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Nkay7's project thread

Started by nkay7, August 12, 2011, 10:57:06 PM

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For the general purpose of keeping track of whatever it is I do, so that I don't have to hijack other threads each time I make something.
Granted, I also tend towards the wordy side of the spectrum, so this is really for people who are interested in how I work. That said, if you just want to shoot the shit (pun intended), that's game too. I'd welcome the discussion.

A bit about myself:
I guess I'd be one of the older (read: ancient) members of the internet "nyou" community. I've been around since the old Yahoo groups days with Micro and Jupiter, and have migrated around the Web with the rest of the flock wherever it went. I was never really an active member though, so treat me like any newcomer.

Though I've never pursued either hobby seriously, I'm a capable writer and artist. I find a certain enjoyment in those activities, as the whole creative process is really far removed from what I usually do for a living. I also toy with new software depending on my fluctuating interests, and as of late have begun employing Photoshop as a coloring tool.

Ideology-wise, I'll say it right now: I'd rather do something for the "awesome" rather than for the "porn," so expect faux pas and stuff out of left field that disregard inherent fappability. Sure, that misses the point of this site: but that's what keeps us motivated and the learning of our respective crafts interesting.

And...that's it, really.

In my line of work, I have to adhere to a very strict development schedule, so I can only do nyou stuff whenever things calm down on the "legit" business end.
For anything else though, I'll be around.


Thanks all of you again for the feedback on the Sakura pic.
Now that I take a closer look at it, I'm finally noticing Chun-Li's awkward lip thing. It was an overdrawing mistake on my part! By then, I must've been so tired from staring at that image for weeks that I didn't notice. I'll take note and double-check next time I work on something.

Maybe it's because I'm not used to it, but it'll be a while before I can muster the energy to follow through on something that demanding again. Monochrome art and "dirty" handsketches, on the other hand...that, I can do. Personally, I enjoy original material more than fan-stuff, but the latter is also interesting to work on every now and then. To emulate a distinctive art style can actually be quite challenging!

(Just...keep in mind that there are certain shows that I wouldn't stoop down to touching, even with an eleven-foot pole. And that spamming the forums requesting it won't change anyone's mind about it. To hell with this, you know who you are.)

Right now though, what I'm thinking of is writing a story for the site.
Not to add to an existing universe, not to enter a contest, not to get reviews...more like an experiment just for the hell of it.
Granted, I wouldn't be going for the good ol' fap 'n go, so how interesting the story itself would be is quite debatable. All the same, I think all of us could stand to open our minds further on how to approach writing, and the first step to that is just to keep trying new things, for better or for worse. And of course by trying out new things, I mean tone, articulation, setup, mood...not new fetishes!

So while this means most of the nyou material would be incidental or a gimmick rather than the backbone of the story, I'm wondering if anyone would still be interested in reading something like that?


I would be very interested in a serious story, with "nyou elements" as a secondary concern. As it stands now, the majority of the stories on this site are vessels for poop/pee fetishes, rather than an actual story. Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading the posts on ToiletStool a great deal. But I feel like that particular site is more set up to share anecdotes and use an informal sort of writing, as if the person were telling the story in real life.

In the end, it comes down to this: For me personally, if I want a quick fix for a fetish story,  I'll probably just go look on ToiletStool. But, if I want to get immersed in a story, I'd like this to be the go-to place.


I agree. I'm absolutely fine with that sort of thing, and actually, I encourage it.

Jimmy Olsen

I don't mind if the pee/poop elements only make up a small part of the story.  I've posted some stories like that myself.
Latest Stories
Girls' Night
Morning Commute


Well the bathroom stuff is important, of course. This is nyou after all.  :P But yea it is nice to try and flesh out the story with some pacing so it's not just detailed a bathroom excursion (not that that isn't alright from time to time) ;)
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


The really big problem when attempting something like this is to first figure out how to integrate the nyou elements into the greater picture. As far as I know, there are only 2 ways for those scenes to make sense without looking too out of place:

1) Its implications are an integral part of the overall arching plot.  A switch-and-bait maneuver, it is relevant because it actually has an important effect on the story's direction.
nyou example: Schizophrenia
2) It's a recurring gimmick, an integral part of the story's language itself. It's shameless, it's absurd, it knows what it is and that's the whole point.
nyou example: Melina

If neither of those points are respected, then the story becomes an excuse plot (or as Majora4 puts it so eloquently, fetish vessels). Sometimes it works, but most of the time it will lack direction and suffer from transitionary rough spots, yes?

Conversely, I think we can all agree that if a story is given a very clear direction right off the bat, then anything goes.
Some of the more memorable stories from the site become so due to this, even if not always for the most cerebral of reasons. Anything Yarr touches could be probably counted as distilled fun that doesn't take itself too seriously. The Sakura fic knows what it is, and it works because it doesn't compromise on that. These are also good examples of how fics don't actually have to be maudlin and serious all the time to convey a story successfully, as vacuous as plots tend to become when overloaded with porn. It's why humor lends itself so well to this genre.

You know, I'm kind of glad I got Jimmy and Bluesniper in here. Out of all the people on this site, I figured you two would know what I'm trying to get at.

Jimmy, I've always been a fan of your easygoing style: it flows naturally, and I can't think of another word to describe the way you write. You seem to be one of the few writers here who actually takes time to establish his fictional credit through thorough fleshing out of characters and settings. This lends to a narrative all kinds of imagery, color, life. The author stops being a creator and becomes a storyteller: events stop unfolding because the plot inexorably demands it, but instead do so because that is the natural course of the universe in question, and that is how the entities within respond. No matter how pulp the fiction, or how alien the concept, or perhaps even how at times it may be difficult to take your own inventions seriously due to winging it, I think you're one of the few authors on this site who consistently pull this off with some skill. And it is good to see.

...And yes, this is a porn site. I'm just saying, though. You know you've got a nice premise on your hands when it could be potentially interesting even without the nyou elements. That's not the fun part for the author, true, but it makes it fun to read.

Bluesniper, I have a confession: I was actually thinking of making an Axon Corps picture before I finally opted for the Chun-Li & Sakura one. I'll admit this decision was in part because that series is just more popular and would be better received, but I do have lingering regrets. In the little free time I have, I would've really enjoyed working on something original. Hell, an original retro mecha series? Fuck yeah, I'd work on that.
I think you're one of the more ambitious writers here, willing to drive simple ideas and concepts as far as you can take them. This betrays an underlying urge to create, explore new things, or at the very least marks a pronounced interest in looking for something different. On this, at the very least, we might think alike. Hopefully we'll see more of you again!

This is encouraging, and I think I'll get back to brainstorming that story. I'll throw the general gist of it out here when most details are crystallized, and see if I can bounce back some feedback off of you guys.


Yes, this is a pron site, but in my opinion, anything goes. Hell, I know for example, that I could write a story, say similar to the ridicilous Sakura chapters and make a epic dump descriptive and so forth without using deliberate erotic language.

Sure, those into butts and farts would have a field day, but more from their own mind then me deliberately spicing up the language.

Kind of seeing that amazing woman walking down the street; shes doing just that, but for the right person observing its very nice  :P

Actually, I might give something like that a try myself. Maybe.  :kawaii:


Yes... yes. You should get your lazy ass back to writing.  :P
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Quote from: nkay7 on August 17, 2011, 12:18:57 AM

You know, I'm kind of glad I got Jimmy and Bluesniper in here. Out of all the people on this site, I figured you two would know what I'm trying to get at.I think you're one of the more ambitious writers here, willing to drive simple ideas and concepts as far as you can take them. This betrays an underlying urge to create, explore new things, or at the very least marks a pronounced interest in looking for something different. On this, at the very least, we might think alike. Hopefully we'll see more of you again!

What am I? Chopped liver? Not like a couple of my stories don't have great prose to them.  :-[  :P
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Come to think of it, the slice-of-life and purely "observational" approach may very well also be a viable alternative for a good story, in instances where plot isn't a primary concern. I stand corrected, good sir. But that would mean someone like you just needs to be the "right person" observing, now wouldn't it? ;)

Ha! True enough, Orpheum. You do have stories I have enjoyed a lot. I wasn't purposefully giving out a peer review or anything of the sort, just saying what came to my mind. Allrighty then, let's talk about you.

Let's see, the vibe I get from your writing is more that of erotic fanfiction for the sake of erotic fanfiction: however, combined with an impressive willingness to ride the Zeitgeist and beat the topic of the day while it's hot. Perhaps the best way to describe it would be like running a weekly column in a syndicated paper: due to the sheer quantity and variety of work you've produced over the years, you've become a nyou fixture of sorts, comfortable enough that anything you make is almost guaranteed to meet a certain level of standards. The Orpheum brand, if you will. Conversely, bearing a brand also carries its share of implications: some lofty, some constricting.

Certainly I don't need to tell you Internet leechdom is a fickle thing: creators often find themselves cornered by their audience to become mere enablers of selfish requests and personal fapquests. This is the bane of the brand: in exchange for more of the same, it discourages change, stifles creativity, murders artistic curiosity. But I suppose that on the bright side, in a small community like this one, at least you get to choose whether an audience matters or not to you. Deviantart has proven that some people certainly wear their brand like a badge of honor, if that works for them. That's all I'll say about that.

As for your prose style itself, as something that molds itself to fit purpose and circumstance, it is hard to define in a few words. It is certainly competent, certainly entertaining. And you have your moments of brilliance, I'll grant you that; if anything, it just goes to show that you can be quite versatile when you want. I understand that you're an aspiring author, yes? I'm curious: not limiting ourselves to nyou fiction, what would you like to write about? Write for?

On that note, I do apologize to everyone here if I always sound insufferably categorical. As you might have noted, I have a crippling tendency to overthink things out loud (but shhh~! Don't tell anyone!), but the truth is that I'm always interested in hearing other opinions. Chalk it up to being a geek purist.
To some people, the process of learning is synonymous to leisure: alas, I understand tis' not an universal truth, and have long given up on demanding of those around me what I demand of myself. That said, please do take everything I say with a grain of salt.


I almost feel like we're getting our fortunes read by an old gypsy woman or something.  :P



Quote from: nkay7 on August 17, 2011, 10:54:20 PM
Ha! True enough, Orpheum. You do have stories I have enjoyed a lot. I wasn't purposefully giving out a peer review or anything of the sort, just saying what came to my mind. Allrighty then, let's talk about you.

Let's see, the vibe I get from your writing is more that of erotic fanfiction for the sake of erotic fanfiction: however, combined with an impressive willingness to ride the Zeitgeist and beat the topic of the day while it's hot. Perhaps the best way to describe it would be like running a weekly column in a syndicated paper: due to the sheer quantity and variety of work you've produced over the years, you've become a nyou fixture of sorts, comfortable enough that anything you make is almost guaranteed to meet a certain level of standards. The Orpheum brand, if you will. Conversely, bearing a brand also carries its share of implications: some lofty, some constricting.

As for your prose style itself, as something that molds itself to fit purpose and circumstance, it is hard to define in a few words. It is certainly competent, certainly entertaining. And you have your moments of brilliance, I'll grant you that; if anything, it just goes to show that you can be quite versatile when you want. I understand that you're an aspiring author, yes? I'm curious: not limiting ourselves to nyou fiction, what would you like to write about? Write for?

Oh come on, plenty of my stories have great themes to them, you can't deny No Need for Desperation! had a great little mystery surrounding the girls mysteriously all needing to go at once; or that One Wild Night presented a shining example of the cute, bubbly girl archetype that we know exist, but are often hard to come by.  :P But you do have to admit it's important to have the eroticism since this is largely an adult site, not that some plot doesn't help to spice things up. As for my stories, I have been told that regardless of the great/not so greatness of the story, they're always enjoyable in, some way, which is something quite rare for an untrained writer as my myself (I've never had anything beyond your standard English and Litertature classes).

On the fiction side, I've said before I do fanfiction on, and have actually since around late 2002, though it's only been since about 05-06 that I started writing genuinely more deep and involved stuff and not just goofy parodies, which were my big thing for longest time. And I already have finished my first novel (again), and just have to get some people to look it over so I can gather notes on things that need fixing/changing. Then of course I also have my big animated series that I've been planning since I was about 9-10, though I can never agree with myself on how certain details (like how everything begins, though I do have a rough idea of the end...).
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


QuoteI almost feel like we're getting our fortunes read by an old gypsy woman or something.  :P

I 've never quite seen it that way! It's not so much reading fortunes as simple abstraction and commentary; as any opinion, it's by no means absolute, either. That said, are you quite certain you'd want me to offer a crit of your work? There's always the very real possibility that I might not like it, and express that dislike to you in the bluntest way possible, right? Be careful what you wish for, young seeker. ;)

Seriously though, I'm not into the messing scene. The pantypoop tag is one of those red flags I stay away from, and I haven't actually read any of those stories. Nothing personal, it's just one of those facets of the fetish I don't quite understand, so I couldn't offer you much insight. Yes, I am aware of the hypocrisy!

Hmm...I'd rather not comment directly on any exact title, and I'll just agree that all your stories each have at least something enjoyable.

Despite what I said to Toasty, I'm just not mean enough to make a good critic of anything. The worst I'd do is give you some food for thought.
For example, I know you've got your sources down pat: you demonstrate remarkable understanding of the universes your fanfiction draws from, and of the characters your write about. We've also established that your writing is competent: so where then do you think the problem would lie? Why would some of your stories be considered weaker than others, if the contents are so thematically similar? Do you think it might just be a question of erotic intensity, or is there another factor at play?
Me, I'll just suggest that you take more risks to your usual approach, as you might learn to improve even further in surprising ways. You're not quite out of your comfort zone yet, and I'd definitely like to see you attempt something like that. Hell, you might find the experience interesting too, even if it ultimately doesn't turn out the way you want. But that's just me.

QuoteBut you do have to admit it's important to have the eroticism since this is largely an adult site, not that some plot doesn't help to spice things up.

As for my stories, I have been told that regardless of the great/not so greatness of the story, they're always enjoyable in, some way, which is something quite

rare for an untrained writer as my myself (I've never had anything beyond your standard English and Litertature classes).
I never said anything to the contrary. As a matter of fact, that's the main attraction of these stories, and you understand that quite well. You've probably heard the comical expression "God has given Man a brain and a dick, but only enough blood to operate one at a time" ? Applies here as much as anything, and that's the way it should be. I mean, seriously! Do I look like I parse for intellectual content when I read stories about toilet terrorists? I like this stuff as much as the next guy here, and by extension that means I enjoy yours too.

It's just that a breath of fresh air every now and then is nice, and having a plot on top is a way to do that.
It pleasantly surprises. It adds multivalence. It makes people wonder why they never thought of such and such approach before.

Every genre of literature faces redundance, even fanfiction: it is an inevitable part of the cycle, as themes and ideas are exhausted through exploration, or lose their relevance as trends and popculture change. That's when previously acceptable material starts to lose their edge, and people start questioning what made them so interesting in the first place. The only remedy to that is further innovation, through which the cycle is reborn anew. And so on, and so on, and so on.

So yeah, this is not English class, thank God. We nyou members aren't the biggest bunch of monocle-wearing sophists either, even if I like tea with my english biscuits. But eschewing pure porn and trying something else? Why the hell not? Short of inducing instant flaccidity, the worse that could happen is just that not as many people would read it. But it might be worth it just to find new grounds to thread.

Oh well. It won't be said that I didn't push for this.

On the fiction side, I've said before I do fanfiction on, and have actually since around late 2002, though it's only been since about 05-06 that I

started writing genuinely more deep and involved stuff and not just goofy parodies, which were my big thing for longest time. And I already have finished my

first novel (again), and just have to get some people to look it over so I can gather notes on things that need fixing/changing. Then of course I also have my

big animated series that I've been planning since I was about 9-10, though I can never agree with myself on how certain details (like how everything begins,

though I do have a rough idea of the end...).
I believe goofy parody in itself can be quite an involving genre too, if you really know what you're parodying. Seeing how fond you are of nostalgia cartoons, how about a pitch for an original saturday morning nyou cartoon? It's this kind of surreal undertaking that draws out from all the culture you accumulate in a lifetime, and regurgitates it into something new. Certainly, it would be more challenging to make than direct parodies of Naruto and Street Fighter and whatnot, but just as fads lose their relevance and are forgotten in time, true satire becomes timeless. It's just a thought, but you have to admit that sounds right up your alley.

I'm amazed I'm even talking about this stuff on the nyou forum. It's a good thing I have my own thread, if only so people can avoid it altogether!


Quote from: nkay7 on August 19, 2011, 02:51:13 AM
Short of inducing instant flaccidity


Anyway, it's fine if you don't want to look at my stuff due to subject matter, although I have some stories without pantypoop (Hermione's Plan, Bathroom Turnabout, Method Acting, and Lute's New Hobby). Don't worry about my ego - I can handle honest criticism, because I'm confident in my ability to improve based on feedback. If somebody raises a legitimate complaint with my writing, it's not the end of the world. You just gotta work with it.

Your criticism is so well thought out and in depth that is seems a shame to waste this opportunity just because of a little squeamishness. If you said everything was perfect, how would that help me as a writer anyway? Take a gander at my stuff if you so desire, but if not that's fine too.

Not to mention, most of that stuff is over a year old anyway, and I'd like to think that I've improved since the time of its writing. That doesn't mean that a critique wouldn't be helpful, though.

To get slightly back on topic, I'd love to see a story of the sort you described, and I'd surely return the favor to the best of my abilities if you wanted feedback on it.