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Something about the Japanese..

Started by yarr, August 14, 2009, 12:16:58 PM

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After seeing this, none of you are allowed to imply that my stories got unrealistically large dumps  ;D

Think I know where bluesniper got his inspiration for Tira from  8)

Seriously.. 9kg? And so tiny..

Some more

Anime Lover

well, that just means you can make your 'unrealistically large dumps' even bigger!
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Is that a request, my dear sir?

Careful what you wish for, you might get it!   ;D

Jimmy Olsen

I'm not sure if this is awesome or horrific.  :o

There's probably about a dozen separate fics people could extrapolate from this.  What I'm wondering is what it feels like for her to carry all that around in her little bitty frame while her digestive system works it through.  Not to mention what it could feel like if something or another prevented it from coming out for several days.
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Well, she doesn't seem to be distressed at all in the video, and it sounds like she does this kind of thing frequently, so my vote goes to "awesome".

Seriously, she's eating (and one can assume, excreting) about one fifth of her body weight in that video. That's crazy. If I hadn't seen the footage myself, I'd be inclined to belief that this was some kind of late April fools joke by yarr.

...She must have a hell of a toilet at her house. Damn, but this is so awesome.

Jimmy Olsen

I imagine there are some websites who would pay her serious money for footage of her saying goodbye to that meal.
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I say we all contribute 50 bucks to a common fund, then offer it to her as...uhhhh...researchers, studying the excretory functions and capacity of human females. We'd use the footage at international summits, presentations, conferences, that sort of thing. Purely academic interest, of course.  ;)

Bonus money if she's cosplaying while she does it!  ;D


I would never take gal sone to dinner, thats for sure. Unless off course there was some way to peek in on her getting rid of the meals later, then it would be worth selling all possessions to afford the bill  :P

As I watched her eat the ONE METER soft ice pillar in this video, after eating some kilos of other stuff before, I realized she's not a human; look at her eyes they're a pitch black abyss, like her stomach.

40000kcal in one day -->

Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: Toasty on August 14, 2009, 11:47:42 PM
Bonus money if she's cosplaying while she does it!  ;D

If she cosplayed as Sakura the situation would be indistinguishible from one of Yarr and Orpheum's fics.  ^-^
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Ya, that kind of redefines what "realistic" is!  If you didn't have those clips, I might not have believed it. :o

I remember way back on the old Joy Angels forum, something about a tiny girl who won eating contests against huge guys saying she would dump it all at once the next day.  If that's really true, there would be no sense trying to use any toilet.  She would have to put a seat on top of a 55 gallon oil drum or something and poop in that.  It is like a Yarr story come to life. ;D

One time when I was looking around at a random Japanese porn site that sold staged "voyeur" clips, I found one of a girl dressed as Rei taking a real dump in a western toilet.  Unfortunately, the site wouldn't even let me save the preview let alone buy the clip even if I could have figured out how. :'(  It's another one of those things you wonder why they don't have a lot more of.  I bet a "Toilet Cosplay" pay site could make some serious money. 8)

Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: DrBones on August 16, 2009, 01:08:00 PM
If that's really true, there would be no sense trying to use any toilet.  She would have to put a seat on top of a 55 gallon oil drum or something and poop in that.

One girl on said her dumps were so big she clogged any toilet she used and had to use garbage bags instead.  I was never sure whether or not that was made up, but it's an interesting thought.
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I have these two videos. One has a girl doing a HUGE load. Her name is Aso Miku, and man, she must have held it in for a week or so, the amount is staggering!

Another video, possibly the same girl, has the girl pooping a 19cm log! It's long, and pretty darn thick *like the full circumfrence of your thumb and index touching*

I seriously wonder if Asian girls have even larger colons than normal women in general....
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

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~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

I don't know.  I imagine there are abberations in every race.  I read that King Henry VIII had a colon twice as long as a typical person (as confirmed by autopsy).
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I think I recall hearing that. But it's just amazing what some girls can do. I remember Nina from the College girls pooping site, she could freaking push out torpedos! There were times I wonder how her butt *which was pretty jggly looking* could handle those monsters at times.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Still, I think what this Gal Sone girl can do would put anything we have seen so far to shame, including even Ana Didovic.

Poor thing, either she has to go like ten times daily, or she just grabs a roll and heads out into the woods as there is no flush toilet made by man that I think could handle what she puts out.

I just re watched the videos and cant help but wonder where does it all go?
She should be sprouting a quite noticeable round gut after those meals unless her anatomy is such that her stomach is abnormally large and shaped in such a way that the pressure goes elsewhere then outwards.