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What girl can make the plumber cry the most?

Started by yarr, November 16, 2007, 10:41:12 AM

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So, we all agree girls do the dirty deed, but who is the best at it? Since the theme in our little secret society (when can we order custom robes and signet rings?) deals with anime girls and their hinds, its logical to draw from that pool of candidates.

I personally imagine Sakaki from azumanga being able to produce the most, not only is she a athletic growing girl, she is huge! I'd imagine she would have problems with stopping up the pipes daily, let alone small ones in a high school.. I recon their school changes janitor every time she shyly gets smelly relief of her constipation at school  ;D

Also probably Aisha from outlaw star would manage the same, being an anlien with an outherworldly apetite.

Gogo, lets hear the theories, no kind on nonsensical theorying is too farfetched


An interesting question..... who can choke a toilet? Hmmm.... Usagi could probably drop a bomb capable of sending the porcelain throne to the great beyond, given her appetite and near gluttonous habit.

Faye wasn't too exaggerated in your story, while maybe the amount of poo she made was Joy Angeles (dare I say beyond that) worthy, she does have a vorocious eating habit and could certainly make Spike or Jet really pissed (well, more pissed) to have her aboard.

Saya from Blood+ I would bet kills a toilet or two, several episodes have made clear she can eat like a beast and still keep a slim figure, she must be shitting bricks. (I'm actually considering a story with her).

Pan from Dragon Ball GT would no doubt have her Grandfather's blackhole of a stomach, so she'd be giving some toilet makers a good revenue for the many tanks she bugs up.

Lara Croft would no doubt be a queen of turds. With her petite and athletic form, constant training and numerous adventures, she must eating enough to put gluttony to shame (the Homunculus). Thus, I can easily see Lady Croft conquering even the gods of the toilet aside from the gods of Atlantis  :P
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

I'm thinking Kaolla Su in <i>Love Hina</i>.  Because she's so active and burns so many calories she eats tons and tons of food, and an equal amount has to come out her other end.  Plus, with her attention span, you know she's not going to flush when she's partway through to make sure it will all go down.  She'll dump it all as quickly as she can get it out of her bottom, quickly wipe, pull the handle, maybe wash her hands, and spring out of the restroom to cause more mayhem, not caring whether or not the mess she left actually goes down.  Then it will fall upon Keitaro to unclog it...  ^_^U
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oh yeah Kaolla Su, that for sure I could so see her doing that, plus that would be a really good fic, hehe.


I'd say, if I had to pick one for sure, I'd go with Usagi, as her eating habits seem to be the most well documented, yet she maintains that slim physique, hinting at an amazing metabolism. Although, speculation about the others is certainly pleasant!

S.T. the Kitsune

Hehe, when I look at this topic is general. I'm thinking the plumber as Mario and the girl/woman as no other than Princess Peach. There's a reason why Mario always with the Princess for her habits aren't always lady-like so imagine Princess Peach going inside her royal chambers who knows how long then calls Mario for an emergency plumbing, there's a reason why Mario never say anything much about Peach. LMAO!!!
Me: You fools there's a triangle of creation that's all around us! That's Energy, Matter, and Thought. Yes your thoughts can make the world go just take longer.


Haha! It's funny you should mention that, S.T., as I'm writing a fic about Peach where something similar happens. I too was inspired after I made the toilet/plumbing connection.


I forgot to mention Street Fighter's Sakura Kasugano, we know she trains tough and it's been made clear she'll eat enough food it's a surprise she doesn't grow to Honda size.

I remember good ol' Omnipresent had a story with her pooping, though I don't think it was an elephant size one, but her large appetite was the culprit for the sizable load. Somehow I wouldn't be shocked if she layed a turd so large she'd feel like a Hadoken was firing out her rump. (Actually that'd be kinda interesting to see....)
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


That Sakura story was on the teenpotty boards, wasn't it? Omnipresent had some real masterpieces on there.

Also, this thread reminds me of a series of sci-fi novels I read a while ago called the Foreigner universe series, by C.J. Cherryh. It's about the descendants of a stranded colonization ship coexisting with the aliens (atevi) whose planet they now inhabit. The alien culture is superficially similar  to ours, but is actually incredibly different. Some of the things the author does with the psychology of another species and the way their culture operates are really cool, highly recommended if you like psychology, anthropology, foreign countries or just nifty aliens.

Anyway, one of the things that makes fitting in so difficult is that the average height of an adult atevi is around eight or nine feet(!), although they resemble humans very closely otherwise. Here's some of the covers to give you an idea of what they look like.

Over the course of the books the main character, an ambassador named Bren, falls in love with one of his female body guards, Jago (she's on the right in the first cover, and the foremost atevi on the other two). While their relationship is understandably awkward, imagine how incredibly massive her...uh, "output" would be. Bren may be a foreigner, but he sure is lucky, getting to see something no human ever has before. Jago is a professional bodyguard, so she's in perfect physical shape and surely eats a lot of tasty alien dishes to keep her strength up, so she likely causes problems for even the giant alien toilets and I'm sure giant alien plumbers everywhere curse her name.  I think it goes without saying that her regular movements could put a human toilet down for the count without even trying, and who knows what would happen if she was ever constipated! It's too bad she's disqualified for not being an anime/game girl, but maybe it's just as well. I want the other ladies to have a chance, too.


Interesting question Yarr.  I'm new to this fiction site forum, but this is as good a place to start as any.

It's funny that you mention the "Secret Society" thing because it's occurred to me too, (as a joke, of course.)  I like to think of us sitting around a table in a candle lit room in robes and hoods  How about I call you "Grand Master Yarr"?

Seriously though, I like all the candidates and ideas presented so far.  I think the first place to look would be alien girls with super-human appetites.  Aisha sounds good and she would probably be proud of it.  "No puny human toilet can handle a mighty Ctarl Ctarl dump!"  I would add Ryoko, naturally, and Bra along with Pan as our other part Sayian girl.  I would think that schools would have to hire a few more full time janitors (and cooks) with those two around.

Following Yarr's active girl idea, what about Sailor Jupiter?  I doubt she could keep up with Usagi as I don't remember her eating quite as much (though she dose like to cook), but I like her and the mental image of her hiking up that green skirt and filling a toilet with a relived moan is nice.

Orihime from Bleach has to be in here somewhere.  Not only dose she eat more junk than any human alive, but she's so out of it sometimes that she may actually forget how much she was eating until her belly was bulging over her pants!  Even if her diet makes her business very soft and sloppy, she would need to use a whole roll of TP to clean her prefect tush.

As for weird theorys, I have one about Kagome from Inu-Yasha.  She's so obsessed with dignity and keeping her modern life style that she probably holds it in for a week when she goes back in time rather than squat in the bushes.  When she comes back home she's going to run to the bathroom and spend an hour getting all that rice and grilled fish out.  Her poor mom must have the plumber on speed dial.

I never would have thought of Princess Peach, but you do have to wonder about a girl who has to have two plumbers with her 24-7.  I can imagine Mario going to save her and Bowser begging him to take her back because she just plugged up all the bathrooms in his castle.  Maybe she has to hang her royal booty over one of those three foot diameter pipes.                   


Good suggestions. I'd vote Usagi, myself. Or maybe Orihime. I think Usagi might have her beat on size, but with the diet she mentions, one must imagine that Orihime's produce must be absolutely offensive.

If you own a PS3, download the demo. Give this game a shot. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: S.T. the Kitsune on November 18, 2007, 05:16:48 AM
Hehe, when I look at this topic is general. I'm thinking the plumber as Mario and the girl/woman as no other than Princess Peach. There's a reason why Mario always with the Princess for her habits aren't always lady-like so imagine Princess Peach going inside her royal chambers who knows how long then calls Mario for an emergency plumbing, there's a reason why Mario never say anything much about Peach. LMAO!!!

Hehheh. :D It'd be cool if a couple pipes got crossed and what she flushed down her royal potty got warped to a public place.
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I never considered Peach, but yea, I can see why there's 2 plumbers around  constantly, looking forward to that fic ;D

Lina inverse from slayers should also be able to make a modern toilet cry the way she eats.


Something tells me Etna could probably destroy a toilet with her ass (well, that and what comes out of it :D) And we've seen her doing some pretty crazy things before

Maybe we ought to do one of those pop contest, and when a girl gets a higher score, someone makes a story with her doing a big shit. If the scales tip to another girl, she makes a bigger load and so on and so forth. Ahhh... if only those dream machines or whatever in Sci-fi were real, we'd just have to imagine it and then be able to watch the fantasy in real time...
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Usagi was the first girl who came to mind after reading the topic.

I always wondered about what Kagome and Sango did whenever Inuyasha was around. He has the senses of a dog, so he can smell AND hear things just like one. Whenever the girls needed to squat in the bushes, he could hear and smell everything, unless they ran a few miles into the woods to get out of range (which is unlikely). They also must have held in their farts the best they could at all times.

Pan, Aisha, and other "alien" girls with huge appetites would definitely clog human toilets.

Interestingly enough, Rose from "The Legend of Dragoon" could literally destroy a toilet. If she let out the "Demons Gate" spell by accident while pooping, anything in a 50 yard radius would be sucked into oblivion! :D

Another woman who could easily clog/break a toilet is Tsunade from "Naruto". For some reason, I always imagine her with constipation and breaking the toilet apart from pushing and bearing down with her monstrous strength. Or maybe she could get a case of powerful diarrhea and break one that way.
I wonder if Sakura did the same when getting used to her own powerful strength. I'd imagine her in a public bathroom sitting on the toilet with the runs, and while she's in agony, she slams on the stall wall and destroys every other stall (think of "Detroit Rock City"), exposing the other girls in there. I wish they had an episode that was all about Sakura and her harsh training, showing HER on the toilet in deep thought like they did with Naruto...