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Nyou Dreams

Started by Jimmy Olsen, October 24, 2007, 10:06:22 PM

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I did have some strange dream last night, though I can't recall all the details. It was hard to remember, but I was either in the head of a girl, or in that sort of following camera perspective (not like a candid film, more like how it follows in a scene) as she had to take a huge dump.....

Am I the only one who wishes Remembrals or whatever those memory recovery things from Harry Potter were? Oh... to think of all the things we could remember from our dreams :kawaii:
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

I had a weird dream the other night where I called this woman I was courting "Goldie" because the first time I saw her she was "letting loose a golden stream."  The weird part is that she was a goldfinch, I was a parrot, and we were in a Disney movie.  ???
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I had a weird dream where I was at a huge lake and me my lil sis and her friend was camping there, I think we had been there for a week and was still staying for another week, and we was playing in the water and then my sis's friend fell asleep on a float mat thing in the water under some shade she was there for maybe two hours when she starts mumbling in her sleep, when I go to check on her she just laying there pissing in her sleep, after she stops I go get another float and then put her out in the the lake and get on my float and hang on to her float as we drift off into the middle of the lake then about 15 mins latter she wakes up, then she wakes me up from my pretend sleep, then saying we are in the middle of the lake, I'm like how we get out here?, she's like I dunno we must have drifted, then shes like was need to hurry and get back, I'm like ok but why hurry? then she like gets red in the face and then she like just hurry, I'm say ok whatever then like 5 mins latter shes like all fidgeting I'm like whats wrong she goes nothing, then I ask you sure? she don't answer then I ask do you need to poop she the slowly nods anyways she ends up taking a dump off the side of her float somehow I think she was sitting with her butt hanging off in the water, and  take huge dump  I'm like is she ever going to be done for like 15 min and there a whole bunch of turds floating in the water, then I wake up

well I'm might have filled in some with parts couldn't remember too much but there ya go.

Jimmy Olsen

I had a dream the other night that I was watching a pair of archeologists, a man and a woman, collect artifacts.  The woman needed to relieve herself, but there were no restrooms around because the building was a tomb.  They had to sneak the artifacts out, because some men with cutlasses would kill them and take the stuff if they found out what was going on, so the woman was given a bunch of golden items to hide in her baggy canvas pants.  One was an oil lamp, which gave her an idea.  She positioned it just right inside her pants and discretely emptied her bladder into it (apparently she wasn't wearing undies). 

When she went to empty it out later she discovered there was a Genie inside.  She asked, "Do I get 3 wishes?"  The Genie was mad at her, and said, "Instead of granting you 3 wishes, I'm cursing you with 3 humiliating misfortunes."  I woke up before I could see these misfortunes.  :(
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Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on February 05, 2010, 09:20:33 PM
I had a weird dream the other night where I called this woman I was courting "Goldie" because the first time I saw her she was "letting loose a golden stream."  The weird part is that she was a goldfinch, I was a parrot, and we were in a Disney movie.  ???'ll KNOW that our fetish has reached "mainstream" the day something like that happens! :D

Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: Quagmire on April 08, 2010, 09:20:29 PM
Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on February 05, 2010, 09:20:33 PM
I had a weird dream the other night where I called this woman I was courting "Goldie" because the first time I saw her she was "letting loose a golden stream."  The weird part is that she was a goldfinch, I was a parrot, and we were in a Disney movie.  ???'ll KNOW that our fetish has reached "mainstream" the day something like that happens! :D

A Disney movie with explicit female peeing will be a milestone indeed.  But it would be better if it weren't a furry fetish too (or is that "feathery" when it's birds? ???).

I had two Nyou dreams this morning when I fell asleep after turning off my alarm.  In the first one I was watching a black and white sci-fi show (or maybe the whole dream was black and white, I don't know) where everything besides the people seemed to be made from Legos.  The heroine was dressed like a member of M-Tron (the guys with "M" logos here:, but with some changes made to adapt it to a costume for an actress.  The main suit had vertically oriented strips of white and black cloth, with the dividing line running down the center of each leg.  This one-piece costume, or jumpsuit, or whatever you call it, was called something special in this dream, possibly a term not used in real life.  She wore a jacket somewhat like the ones in Star Trek II-VI, with an M-Tron logo, over the top of the jumpsuit-thing, but it ended high enough that you could tell the jumpsuit-thing was one piece.  She was in her 20s or late teens and had black shoulder-length hair with bangs and poofiness down below, sort of an '80s hairstyle.  And she had a sidekick, a spritely blonde in her early to mid teens who was dressed in a totally different futuristic outfit that I don't think was Lego-related.

Anyway, there were these big vehicles on this empty planet, and these women went into a big rover to find it unmanned but automated by an evil computer.  The girls were bound with technological restraints and put on a conveyer belt inside the massive vehicle.  For some reason, the computer wanted the older woman's feces, which it called "manure."  So she was forcibly given an enema by one robotic appendage, while robotic manacles clamped on her thighs and ankles and forced her into a squatting position on the conveyer belt.  She relented and released the manure, producing a bulge in her pants the size of a roast chicken.  Her sidekick received the same treatment and wound up with a smaller bulge in her own futuristic pants.  I, the viewer, wondered how the computer was going to get the manure out of the women's pants, and how it gave them enemas at all while their pants were on.

The dream ended before these questions were answered, but I had another Nyou dream that night.  I was downloading pictures from an anime to my flash disc on my mom's computer.  I was going to erase the history once I was done, because the pictures were racy.  The show was about a group of girlfriends (girls who are friends, not lesbians) who had adventures together.  They were united by their common fascination with wearing and using diapers.  There was also a kind of catty rivalry with this other girl, who was also into diapers despite being the antagonist of sorts.  Besides the diaper aspect, it was a nice clean feelgood show about camaraderie and love, sort of like Love Hina.  I didn't finish my downloads, and had to leave the house because something urgent came up.  When I got back, my mother had beaten me there, so my web history was in danger of being discovered.  But that was mooted by a worse catastrophe: The malfunctioning printer had printed a bunch of the anime pictures for no reason, and the odds were very good that some of these printouts, which my mom had seen, showed the girls' diaper hobby. 

I woke up and was relieved that this humiliation wasn't my real life.  But then I was frightened to find I'd overslept by 48 minutes.   :'(
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Jimmy Olsen

I took a nap in the middle of the day today, and I had a dream that I should write into a story, or adapt to be part of a longer fantasy text.  I remember it very clearly, especially the dialog.

I was in a house in the middle of the country, eating a formal dinner at a big table with about 15 other people.  Me and the other men were in fine suits, and all the women were wearing uncomfortable-looking dresses that touched the floor, but they looked gorgeous.  The women weren't supposed to speak unless they were spoken to, and there were various different types of knives, forks, and glasses, and we were expected to know what each one was for without asking.  One type of glass looked more like a vase, and the women and men were served different types, which differed in the lips.

One young lady wasn't showing good manners, but I found her behavior more cute than off-putting.  She had lots of freckles, and she grinned while she was supposed to be stoic.  But her more serious faux pas was asking too many awkward questions.

"What goes in these glasses?" she asked, pointing to her vase.

"Nothing," an older woman replied.

"Then why are they here?"

"It's a tradition."

"But why?"

"In the old days it was considered rude to leave the table to use the bathroom before dinner was over."

"Oh," the young woman said, grinning as she realized that these were for peeing in.

The old woman also explained that the glasses set on this table were very old, and had been in the family for perhaps as much as ten generations.

"But wasn't it inconvenient to use these?" the young woman asked.

"No.  People didn't wear underwear back then, and men wore skirts."

A man spoke up then to correct her, saying that men in this country never wore "skirts," but "pantless dinner suits."

"But what did they do if they had to go more than once?"

"The glasses are so big that that was never a problem."

"I bet I could overflow one," the young woman said.  I think the dream ended there, unfortunately.
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Certainly sounds like a fun idea to either spin off into a random original story, or maybe even connect into that one Sailor Moon story you did (Usagi certainly seems ditzy enough to not understand proper, more formal manners and would probably mistake an empty plant vase for a chamber pot, lol).
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

Usagi peeing in a vase is the stuff of L.O.L., and may be no sillier than the things she does in the actual show.  But I don't think that's how I want to adapt this story.

Thanks for taking the time to write a suggestion, though.  I don't get many of those.
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Well definately an idea to file away in the off chance you do find yourself coming up short with a good plot/setting for the fully realized story (granted if you do decided to actually make it happen).
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

Although I love the premise of the dream (former chamber pots used for strictly decorative purposes in otherwise prudish setting, chick with big bladder overflowing one to prove it's possible), your idea of a clueless chick peeing in a vase is more attractive the more I think about it.  I think it would work best for someone who's just been introduced to "normal" society, like an alien or somebody like that.  I'm thinking like the scene in The Little Mermaid where Ariel uses a fork as a comb, only 100 times as awkward.  ;D

My problem is I have too many ideas like this and not enough finished stories.
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Well there's also always Aelita (pre-season 2 finale), Melfina in her early stages of "life", I think that Aegis robot from Persona 3 may be unfamiliar with human mannerisms. Don't forget it could work for our lovely ditz's like Usagi and Mihoshi, both being so clueless they'd probably pooped their own pants if they forgot to pull them down, lol.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

I don't know Persona 3, and I'd rather not write a fic for Outlaw Star or Code Lyoko.  But if you want to write a fic where a clueless girl pees in a vase, go for it.  :)

Speaking of Usagi, I'd love to know what you think of my newest path. ^-^ I'd also take a new Sailor Moon request into consideration, provided it's a pretty simple plot/scene.  I think I now have a pretty good handle on the characters of Usagi, Ami, and Rei.
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Definately nice. Glad to see another continuation, esespecially since Sailor Moon is just for our fetishes (heheheh, *evil grin*)
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: OrpheumZero on July 17, 2010, 12:56:37 AM
...Sailor Moon is just for our fetishes (heheheh, *evil grin*)

She is?  ???
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