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Micro's Art

Started by EFROdian, February 01, 2013, 05:38:53 PM

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If anyone still has the folder of Micro's Art, please re-upload it.  I lost mine when my computer crashed.  If anyone has it still, I'd be very grateful if you put it up somewhere on Nyou.  Thanks again!


Damn, dude. I hate that your computer crashed. I wish I could help you with the folder you lost, but I don't know much about that kind of thing. Maybe OrpheumZero or Duce could help you out?
If you could get ahold of FallenStar, he could probably help.
"Ja, Dempsey, family reunions are often stressfull." -Edward A. Richtofen, quote from Call Of Duty: Zombies Mode. "Tomorrow comes today." -Gorillaz, quote from the song Tomorrow Comes Today from their first album.


I got it somewhere. Unless someone fixes it before I get home I'll upload it tomorrow.


Far as I know, I posted every pic he had here on the media section. It's pretty easy to identify.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Quote from: OrpheumZero on February 02, 2013, 12:53:03 PM
Far as I know, I posted every pic he had here on the media section. It's pretty easy to identify.
Quick question sir, I hear rumors now and again that "Junpin Jupiter" had a "Prison" series of his pics around at some point. Hes been gone for a while now but ive always wondered if someone who has been around for a while might have them (IF they indeed exist). Any clue what im talking about?


Such a set DID exist...quite a while ago.  While a few of Jupiter's works are still around, that set seems to have been lost to time.  Near as I can tell, Jupiter has all but fallen off of the Earth somewhere...

I only recall a few of the pics:
-A woman in a prison cell having explosive diarrhea, her cellmate complaining that she reeks, and the woman on the toilet saying she thinks the guards put laxatives in their food.

-Another of  a woman having explosive diarrhea while two of her annoyed cellmates are trying to make out

-"Shakedown" being announced while a prisoner is on the toilet with a large turd hanging out of her

-A prisoner having to squat and poop while on a chain gang


Well.....shit!  =D  >:(
Ive spoken to Micro and even he has no idea what the hell became of Jupiter. The only thing I ever remember hearing is that he MIGHT have gone under a different name. "Superman" I think it was, or something similar. Also, apparently the artist himself was an older gentleman....perhaps he has passed on?


Quote from: OrpheumZero on February 02, 2013, 12:53:03 PM
Far as I know, I posted every pic he had here on the media section. It's pretty easy to identify.

Really?  I only found like twelve or thirteen of them.  There should be a lot more.  Thanks for the help anyway though!

Never mind, I'm just an idiot.  I found it.  Thanks a lot, OrpeheumZero!  Such a collection needed to be preserved!