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Poopy pic contest - spread the word!

Started by yarr, March 06, 2009, 06:29:09 AM

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1st prize wish ~ A comic featuring my lovely Yoshino *From Digimon Savers* taking nice relaxing poo after a hard days work of fighting rogue digimon and dealing with Marcus and Thomas' usual crap. I would say she's mildly constipated, but overall has an enjoyable dump. The bathroom would be a basic clean one with a plain but comfortable look to it.

2nd prize wish ~ Picture of Lady from Devil May Cry squeezing out a nice fat one that's been saved up over a week of devil hunting. A slightly rustic looking bathroom *basically whatever the restroom in Dante's office would look like, given it's more older design structure*

3rd prize wish ~ A portrait of Winry from Fullmetal Alchemist seated on the toilet, looking a little flushed since she's been pulling an all-nighter and really really really has to poop and pee like you wouldn't believe.

I hope that the artist be willing to draw up pictures for the winners of the other contest series, it would certainly be another great way to get more participation in everything.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

The drawing I'd love is a prim and proper-looking, cute, ornately-dressed Victorian lady, with her dress lifted up and her various undergarments pulled down, peeing an intense stream into a chamber pot, with a look of extreme relief on her face.  ^_^
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Whoops, I stopped paying attention for a few days and everybody beat me to it and already posted their wishes! I'll have to catch up.

3rd Place Wish: Frontal view of Selphie, of FFVIII fame, in her yellow outfit, sitting on the toilet. Her panties are around her ankles, her legs are spread, and she's pushing out a fat log onto a pile underneath her, with obvious relief.

2nd Place Wish: Same as third, but larger and with more detail.

1st Place Wish: A one page comic of Fran going through the steps outlined in my story. I'll PM you the details if this comes to pass.


PM away, the idea is nobody will know the winners until I throw out the drawings  ;D


Hear ye hear ye.

Just a note that the drawings will take some time to be ready. I will announce the winner(s) and the drawings at the same time.

Meanwhile people can post what their wish for a story would be should they be the 1st prize winner. I'm finishing up a request story and can start work on the prize story pretty soon if the wishes are laid out.


*Observes the tumbleweeds blowing by*

*Stares at the horizon in silence*

*Loos at another tumbling tumblweed*

*Whips out a harmonica and starts to play it very off tune*


*Finishes playing and puts away the harmonica*

So, what sotries whould you like to hear?

*Vulture screech the only reply*

Starts playing the harmonica again

Jimmy Olsen

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Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on May 31, 2009, 08:39:29 PM
*is confused*  ???

*Jumps out of a trash can, singing "Living in the Sunlight, Loving in the Moonlight. Only to then be struck by Optimus Prime seconds later*
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


*vulture screeches again, then explodes into cloud of feathers*

*cut to Toasty holding a smoking D Eagle*

So anyway, I've been thinking and my story request would be a tale starring the lovely Selphie Tilmitt. She's one of my favorite ladies, and although she's been featured in a few stories, she has yet to star in one all her own. She's a very perky, bubbly character, slightly airheaded, and a little clumsy, the kind that's always fun to watch in the bathroom. I don't really care about the details too much, but my favorite scenarios are:

- pantypooping
- overflowing a toilet with poop
- pooping on the floor

I'm sure this will shock everyone, as I featured these three things rather prominently in my last Fran story. Also, preferred costumed is her lovely trademark yellow mini dress. But, those are just suggestions, feel free to go nuts. Link for character and image reference:


*Alphonse Elrics run through the streets like a maniac*

Al: The Prophecy has been fulfilled!

*Transforms into a can of Mountain Dew.... That explodes*

My previous wishes still stand, but if I had to request something else, mayhaps a story featuring Aya from Parasite Eve. There certainly is potential in a pants pooping/wetting story when everyones starts 'sploding, melting, and animnals turnin' inta monsters.

*Is picked off by an SVD riffle*
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

Just to clarify, my request is what I would want for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.  Whether it's a detailed color picture with a background, a simple black and white picture with no background, or something in between, that's still what I'd love to see!  ;D
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So yarr, if you're still reading these forums, there's something I've been meaning to ask you.

Even in light of the indefinite hiatus you'll be going on, you're still going to post the results of the contest, right? RIGHT??!

*head explodes, regenerates, Deadpool style*

Not to sound impatient or anything, but the suspense is killing me!


Yes I am. The artist took a break but they're coming.


For my personal story request, I'd say something involving two characters, one of whom is trying to avoid detection by the other (this could be anything from a girl sneaking out of detention to a jewel thief in a museum at night) and both of them need to be desperate at some point for bowel relief (and now the jewel thief thing is giving me an idea, so if you don't do that one, once I finish Schizo I'll probably do something involving that). My thing's always been poop, but I'm not against peeing descriptions as well, provided that the main theme is poop desperation at some point for both the pursuer and the pursued. As if it needs to be said (it doesn't), both characters would be female. My preference would be mid twenties for age but you can go younger or older (though I'd prefer if you didn't go younger than college age since that's what I like, no offense to those who are loli/HS fans).