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credits system

Started by Duce, August 11, 2009, 02:00:49 AM

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I'm thinking about adding a credits system to encourage more activity here, it would set up be able to award credits on posts, topics, stories, reviews, any thing find to be worth giving credits for.

only I can't think of much for what the credits could be used for besides of the very basic things it comes with.

whats yall guys thoughts on it.

Anime Lover

well what are the basic things it comes with?
also, it sounds like a nice idea
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well I've when ahead and added it, you can check out the shop for more details.

any ways still need ideas for new items. and maybe something different to call the credits, and any changes to the basic items already in shop

also you can only earn credits in the forums right now, earning them on the rest of the site is something I'm going to edit in myself when I have the time.

also I've given authors, site story authors, global mods, and admin, some credits to play with.

Anime Lover

where exactly is the shop, i can't seem to find it anywhere >_<
Total Projects: 463
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I can only say, Duce, that if you deny services to anyone based on low credits, be prepared for lots and lots of complaints.  People hate being denied porn and fanfics.  >_<;

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD


Maybe we could use this credits system to create a more formalized way of doing trades that would prevent the kind of stuff that made yarr so frustrated. You could commission a story from an author (or a picture from an artist, although there aren't as many of those on the forum) for an agreed amount of credits, and then the author could use the credits to buy a commission either from someone else. That way, people wouldn't be arguing about whether or not they "owe" anyone anything because there would be a tangible (well, not really tangible, but at least visible) reminder that a transaction took place.

Only problem I can foresee is that some jerks might try to spam posts or make otherwise worthless or poor quality posts to earn enough credits to commission a story/picture. I don't think any of our regulars would do this, but it's possible some unscrupulous newcomer might try to cheat the system in this way.

In that case, I think the only way to counteract that would be to make the fee prohibitively high, say 300 credits, so that it's very difficult for anyone to buy a story without getting payed for writing one.

Well, that's the first thing that came to mind anyway. What does everyone else think of this system?


Quote from: Anime Lover on August 11, 2009, 07:04:43 AM
where exactly is the shop, i can't seem to find it anywhere >_<

the link is up there next to the "my messages" link

but exactly it's here SHOP


Quote from: Toasty on August 11, 2009, 04:46:18 PM
Maybe we could use this credits system to create a more formalized way of doing trades that would prevent the kind of stuff that made yarr so frustrated. You could commission a story from an author (or a picture from an artist, although there aren't as many of those on the forum) for an agreed amount of credits, and then the author could use the credits to buy a commission either from someone else. That way, people wouldn't be arguing about whether or not they "owe" anyone anything because there would be a tangible (well, not really tangible, but at least visible) reminder that a transaction took place.

Only problem I can foresee is that some jerks might try to spam posts or make otherwise worthless or poor quality posts to earn enough credits to commission a story/picture. I don't think any of our regulars would do this, but it's possible some unscrupulous newcomer might try to cheat the system in this way.

In that case, I think the only way to counteract that would be to make the fee prohibitively high, say 300 credits, so that it's very difficult for anyone to buy a story without getting payed for writing one.

Well, that's the first thing that came to mind anyway. What does everyone else think of this system?

This has some good, and some bad potential. I mean, what is some artists or authors shirk off? Will they be "reminded" in a non-mafioso manner that the transaction need to be completed?
I'm not bothering with fics, since one person clearly CAN'T make a difference, here.

Toasty make a good point. Maybe there could be like, a half now, half later arrangement? Or actually, it would probably be easier to have the author do the story first, that way if they became really busy with something else like work or school, they could break off without any hard feelings. Then, when the story was done they would get the credits. If the buyer didn't pay up after the commission was complete, the moderators could handle it with fines, suspension, etc. I think it would be easier to make people pay, rather than to make people write stories.


I was thinking that as I read this thread, commissions for stories, pictures, etc would be a nice way to spend credits. Of we'd have to agree on a universal 'cost/price tag' for certain things (Like a *insert #word long story). It certainly would be a nice way to encourage the more lazy members to at least post in the threads, since I wouldn't be surprised if more than half of them have got ideas they want us to look at.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


well credits are now given for new stories and chapters.

credits for reviews and the interactive storys posts be added soon


Perhaps we can start establishing the prices by working out an exchange rate from pictures to stories? Because...I want one and I'll draw you whatever you want. Perhaps a picture is literally worth a thousand words? :p


Well that's certainly an idea, you pay so and so number of credits for the story, the author makes it, thus getting a good bonus to the amount given for the commission, then they exchange a fair fee to an artist for the picture. Thus no one is suddenly draining their bank dry and are already making a fair deal out of it.

At the same time, it would be cool to set up a price range for stories by their length. Given that most of us probably don't always bother to count the number of words *I don't know until I've finished something, :P* But if someone wants a story that long *like 5-8 pages in word* then it's priced at X-amount of creds; whereas something shorter would be obviously cheaper. And of course finer details like characters from certain manga, anime, or game, and certain plot details would require a certain fee.

It is kinda neat, the only other site I've seen do a semi-rpg thing is that G-E-Hentai site, and I didn't even realize it had things like monster encounters until a little while ago.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Hm...the only thing is that both parties would need enough credits to begin with. It almost seems it'd be easier to just arrange an exchange outside of the system.


btw if anyone wants to know what the site gives, it's you get 10 credits for a new story, and 8 for a new chapter,
then it gives .005 per character(not including html tags or extra spaces).

so for example a new story with 2500 or so words,  so lets multiply that by 5 to approx characters (most words are likely to be at lest 4 letters then of course all the spaces between the words, so 5)  thats 12500 characters approximately.

so we have
new story:  10
characters: 12500 * .005 = 62.50
total : 72.50

so this story would have got over 72.50 (there's probably about 1 or 2 or more thousand characters (ex. one story on here with 2542 words has about 14641 characters))

and yeah I didn't realize the monster encounters things until a couple months ago.  I could probably look into adding more rpg-like stuff anyone wants