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Nyou Dreams

Started by Jimmy Olsen, October 24, 2007, 10:06:22 PM

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Just had another dream, regarding the US version of Being Human. For some reason, I think it was Sally but it could have been Nora (and would probably have made more sense that way) got caught short outside the house because of some plot reasons, and had to poop outside. The reviews the next day were all talking about the "defecation sounds" that were clearly audible, but when I went to look up a clip, the only ones I could find cut away from the visual to show a reaction shot by Stewie from Family Guy; it just had the sounds of grunting, groaning and gas overlaid.

Jimmy Olsen

I had a dream I was watching a movie about cavemen.  Not like Flintstones or Year One, but something realistic (or at least I thought it was realistic when I was dreaming).  It took place in a barren rocky desert, but there were woolly mammoths as if it were the Ice Age.

The main character was a cavewoman.  She badly needed to empty her bowels but couldn't let herself for some reason.  There was a long and dramatic scene where she was part of a hunting party that killed a mammoth.  They knew where to find it because one member of their tribe went into a weird fit and had a vision.  There was a bone pointing a certain direction that was supposed to signal the tribespeople who were part of the hunt, but they also had to spread around decoy bones pointing other directions to prevent a rival tribe from getting a jump on their mammoth.

When the mammoth was in its death throes it unleashed a massive load of droppings.  When the woman saw that, she had a pained expression and held her lower abdomen.  She continued to hold her burden inside.  I don't think I ever saw her relieve herself.
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That sounds like a story in the making.

I had a dream where I was running down the hall of my college dorm from way back when. It was night, and I was trying to get away from some monster or something. The power was out and I had to take the stairs. I was trying to get to the stairwell but then I was distracted. Two girls (no one I know) were in their room with the door open, both mostly clothed. One was on the top bunk facing the wall, so away from the door. I watched as she pulled down her pants, but for some reason not her panties, and started to take a huge, loud dump in her underwear. I saw the other girl, who was standing on the ground a bit to the side, reach up and start to pull Girl #1's underwear down, but then the monster came within view again and I had to get to the stairwell.

I'm a little amazed that I would pass on running away from certain death to watch a girl go in her pants, especialy since it's not my particular thing.

Jimmy Olsen

I had a dream I was watching a sci-fi horror film from 1995.  It was about a computer system that became self-aware, took over a big building, and tried to kill everybody inside.  The main character was a computer expert played by Matt Damon.  Everybody called him a nerd even though he was a confident, well-groomed, wise-cracking hipster.  The other main character was a quirky young woman with curly brown hair who worked at the same building and was always dropping in on his cubicle to bother and/or flirt with him.

The part relevant to Nyou Fiction happened toward the beginning.  It was the end of the week and the techie guy and the zany girl were going somewhere after work.  He wanted to finish some work and she was in his cubicle telling him to just let it be until Monday.  She was also complaining about how she was constipated.  She'd been going to the bathroom every hour or so to try to poop without any success.  As the conversation went on she did these flexing exercises that were supposed to help loosen her bowels.

At the end of the scene, she announced that she was going to the ladies' room again.  "I got a good feeling about this time," she said.  She took off her pants in public, revealing weird underwear that covered her thighs but not her anus.  A security guard stopped her, but it wasn't because she was exposing herself (I don't think anybody reacted to that at all).  He asked her and the guy if they'd noticed anything strange going on.  Apparently the evil computer was just starting to mess with people.  The brief exchange ended with everybody deciding that whatever odd things had happened were probably nothing to worry about. 

When the guard left, the woman skipped to the ladies' room like a giddy little girl.  For some reason the sinks and toilets were high tech.  You could also surf the Internet from inside the stalls, which was futuristic for 1995.  She pulled down her underwear (and I think she had her pants back too) and sat down.  A screen behind her back was displaying the computer's plan to murder her, just to make sure the audience understood.  A silver tentacle from the sprinkler system started to wrap around her neck while she wasn't paying attention.  She finally noticed, and got her head out of it before it constricted.  She stood up just in time to dodge some machinery that was coming out of the toilet bowl to attack her rump.  She ran, tripped over her pants, pulled them up, and escaped just before something smashed her.  Then everything caught on fire.

She ran to the techie guy and told him what happened.  "Now how am I supposed to poop?!?" she shouted at the end of her explanation, as if that were the worst part of the evil computer takeover.
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An Evil Computer trying to take over with all of that happening? That would make a good story, Jimmy.
"Ja, Dempsey, family reunions are often stressfull." -Edward A. Richtofen, quote from Call Of Duty: Zombies Mode. "Tomorrow comes today." -Gorillaz, quote from the song Tomorrow Comes Today from their first album.


Even just toning it down from a malevolent XANA level murder machine, you could have a story with a HAL like computer that makes life miserable for a bunch of women who realize the terrible irony of having their precious porcelain sanctuaries be hooked up to computers.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

Last night I had one of those awful back-to-school dreams.  It seemed like high school, but it was also a college campus and one of the buildings was my old elementary school.  Anyway, in health class they taught us proper urination posture.  We were near the end of the semester so we were reviewing things, and the teacher told us to assume our urination positions.  Everyone in a class of about 30 boys and girls mimed peeing.  The teacher walked around the room and corrected the students who were doing it wrong by grabbing their bodies and repositioning them.  The whole thing felt really awkward.  Worse still, she said she was going to watch us pee one on one and it would figure in to our final grade.  I woke up before that happened (but not before tons of other school drama).
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Jimmy Olsen

I had a dream I was still in high school and was disguised as a girl for some reason.  I went to the girls' bathroom, sat on a toilet in a doorless stall, and all these girls walked up and introduced themselves.  For some reason I wasn't embarrassed, and for some reason they didn't notice I was a boy.  About a half dozen girls were there talking and giggling.  They said they were such close friends they pooped together. 

One of them dropped her panties and pooped on the floor right in front of me.  The other girls gathered around her to watch her have a nice healthy dump.  She said, "Imagine this piling up inside my panties.  It keeps me warm on a winter's day."

There might have been more who pooped, but they said their friend Sandra puts them all to shame.  When I was washing my hands, Sandra came in.  She was a tall and robustly-built girl with long straight brown hair.  The girls all squealed and shouted for her to show off to "the new girl" (me).  She pulled down her jeans, got on her hands and knees, and started grunting and pushing.  Ever so slowly she squeezed out a big solid log.  It was about 6 inches wide and 6 feet long when she finally got it all out.  I told her she should see a doctor, but she said she felt fine.
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Jimmy Olsen

I haven't been here in a while, but I had a cute desperation dream last night and have to share it.

I was visiting a witch in her home, which was like a Victorian Gothic mansion with endless bookcases and sorcery paraphernalia on display.  The witch was an attractive thirtysomething woman with strawberry blond hair.  She was dressed like a stereotypical witch, with a pointy hat, corset, and long dress, all in black.

Four enthusiastic teenage girls came to visit.  They were freshmen at a college of witchcraft, and had tons of questions and gushing admiration for the witch.  She stood there talking to them but I knew she wanted them to leave.  I had an X-ray view of her legs under her dress and she was crossing and uncrossing them like she had to pee.  She kept politely hinting that the girls should leave, saying she had important business that couldn't wait, but the conversation went on and on. 

When the students finally left, the witch told me what I already knew.  "I need to relieve myself and I can't control it for much longer.  I'll never make it upstairs to the washroom.  I'll have to take care of it right here, right now."

She summoned a big empty cauldron, which slid across the floor from under a cloth-draped table where it was stored up to where the witch was standing.  She was about to lift up her dress and sit down when I saw a flashback of why she had to pee so bad.

The four girls were in the food court at the magic university chatting with some other girls and boys, and the witch was spying on them from her balcony.  She had a black cat with her, incidentally.  She cast a magic spell, which looked like the ones the Magikoopas throw in Super Mario World.  The wind blew some of the floating shapes back to her.  By the time the spell reached the students, the other friends had left and it was just the four girls.  When the spell hit them, they turned into glowing silhouettes and I saw the bladders inside them instantly swell up.  Then I saw the same thing happen to the witch, because part of the cloud of shapes was around her.  I can't remember why she was watching or cursing the students.

When the dream cut back to the present, all four college girls were back with the witch.  They were all doing frantic potty dances.  The witch said, "We'll all have to share the cauldron."  She and the girls gathered around the cauldron at five evenly-spaced points.  Then my alarm woke me up.
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Awesome! That would make good story material, Jimmy.
"Ja, Dempsey, family reunions are often stressfull." -Edward A. Richtofen, quote from Call Of Duty: Zombies Mode. "Tomorrow comes today." -Gorillaz, quote from the song Tomorrow Comes Today from their first album.


Jimmy Olsen

Am I confused, or was there a post from Duce here that just disappeared when I went to respond to it?
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dunno I haven't posted on this thread in a long time.

Jimmy Olsen

About a week ago I had a toilet-related dream.  Like in the witch dream it was a tease (I didn't see anything).  I remembered my van had a toilet in it.  All "modern minivans" did.  How could I forget?  Then I saw a commercial from the mid-Nineties for a modern minivan, featuring a chic businesswoman.  It showed her folding back the seat to reveal the toilet but didn't show her using it.

Last night I had a more interesting dream.  I was in a cabin at some campgrounds with family.  My cousins and I were still in high school.

I witnessed an incident with some people who weren't related.  It was a girl about my dream-age and her mother.  The girl was holding her tummy and acting uncomfortable.  Her mom asked what was wrong and she casually mentioned she'd needed to poop for a really long time but held it in because it was a long walk to the bathrooms and It'd been raining all day.  Her mother was furious.  She gave her a stern lecture on the importance of digestive health.  Then she gave her an ultimatum.

"Young lady, you relax your bowels this instant!"

"But Mom!"

"Right now!"

The girl pooped her bluejeans right there.  Then her mom made her sit in the corner in her poopy pants for time out.
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I had this dream where I sponsored women who wanted to be in eating contests but couldn't afford it. The terms of contract were simple. I got to film them for an entire week after the contest.

Later in my dream, I went to this convention in Japan, where people who shoot these kinds of videos sell to publishers. While I was there, I wondered if this was a good idea because there were already hundreds of cameramen and not many publishing companies. When people heard about my methods, people became interested, and I made money.