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Messages - Teesle

General Discussion / It's a comic !
January 12, 2010, 07:22:50 AM
Yes, I know, a comic is maybe not the right medium for this site, buu~t I've done so little and not as much as I wanted to in the time since I last posted something here. So I'll post it anyway, just to show that I did,... "something".
It's a little collaboration between me and a fallow-minded individual. If this little preview is to your liking gents, I may post more.
Feedback, critique and of course praise is encouraged.

First, have filler/concept art :

Now, have some comic as main dish :

I sincerely hope no one minds the cliffhanger ; )
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XIII Themes
March 16, 2009, 07:07:37 AM
Quote from: Toasty on December 03, 2008, 10:55:42 PM
I have to admit, I had an ulterior motive for voting for the diaper theme...I was betting on the remote chance that maybe it would encourage Teesle to finish his awesome Metroid diaper story. Here's hoping!

Work and school is crushing this little flower beneath it's weight, but I shall see what i can do for internet fame ^^'',

is this all still happneing, found this thread through the new Lucky Star fic
Past Contest Topics / Re: Themes for Contest IX
May 17, 2008, 05:01:17 PM
I'm still at a metroid story atm ... so, i put it on "my list" ... I think.
A them, ok ... what about some magical bladder infections? ?. o
Past Contest Topics / Re: Themes for Contest IX
May 16, 2008, 09:59:15 AM
A battle between two girl magicians, where every spell makes her pee or poop a little ( which should be normal in the context ). One weares a diaper, gets banned for cheating after the combat and lusts for revenge ... is this too detailed ?
Quote from: Anime Lover on May 01, 2008, 02:20:04 PM
what do you mean you mean by 'the girl's get too loli'

When they have no sign of sexual development ( no breasts, no curves at all), Chiyo Mihama from Azumanga Daioh is a good example for my point of view. I'm just not comfortable reading stories involving characters like these
Suggestions / Re: Warcraft Category
May 04, 2008, 04:57:23 AM
I don't need no new  ideas .... I need feedback and encouragement, especially the later ...
People, you have to tell me what you think of it, it would be helpful for my ongoing thought process
Past Contest Topics / Re: Themes for contest VIII
May 02, 2008, 02:33:57 PM
Now, this are some original ideas, but you should consider that it's now even harder for all the others to imagine something new xD
General Discussion / Re: Chapter info
May 01, 2008, 05:18:28 PM
Especially the stories with about 65 chapters ( and more ), could use that, it would be appreciated
I thought your story was very well written, and it helped me a lot, that there was actually more to the plot then monotonous descriptions of fetish masturbation without any development for whatever. I hope it's still appropriate, and gives you a little motivation.
I got a little inspired myself from this one, and As someone might have already seen, try to establish this whole warcraft thingy .

The mayor critic point that I have around this whole "saga" is the huge amount of different "warning content", with the most I, or anyone, wouldn't have a problem, the vomit parts, ... just read over it, who does not like it, bondage ... still ... okay, most of the time. But when whenever there is a dick on the girl, or the girls get too loli, I get a little uncomfortable.
It's just that I think that it could be hard ( and it's definetly for me )for the most to really enjoy the "plot" who're not into such a huge variety of different sexual content.

Suggestions / Re: Warcraft Category
May 01, 2008, 06:19:45 AM
Lady Liadrin is already a Character from World of Warcraft, and I don't think it would be a very good Idea to use the Setting of "WoW", 'cause it got pretty random and a tidbit stupid from there. As I said, no problem with some original ones, a female grunt, or a troll mistress or whatsoever. My personal opinion about this is, that the Roleplay, and especially the erotic Roleplay, is often, much to clownish in "WoW".

I think there is in much space for some panty poop/wet pants/magic diapers/farting and so on stuff in this franchise, as magic side effects, or that some of the wilder races ( such as the orcs and trolls ) just don't care, or the night elves don't want to befoul there beloved forest with their feces, so they carry it around in there pants instead.

Suggestions / Warcraft Category
April 30, 2008, 06:03:20 AM
I don't know if we're limited to Anime Ficitions or not, so i just wanted to throw in the suggestion of some Fantasy Stories from the Warcraft universe.
We've got a lot of different elven girls, and this alone, should be enough motivation for the most, right : P ? and it would be a nice alternative in my opinion.

As main characters could : Jaina Proudmoore, Sylvanas Windrunner ( possibly the still living one I suppose ), Tyrande, Lady Liadrin of the Blood Knights, Maiev or even some original ones be used. So, if someone wants to use Orc or Troll Girls, that's alright as well I think, but there aren't any real female celebrities from these races.

I would appreciate feedback about my Idea, and who is interested in it, perhaps I could finally get creative myself if I had an audiance