a voyeur.  But by the time I got past the trees Ami was done peeing and the fire was out.  She had peed a huge amount in just a couple seconds, and I had missed it all! :'( From there the dream went on a different tangent and I didn't see any more anim? girls.

The girls didn't look like anim?.  They were 3-dimensional people with perfectly realistic details from head to toe (;)), but the colors of their hair and eyes were the same exaggerated and unrealistic colors as in the show, and when Ami blushed the redness of her cheeks was also exaggerated.  They looked weirdly like black and white photographs of real teenage Japanese girls which had been painted with watercolors.

Anyway, I'd love to hear anybody else's dreams about this sort of thing.  :)
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yeah, I have have dream kinda like that before, but I can't really remember anything about them, it's been a while, and I never can remember much of my dreams anyway.


I can't say I've had any dreams specifically relating to Nyou, but my "My Dream Girlfriend and her Unique Fetish" fics were dreams that I had at one time....

In fact, the original idea for that fic came from me sleeping and er... having a horny dream... about her...   ^_^


Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Anime Lover

I dunno if this counts, but I had a W.I.T.C.H. dream.

I don't quite remember much of if but what I do remember is that it played out like an episode and two particular events I remember happening was that Will, Irma, Cornelia and Taranee somehow see a video, in real time, of Hay Lin on her knees in front of a guy who's sitting on a chair, appearing to be giving the guy a BJ, the four girls freak out at the sight. I don't remember how, but later it is found out that Hia Lin wasn't doing anything perverted, she was picking up something that fell I think.

The other part I remember even less, I know it involved Irma with a condom
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Well, it's not anime/VG related, so I don't know if it counts or not, but I had a pee-related dream once. Well, once that I remember.

It was odd, too. Not that I'd dream about a girl peeing herself, but but the girl I dreamed about.

I don't know if anyone watched/remembers a show on Nickelodeon that aired back in the early 90's called Clarissa Explains It All. I was kinda young then, but admittedly had a crush on the main character, Clarissa. Anyhoo, i only actually remember one episode, and I don't remember much of that, which is what made the dream odd, to me.

See, I had it like a year and a half ago. I hadn't seen the show or even heard the name for more years than I can count on my fingers. So, I have no idea what might have caused it, but I'm glad it came.

Anyway, she (Clarissa) had to pee really bad, but didn't want to be late for school. So she wouldn't use the bathroom. Strangely, she couldn't leave without her brother, who was in the middle of eating breakfast, and had plenty of time to relieve herself. She just didn't. Which was fine by me. Because her brother ended up talking her into peeing herself. He told her that, since her pants were already a dark color, no one would notice the wet spot.

Well, she peed herself and there actually was a noticable wetspot that ran the length of her legs. I remember her getting mad about the pee-stain being visible and going to change. But I probably woke up, because after that I'm drawing a blank.

If you own a PS3, download the demo. Give this game a shot. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.


I remember Clarissa, and if I remember correctly, she hated her little brother, Fergusan.... or however you spell it....  LOL...


Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Jimmy Olsen

"Clarissa Explains It All?"  Sounds like a sex ed video L.O.L.  :D
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Yeah, I remember having one particular dream about Selphie Tilmitt of FF VIII fame. I can't recall much about it except that we were rafting down a huge river in the middle of a jungle, and I think we ended up exploring some ruins at some point. I still sort of have the impression that she peed at one point, but overall I just remember it as a very positive and relaxing dream.

Another time I think I had a dream about various women from Timesplitters: Future Perfect soiling themselves, mainly because I was obsessed with that game right after it came out. Still one of my favorite "traditional" shooters of all time.

In addition to those good dreams, I also recall having one nightmare. It was around the time I was playing Indigo Prophecy (excellent game, BTW). First, some background: in the game, one of the main characters, Carla, can actually use the toilet. While you're controlling her in her apartment, just after she gets out of the shower, she's wearing a bra and panties. Before you get her dressed, you can have her 'use' the toilet, which causes her to sit on it followed by a view of the bathroom door accompanied by some peeing noises. Needless to say, this caused my imagination to run wild, resulting in a dream I had about this situation. I was in her apartment when she excused herself to use the bathroom. I saw her sit down on the toilet, but for some reason, she couldn't use it (dream logic, no doubt). She came back into the living room where I was sitting, looking desperate for a #2. Now, here's where the nightmare part comes in. Just as I was sure she was about to mess herself, she doubles over, holds her stomach and defecates out of her mouth(!). I immediately woke up sitting bolt upright in bed, covered in a cold sweat. The image haunted me for a few days, mainly because I couldn't believe that my mind was capable of creating such a disturbing scenario. I began to have some serious doubts about this fetish, and even considered giving it up altogether. Only later did I make the connection between the dream and an episode of House where a girl who had her intestines blocked while in a coma ended up defecating out of her mouth, however in the episode it was like she regurgitated a black goop and wasn't as graphic as in my nightmare. Although it was a while between when I saw the episode and the dream, the image did disturb me so I'm not surprised that it invaded my nocturnal subconscious. Still, creepy, no?

I generally don't recall my dreams very vividly, they tend to be more about feelings and ideas than specific events, so sorry if I couldn't provide very detailed descriptions like some of you could. Also, I'd like to say that it's really unfair that I can remember the one nightmare I've had more clearly than either of my good dreams. Bleh.

S.T. the Kitsune

To be honest with you I never had a dream that actually made any sense it was always weird, odd, and mostly abstract. Most times I don't bother thinking about the dream because its always stupid ><
Me: You fools there's a triangle of creation that's all around us! That's Energy, Matter, and Thought. Yes your thoughts can make the world go just take longer.


meh I never really remember dreams I'd like to remember, and when I do remember anything I don't really remember it all that good, lol  and they are weird odd dreams, lol, like the one I kinda remember about

me looking for something (I think it was a pill bottle I needed to pickup) in a library for an anime girl I like, but I couldn't find the one with her name on it


A long time ago, I had a dream about the main 5 Sailor Scouts pooping in 5 stalls at the same time. I don't remember anything specific, though.

I have Timesplitters: Future Perfect also, Toasty. Did you know about the part with the Russian woman pooping in the bathroom? In the train mission after you separate from the secret agent guy (forgot his name), you find a closed bathroom door. If you get near it, you can hear a woman grunt, fart and make a huge plop sound. Afterwards, if you try to open the door, she'll say, "God! It's like giving birth!". After you walk a certain distance, the flushing of a toilet can be heard and she appears behind you, trying to shoot you.


Wow, I had completely forgotten about that part! I now remember doing a double-take when I first walked past that door, because it was so unprecedented. I replayed that level many times trying to hear the whole thing. I'm pretty sure that's why I had the dream in the first place.


Ok, so last week I had my first ever dream related to anything animated with "Nyou" content.  The funny part is, in my dream I was actually WATHING a show on TV. ???

I remember laying in bed in my real bedroom watching an episode of Family Guy (really!)  It was a whole episode with a real plot, something about Meg suddenly being popular.  The part I really remembered was one fairly long scene with Meg and a generic "hot girl", (maybe the blond from the old cheer leading subplot in a real Meg centered episode from a long time ago.)  The scene had both of them on toilets in the school girl's room gossiping about something with alternating "feet under the stalls" views and full body side views of both of them with their pants around their feet.  The surprising thing was the audio, the whole scene was full of loud wet farts and plops from both of them!  :005: The girls didn't even react to it, they just kept happily chatting away wile dropping huge bombs and farting like cows. 

I don't remember how the episode ended, just that I hoped I would be rerun later that night so I could get it on tape, then I woke up.  :'( I guess thats what happens when you brows Nyou and watch Family Guy right before going to sleep...hmm I think try it Bleach tonight...  ;D       

Jimmy Olsen

I had another nyou dream, but unfortunately (for me) it was pooping. 

I was at my high school and it was visited by an aged deep-sea diver who told us all about his profession.  One of my classmates was a tall girl with dark brown hair who I remember well even though she isn't from real life.  The dream jumped ahead to a later day when I was part of a select few who got to go on a trip under the sea for a tour of an underwater science lab guided by the veteran diver and were treated to a meal made of sea creatures.  When we were outside of the base we wore breathing devices over our mouths and eyes.

The sea creature meal didn't agree with the girl I mentioned before.  A diarrhea attack forced her to put on a breathing device and swim out to an outhouse about a hundred yards from the air lock.  Out the window I could see her using the outhouse, and with a scanner I had (something out of the Predator movies) I could see the gasses she was releasing into the water in tiny dissolved bubbles.  When she came back in she immediately had to go back out again.  This time she was in the outhouse so long her air ran low, and she had to come back to the base to refill her breathing device before continuing her business.  But she couldn't make it to the base without losing control, and on the way she soiled herself, creating a large brown cloud in the water.

I also never wrote up the nyou dream I had around Halloween.  I wrote and filmed a movie about a blond girl (8th grader) who turns into a witch at night.  On her 1st night as a witch she made herself a witches' brew that has so much capsacin and other toxins that it would kill a human, and ate it all with a box of saltines.  But before this she put on a diaper just in case the brew was too much even for her witch digestive system (she had only just become a witch, after all).  She also swallowed a bunch of golf balls, since witches eat golf balls.  In the morning she became a well-behaved little nonmagical girl again and didn't remember anything.  But she woke up with a weird feeling inside her pyjamas and discovered the was wearing diapers full of diarrhea and excreted golf balls.  Then she remembered it all and I woke up.

There were a bunch of other events in eachof these dreams, but they aren't relevant to what we're here for.  Now if only I could have some nice dreams about girls peeing...  ;)
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I had weird dream last night, about designing a new game, for like a arcade room.

it was played by using a card deck, and that the cards played affected the other players.
I some how remember almost everything about how the game was played too.

there was a drain on a tile floor, and four seats around a clear table, the seats had like a bucket at the back and at the front a hole with a little slope down to the floor.

well it was weird dream, but anyone to hear more just say so.