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Story Contest XIII Themes

Started by Duce, November 02, 2008, 12:01:01 AM

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0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.


Still in Diapers
3 (60%)
0 (0%)
Classroom desperation
1 (20%)
0 (0%)
Sharing a roll
1 (20%)
You're banned!
0 (0%)
Going outoddors
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: December 01, 2008, 01:04:00 AM

Jimmy Olsen

I don't see any good reason why we shouldn't have a peeing only contest.  I have several reasons why we should have one.

1. The other peeing only contest spawned 4 entries (and without being extended, I.I.R.C.). 

2. From what I can tell, all the major fic-writers and most of the members overall have at least some interest in pee stories.

3. A new peeing only contest could be balanced out by having a pooping only contest the following month.

That being said, I would like to use the diaper theme for Contest XIII and postpone the peeing only theme until the next one.
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Which peeing-only contest had 4 entries  ??? it looks like contest IV was the peeing-only contest and it's listed as only having three. Maybe i'm missing something.

In anycase, 1 seems like a weak arguement to me. Why would people be more inclined to enter a pee only contest over a contest in which they could do a pee story or a poop story? The option is there for peeing, what is the extra incentive that provokes more entries by forcing pee only?

2. Again, nothing is stopping anyone from doing a pee story if they want. Why force them to?

3. Two wrongs, yadda-yadda. I'm just as opposed to "poop-only" contests as I am to "pee-only."

In any case, I don't wanna raise a stink about it. Just let it be known that I will not be voting for a "pee/poop only" theme :P.

If you own a PS3, download the demo. Give this game a shot. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Jimmy Olsen

There were 4 entries in Contest IV.  Mine, yours, Orpheum's, and Anime Lover's.
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Theme: Sharing a roll

Description: two (or more) bathroom partners have to share a roll of paper. Possible setups can be Asuka and Rei, Ayeka and Ryoko for some possible tensions over the precious utility or any other setup.


Theme: You're banned! (poop only)

Description: A janitor at a school/mall/restaurant/wherever is tired of a specific toilet always being clogged at his place of work, and decides to find the culprit using a camera/hide in a closet/stall and spy. Unfortunately unable to prevent another severe blockage, the sinner is still exposed and banned from the premices.


Theme: Going outoddors

Description: No facilities available. Can be anything from hanging butts off a fallen tree log, going in someones garden or just squatting in the wild.


I have to admit, I had an ulterior motive for voting for the diaper theme...I was betting on the remote chance that maybe it would encourage Teesle to finish his awesome Metroid diaper story. Here's hoping!

Jimmy Olsen

When was the poll put up?  I never saw it.  ???
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Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on December 04, 2008, 02:17:10 PM
When was the poll put up?  I never saw it.  ???

yeah I think most didn't notice, but I put it up Nov. 15th.

Jimmy Olsen

Oh well.  The one I was going to vote for won anyway.

But yeah, when you edit the thread to add a poll you should probably also add new post announcing it.  Otherwise it looks like nothing on the thread is new.
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Quote from: Toasty on December 03, 2008, 10:55:42 PM
I have to admit, I had an ulterior motive for voting for the diaper theme...I was betting on the remote chance that maybe it would encourage Teesle to finish his awesome Metroid diaper story. Here's hoping!

Work and school is crushing this little flower beneath it's weight, but I shall see what i can do for internet fame ^^'',

is this all still happneing, found this thread through the new Lucky Star fic


Quote from: Teesle on March 16, 2009, 07:07:37 AM
Quote from: Toasty on December 03, 2008, 10:55:42 PM
I have to admit, I had an ulterior motive for voting for the diaper theme...I was betting on the remote chance that maybe it would encourage Teesle to finish his awesome Metroid diaper story. Here's hoping!

Work and school is crushing this little flower beneath it's weight, but I shall see what i can do for internet fame ^^'',

is this all still happneing, found this thread through the new Lucky Star fic

Please please finish that story, I'll draw you anything you want. ;D