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Toilet Stool

Started by Jimmy Olsen, October 18, 2009, 01:33:23 AM

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Jimmy Olsen

We had a discussion of before, but that was on an unrelated thread, so I figure a new one needs to be started.  Anyway, I just read an anecdote there that I think is screaming to have a (fictionalized) story written about it.

Read the post by Kristine.
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I love that place.

The only thing better than is a Google Advanced search of assorted subjects on!  ;D


Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on October 18, 2009, 01:33:23 AM
We had a discussion of before, but that was on an unrelated thread, so I figure a new one needs to be started.  Anyway, I just read an anecdote there that I think is screaming to have a (fictionalized) story written about it.

Read the post by Kristine.

It looks like a few of the posts on that page may already be fictional, especially the one by Kate.

Though I can't quite tell if Kristine's is real or not.

Jimmy Olsen

Yeah, some fibbing goes on there.  But Kristine's story is entertaining, true or not.
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It is hard to say at times, although it can be easy to pick out the real fakes. One girl seemed a bit 'too good to be true' and that was "Kim" and her boyfriend scot. Sometimes it was funny, but others she was talking about 'crashing a log in the men's room' which just seems quite far fetched. Then of course there was the Ash and Mel D stories, but who knows, they never got too over the top for believability, even if their cousin, and several of their friends loved to poop as well. Carmelita, I'm willing to believe might have been real, but stretched things for the sake of being engaging. One girl I know was real was Amy (well, an "Amy", since there's been plenty of Amys, Sarah, etc) since we used to chat on AIM.

For me, I'll believe until I'm giving a chance to see the real truth or if someone can give valid proof (and for the record, ips don't really mean squat in 'proving' anything).
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

You got in contact with one of the Toilet Stool women?  Cool!  How did you manage that, since they didn't allow posting personal info?

I don't recall the details, but I remember being really suspicious of a person who supposedly had a wheelchair-bound friend who supposedly died (after a number of posts about her toilet habits).  I wondered about Carmelita at times, but generally believed her, and I never even questoned Kim and Scott.  Most of the overt liars seemed to be one-time posters (or someone using a bunch of fake names once).
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Actually it was on wetset that I met Amy, but I told her about toiletstool. That's the one thing that stinks about toiletstool *pun unintended :P* that they won't allow people to trade info, even though they could easily make a safe way to do it without people getting spammed to hell and back. It'd be nice, since they used to let people post their email *which I think the field is still there, but you can't get it to appear*
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


I was always really partial to a poster there who went by the name Young, but I was reading those...probably ten years ago (it still doesn't feel like I've been on the internet that long). I'm not sure how far the archives go back, but I also remember having a conversation with Jupiter once about how both of us would have enjoyed illustrating Young's stories.

There's one post in particular that I've tried to find in the archives with no success, about the poster and her Taiwanese friend pooping in adjacent stalls in their dorm's bathrooms. All I remember is that the poster described the sound coming from her friend's stall as being "like firecrackers coming out of her butt," but searching for that phrase hasn't gotten me anywhere.


Well, like they say...movies and pro wrestling are fake, but they can be ENTERTAINING!  For that matter, just like the stories here!  :)

I'm not sure how good I am at picking out fakes, besides the rather obvious ones.  I think it'd be worse than the Santa Claus affair if I were to learn that "Punk Rock Girl" was a fake... :'(

Hey, didn't Jupiter once do an illustration of Carmalita???  Fan art of toiletstool girls, or even "characters," would be epic...

Micro, I tried doing a search for Young's posts but also came up empty on that one... ???  Though it did remind me a bit of the Carmalita post here:


Well like I said I usually chose to believe they were all real. But some seemed too good to be true. One way for me to tell was how unrealistic things got. Like the person say they got away with spying on mulitple girls with no repurcussions or was blessed with the luck to always come across a chick who would let them watch, every single time. I mean, come on, no one's that lucky *the guys at CGP and JoyAngeles don't count*

I'm just glad though that Toiletstool never had any idiot trolls like wetset does. Seriously, you go there and 90% of the times it's fucking morons flaming each other.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

Toilet Stool fanart?  That's just crazy enough to work!  ^-^

And speaking of images, I miss the days when there would be a photo at the top of the front page everyday.  Back then I didn't have my own computer so I couldn't save them, and now they're gone!  :(
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Quote from: Micro on October 20, 2009, 01:02:26 PM
There's one post in particular that I've tried to find in the archives with no success, about the poster and her Taiwanese friend pooping in adjacent stalls in their dorm's bathrooms. All I remember is that the poster described the sound coming from her friend's stall as being "like firecrackers coming out of her butt," but searching for that phrase hasn't gotten me anywhere.
dang that was along time ago, it's the one by Alex right under the Sunday, September 14, 1997 date


You rock, Duce. I've been wanting to read that again for ages. That story was a major influence on my own fics. I'm actually surprised it was that old, but I was thinking it was '99 or so.

I think the reason Toilet Stool has always avoided trolls is that it's moderated. I posted there one time (under a different name that I've never used before or since) and remember it took quite a while to show up.

Jimmy Olsen

I think Toilet Stool influenced many of us.  I know I've based more than one fic on an anecdote from there.
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Quote from: Micro on October 21, 2009, 02:49:52 PM
You rock, Duce. I've been wanting to read that again for ages. That story was a major influence on my own fics. I'm actually surprised it was that old, but I was thinking it was '99 or so.

I think the reason Toilet Stool has always avoided trolls is that it's moderated. I posted there one time (under a different name that I've never used before or since) and remember it took quite a while to show up.

thanks, and yeah I've posted there a few times too, and yes it is moderated, and the email there is just for mods there to tell you if somethings wrong with your post  i think