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The Queen's Throne

Started by SharkBait, February 17, 2011, 03:11:55 AM

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Ok, so considering I'm really branching the series out here, I decided to make a thread for it specifically.

(Psst. Read the series here!

And now, we have a sloppily made prequel comic!

(Oh yeah, and I'll get around to the Sakura series soon too. FOR REAL THIS TIME. I'M NOT JUST GOING TO DO THIS FROM NOW ON. HONEST.  :012: )

Oh, and before you read the comic, keep this in mind: EPIC AMOUNTS OF BLOOD. VERY GURO. You've been warned.


I normally don't care for this sort of material (namely, diarrhea and such), but I do rather like your setting, and your style. So keep up the good work. :)


Very good work, Sharkbait. I like it.


I like how its not just scat and toilet-going. There's a bit of plot here and I love it!

Normally I'm not into scat, being a fart-lover only, but with the personality backing it up it makes it a lot more interesting.


Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: Bacchus on March 30, 2011, 06:31:49 AM
Are you releasing more?

You should ask, is the queen releasing more?  ;)
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Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on March 31, 2011, 06:06:06 PM
Quote from: Bacchus on March 30, 2011, 06:31:49 AM
Are you releasing more?

You should ask, is the queen releasing more?  ;)
Her servant, too, tho I prefer the queen.


Jimmy Olsen

So why did you reboot the collaborative story?  Why not just bump the original?  I think I'm missing something here.  ???
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NOT THE THREAD FOR THIS, but I don't care, so here's the long and short:

It just felt easier than bumping an old story. If something like that goes stale for a while, I like to just start fresh.

Jimmy Olsen

This is your thread, so it seemed like the place to ask you questions.  I tried for a few days to ask you in the chatbox, but you never came on.
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So I have a question.

Were I to clean up/rewrite the older chapters, finish writing the other 3/4 of the story, throw in some exclusives and get some artist friends to do illustrations, would anybody consider buying a legit physical copy of this stuff?

Just an idea.



I've toyed with doing something similar myself, but so far its stayed in the undistributable realm of thoughts.

As the quality of writing is assured, it would be an idea to sweettalk/whip your picked artist to put some effort into it rather then just diffuse scetches - I had a somewhat similar project strand a handful of years back due to a undiciplined drawing hand.


Yeah, definitely! You know I love that kinky Queen/Servant yuri stuff -- Cassia and Liviya are pretty cool characters, and I think they make a great pair.

One question though: how would you publish it? It seems like it would be pretty expensive. Also, a physical copy of such a book would be a much greater..."liability", because it would be more difficult to hide than computer-based material. I would probably take the risk and get it anyway, because I like the story so much, but other people might not feel the same way if they're especially paranoid.

Wouldn't it be easier to distribute it digitally, like as a PDF? The only downside I can see there is that somebody might pirate it. Probably not anyone on this forum, I think, because we all have a lot of respect for you, but I'm sure some unscrupulous person would buy it once and upload it somewhere for free. Then again, the places where someone could upload something like this would be pretty limited, and between all the denizens of Nyou, we probably know about all of them already. Maybe we could form "Sharkbait's Anti-Piracy Brigade" or something.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. I still hope you go through with it, because I'd love to see something like this happen. Live the dream, man.

- Toasty