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Messages - Linkx

General Discussion / Re: Looking for DnD players/
June 30, 2015, 09:59:05 PM
You get to experiance the incredible unbelievable outstandingly... bad dming of me Linkx writer averagonaire~
Commissions / Re: A Friend to Write With Request :)
January 01, 2013, 01:54:05 AM
Don't be afraid, what's the worst that can happen? Depending on what you're looking to write about I'd be willing to write.
General Discussion / Re: Short Stories
August 15, 2011, 09:15:16 PM
Newest one up, and it's a true story! She wants comments, while I'm content to just tell her the read count if she hears from the readers she'll write more!
General Discussion / Re: Short Stories
July 08, 2011, 03:57:41 AM
Finally stopped bveing such a cheesedick and put up two more, also they aren't written by me. They are written by my girlfriend.
General Discussion / Re: Short Stories
July 05, 2011, 04:26:12 AM
I have more but I am a lazy bastard, I will put some more up tomorrow I promise, exhausted right now x.X 6 hour drive back from Vegas.

edit: Something came up, i'll put more of her stories up tomorrow.
General Discussion / Short Stories
May 26, 2011, 04:23:06 AM
Shameless plug. So far typed up three of them and many more to come. They are written by my girlfriend as gifts to me.

Upcoming stories  featuring pantypoop more desperation, fear wetting and more!

She'dd be delighted with any comments. If you've got any requests or scenarios involving wetting/messing you'd like let me know and maybe I can coerce her into doing something for me

Quote from: sharkbait407 on October 21, 2010, 06:08:48 PM
Hah, oh man. You're simultaneously the luckiest and unluckiest man I've ever seen. 'Grats! :P

Yeah haha, the real story was quite good and better than she initially led me to believe. It's also become a sort of running joke between her family and comes up often although only myself and my grilfriend know who really enjoys it the most hehe ;)
Quote from: livinginfinite on August 26, 2010, 10:26:10 PM
Lucky man. Can't wait to hear the full story. Take pictures for me next's alright, I'm an artist.

Joking, joking.

haha well during the conversation she told me to check my email so i did and saw it had an attachment and I was dreaming of a picture but it was just a picture of use form a while ago hehe but to be honest if a girl has an accident I think memorializing it for posterity is the last thing on her mind.

Don't make me twist your arm till you draw me a pic, she does have an anime oc.
General Discussion / A genuine female accident... but
August 26, 2010, 06:55:27 PM
I missed it! Let me preface this little story with just a little info about my girlfriend and I. We've been dating for 4+ years now, nearing 5 we were high school sweethearts. Anyway she knows about my fetish(s) and I know about hers we're pretty open with each other and she's been very accepting and just about the best gf I could ask for. She wets for me when I ask her to every so often but unfortunately has not pooped herself.... until now.

     She went to Europe for a few weeks this summer and is in her last week there. We've been talking in emails and during this past week she had internet access and told me when she would be on so we could talk through instant messages. So this past Tuesday I was sitting at home, luckily I don't work on Tuesdays and I sign on and see her online, I began the conversation with my usual hey due to the fact that she was sharing her laptop with her mom and sister and as I would have guessed her sister tells me she's in the shower and will be on shortly. Alright whatever no big deal I go back to playing whatever game I was occupying myself with.

     Eventually she gets on and greets me and I ask hows it going and she replies utterly embarrassed.... Well now this has my attention and I start thinking what could possibly be the cause of that, my inner pervert already gone through the multitude of fantasy situations and threw them out as impossible. But then she tells me that she doesn't think I want to hear it while at work and this peaks my attention luckily I remind her that I do not work on Tuesdays, my minds starting to quicken could it have possibly been? Noooo now way but just maybe..... She then responds that she doesn't think I want to hear it without her there..... at this point I'm grinning ear to ear excited like a kid on Christmas, my mind was a flurry of activity my stomach literally hurt with anticipation and then..... then she types one sentence that validates everything I was thinking. "..... Ya know that thing you always wanted to happen to me" my mouth literally hit the floor.

     We talked for a little while a little about her accident but she didn't want to say much because she's saving the story for when she gets back to tell me in person ;) , she did mention though that her and her sister almost pissed themselves because they were laughing so hard about it. Anyway, as if I already didn't miss my girlfriend enough I still have to wait till Sunday to hear possibly the best story ever and she has quite a few as she was a little accident prone when she was younger. Why oh why didn't I go with them it makes me want to cry out to the heavens but I digress hopefully she will see it wasn't a big deal and it will lower her inhibitions about doing it for me in the future but FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I missed my girlfriend shit her pants goddamnit!  :'(
General Discussion / Re: Lyrics to songs.
June 25, 2010, 02:25:45 AM
As a guitarist/song writer I know how difficult it is. My lyrics are generally meh and to quote Steel panther "sound like Dr Seuss" meaning I usually end up writing in a simple aabb rhyme scheme or abba which makes me -_-.......

Granted I've never listened to the song as I don't really care for anime except for use in my own perversions hehe but the lyrics read well, good diction strong theme seem like solid lyrics to me.
Commissions / Re: A Request For OrpheumZero!!!
October 06, 2009, 02:09:59 AM
Was lurking like normal and found the Queen's Blade episode with the two wetting scenes, I thought they were pretty good If anyone's interested, the first is at 3:38 she is being choked and the second is at 18:40 and she wets herself out of fear, who doesn't love a good fear wetting.

It's got a pretty rough english translation but it's decent enough to where to can figure out what's going on.