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I poke your creative spot!

Started by yarr, September 20, 2008, 01:23:00 AM

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This is where I'll post my project ideas and possible story (and pic.) suggestions as we discussed.

My current projects are:

-The Avatar Katara and Toph outhouse buddy dump idea I offered to Poowrite years ago then took back and have done nothing with. :-[   I actually have almost half of this written.

-An answer to the "Integra's dignity" challenge that I've been promising all year.  I have one page written and most of it in my head already, I'm just stuck on one part. :'(

-A response to the "Alien toilet" challenge from the Teen Titans universe.  (I always wanted to do one of those "potty training" stories).  I'd like to try picking some more challenges to do.

-Something from the Tenchi universe based around the idea of ?Girls sharing a bathroom having to go in someone eles's stink?.  Note: This is not a response to Jimmy's ?Unlikely buddys? challenge, I would still love to see somebody do that one. :kawaii:

-Some time I would like to work on a Gunsmith Cats epic.  What I have in mind would be a real action plot right out of the series and even parodying some of the artist's own humor.  The plot would span several chapters with each of the girls in the series getting her time on the can in the midst of the action and feature Rally taking the most amazing dump of her life.

-If I ever get all that done, I want to try a series of stories based on some of Micro's classic pics. that where rediscovered last year.  A few of these already have specific stories for them, and I would like to try expanding that.  The Fooly Cooly, Inu-Yasha, Trigun and Ranma 1/2 pics. would all make amazing stories so feel free to try them yourself as I probably won't get to them for years (if ever.)  As far as I know the collection is still up at;

If not, tell me and I'll put it back up.


Quote from: DrBones on October 04, 2008, 02:54:49 PM

-An answer to the "Integra's dignity" challenge that I've been promising all year.  I have one page written and most of it in my head already, I'm just stuck on one part. :'(

That's cool that you've got something on it, I was starting to wonder if anybody would do most of my challenges. If you need any pointers on Integra 101, I can give ya some.

As for me, it's kinda more random with what I do. But here are some general ideas I've got in store:

* Chapter 5 of the Sakura series (once Yarr finishes pt. 4)

* One Piece 'filler arc' that would involve Nami and possibly Robin taking a dump at various parts.

* Silent Hill story featuring Heather pooping (It'll probably be a more humorous quasi parody simply because of the series just being too serious to try and make a sexual fetish element without being awkward)

* A sequel to my Yoshino story.

* An Eureka 7 story where Renton somehow, manages to watch Gidget, Talho and Eureka all take a dump in a single day through a strange and crazy series of events. I may even find some way to throw a bit with Anemone as well.

* A follow up to my Tenchi Story, "No Need for Desperation!"

* A third "Rachel's Crisis" (Which I'm sure some people have been hoping for ;))

* Totally Spies buddy dump adventure.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet



I have a new story up!!  ;D ;D ;D

Well, I guess I got one out this year.  Better than three years for the last one. :012:

I won't pretend this is as good as "Pride and Privacy", I just wanted to do something "quick" to answer a challenge (thanks Jimmy), and have more than one up.  I would still like to be a real writer here someday.  I tried to do this one more "Orpheum Style", ie. on the computer first instead of written out and trying to keep revisions to a minimum.

My next project will be finishing the Avatar, Hellsing or Tenchi fics. or my first Micro pic. story based on the Ranma pic. "One lucky pig" with Ryoga as P-chan sitting on Akane's lap wile she's on the pot. :kawaii: ;)

I noticed that the Avatar story I have in mind fits pretty closely with daps "No Privacy" challenge, but not exactly perfect.  After I get it done, I would like to see if he'll let me add it as a challenge.

P.S. All those ideas sound great Orpheum, by now we've already seen the Rachel's Crisis follow up.  My vote is for Totally Spies buddy dump, (actually started one of those myself once...) :-[ It sounds fast and easy to finish before starting another major project like the One Piece idea (that I also like a lot).


Quote from: DrBones on November 30, 2008, 06:35:49 PM
I have a new story up!!  ;D ;D ;D

Well, I guess I got one out this year.  Better than three years for the last one. :012:

I won't pretend this is as good as "Pride and Privacy", I just wanted to do something "quick" to answer a challenge (thanks Jimmy), and have more than one up.  I would still like to be a real writer here someday.  I tried to do this one more "Orpheum Style", ie. on the computer first instead of written out and trying to keep revisions to a minimum.

My next project will be finishing the Avatar, Hellsing or Tenchi fics. or my first Micro pic. story based on the Ranma pic. "One lucky pig" with Ryoga as P-chan sitting on Akane's lap wile she's on the pot. :kawaii: ;)

I noticed that the Avatar story I have in mind fits pretty closely with daps "No Privacy" challenge, but not exactly perfect.  After I get it done, I would like to see if he'll let me add it as a challenge.

P.S. All those ideas sound great Orpheum, by now we've already seen the Rachel's Crisis follow up.  My vote is for Totally Spies buddy dump, (actually started one of those myself once...) :-[ It sounds fast and easy to finish before starting another major project like the One Piece idea (that I also like a lot).

Yea, I know all about that. I guess I've got a Asimov complex, I don't really like redos. Excpet ol' Issac never rewrote any of his works at all as far as I recall.  :P

Can't wait to see the Hellsing story. I've been dying (pun) to see someone tackle my little challenge for a long time.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

Great story, Dr. Bones! ^_^ I hope you will answer more challenges in the future.

Since this seems to be the place where everyone is posting their forthcoming projects, I guess I'll talk about mine.  My first priority is finishing part 2 of my Shinobu Trilogy.  It's been over 2 years since I began it, but there's really nothing preventing me from finishing it in just a couple hours.  Once my laptop is fixed and I can use my word processor properly, I'll try to devote all my spare time to finishing that.  And of course, once part 2 is done I'll post part 1 with it.

Besides that, there are the 3 projects listed in my sig.  One is Poowrite's well-written but unfinished ghost story that he sent me.  I've written an outline for my ending, but haven't written it yet.  Then there are 2 brief, shallow stories, both almost finished.  One shows the consequences of a long car trip with no pit stops (never let the person with the largest bladder drive), and the other is about a girl out getting some excercise when nature calls, and every restroom she can walk to seems to have something wrong with it that prevents her relief.

Then I have a couple ideas that I haven't started writing.  One is a section from a futuristic sci-fi story that deals with "waste elimination," one is a character development scene from my novel that shows my main character undergoing some humiliation at school, and I also may write a short story based on a dream I had about having to use a unisex bathroom crowded with desperate cheerleaders.
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