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Hey guys, could I ask a favor?

Started by Westman15, May 13, 2012, 05:59:17 PM

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isn't deviantart just about deleting comments and removing negativity anyway
couldn't you have just blocked and deleted


Sorry, I know this thread has already gotten more attention then it deserves, but I can't help adding to it just a little more...
Because I gotta ask, first you say that this person was annoying and you blocked her, then you say that you were having fun and was invoking her, so I guess you were trying to invoke her by blocking her...? And then your solution to said annoying trolling is... for us to do the exact same thing to her. Bit childish don't ya think? You might wanna look into some quotes by Gandhi, especially the one about becoming blind.

The best analogy I can give to this situation is that it's like you were walking with your friends, then stepped in shit as all your friends laughed at you. And instead of just scrapping the shit off and ignoring the situation you tried to laugh with your friends at your own expense. But instead of them finding it funny that you were joking around, you came off as incredibly weird, awkward, and a little pathetic... so your friends turned and kept walking, not caring whether you were with them or not. Sorry if that's a bit harsh, but that's just my opinion.


Of course it's childish. That was the whole point. She was acting childish, I acted childish. That's why I unblocked her because simply ignoring a troll isn't any fun.

The key here is having fun, like I said, whether YOU yourselves find it amusing or not isn't relevant. It's only if I, me,  find it to be amusing. So we had a back and forth and both sides ended up having a blast in our own little way.

I invited you guys along to see if you wanted to join in, you didn't, which is perfectly fine.

And Slusho, again, why would I deny my fun by removing her permanently? Like I said we're on good terms now, so clearly it worked out, I'd rather MAKE a friend then block and ignore someone, I mean, you can pretend the person isn't there but you know deep down they are and it still bothers you, so why not seize the moment and instead of being one of those "better men" why not just have a little fun?

It doesn't matter anymore as it is, it's over.
Kick that kinky shit out the door and just be you!


Quote from: Westman15 on May 16, 2012, 06:00:46 PM
It doesn't matter now, the back and forth has ended. I told her exactly what I was doing and we came down to an understanding. I'd say now we're actually on good terms. Everything I did was a ploy in order to invoke my own warped sense of fun, it was strange, I know, but nevertheless the most fun time I've had in a while. The fact that you found me creepy was exactly how I intended myself to be perceived.

sure thing...


Hey dude, you can take it or leave it. And that's the idea. Who REALLY knows if I'm telling the truth or not... but that's just it. Either way you won't ever have that answer because this is the Internet, the internet doesn't work in absolutes. If you want absolutes, stick to reality.

But again, again, and again, we're on good terms and it's over.
Kick that kinky shit out the door and just be you!


you don't understand. i'm 100% sure that you are creepy and not on purpose.