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Your top five girls...

Started by Poowrite, December 03, 2007, 01:11:56 AM

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Oh man, X-Men figures! That reminds me of good times...I kept breaking mine though, those things were really fragile at the joints. Pretty sure Psylocke was the first fictional character I ever imagined in a fetishy way. Or maybe it was Chun Li...but I'm pretty sure it was Psylocke.

Either way, Rogue being a bedwetter is hilarious  ; of those fetish shaping moments perhaps?


There must be something about Marvel and Street Fighter characters that appeals to folks with our interests--Jean Grey and Chun-Li were the first two girls I ever drew on the toilet. I was about 13 years old at the time, and didn't have a computer and scanner; I just had to hide my drawings in a box under my bed so my parents wouldn't find them.

Actually I think Chun-Li was the first, because I remember that one being very rough, but I remember lovingly coloring the one of Jean with colored pencils. Ah, the days before Photoshop...


haha aw man I hardly drew any fetish stuff when I was a kid, it's not like I'd have been able to show it to anyone. Never was very good with coloring pencils anyways...or crayons for that matter.

What'd you do with those drawings anyways? You'd think someone would stumble upon them eventually right? I've got a bunch of naughty pictures lying around that I don't know what to do with...I kind of want to keep them but maybe I should get rid of them.


Ha, it's funny, I had the same problem with two stories I wrote in highschool on pieces of looseleaf. That was before I had my own computer or knew about Nyou fiction, so I didn't want to write it up in Word in case it ever got discovered. I wrote a story about Jill from RE pooping her pants in ballpoint pen on the front and back of a sheet of paper, folded it up and hid it in a tissue box in my room.

Later on, I was worried that someday somebody would come in and change the tissues and find it, so I ended up burning it just to be safe. Later I gave in and wrote another one, and that one I've been carrying around in my wallet for years, just because it seemed like the safest place at the time. I should really just type it up and destroy it, one of these days, now that I have my own computer and this site. It would be extremely embarrassing if I lost my wallet and someone found it and went through the contents!  :-[


Hahah, Toasty...judging by the request in the commissions section, I think a bunch of us would like to read that...myself included.

It's funny though, having this stuff in a digital format just means it's going to be all over the internet forever...a hard copy can always be destroyed. But really I don't really care if everyone in the world sees my stuff, as long as my parents don't. ;)


Quote from: livinginfinite on August 29, 2009, 09:33:36 PM
It's funny though, having this stuff in a digital format just means it's going to be all over the internet forever...

Maybe so, maybe no....guess it all depends.  Like the incredible work of Jumpin''d THINK it'd be around, but so far all we have these days are the smallish images some enterprising soul brought to the "Other" section on the imageboards.

I too remember the days of hiding "naughty" drawings, and eventually burning 'em.  Unfortunately, I never did develop any serious art talent, tho... :(

Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: livinginfinite on August 29, 2009, 04:38:24 AMEither way, Rogue being a bedwetter is hilarious  ; of those fetish shaping moments perhaps?

Ever since I can remember it's bothered me that people on T.V. (and in movies and books and comic books and so forth) never go to the bathroom, so counteracting that taboo has been an interest of mine for a very long time.  And since I was a kid my mind was focused more on female bathroom-related stuff than male.  That goes back farther than my attraction to the opposite sex.  The reason was (and is) that the few bathroom-related things I was lucky enough to encounter in mass media were almost always involving males, combined with my curiosity about how girls peed (I never had a sister so I never saw their strange and mysterious method of making water without a hose).

B.T.W. I never knew there was  Psylock toy.  I'm guessing it came out after I stopped following "X-Men" (1994).
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A google image search suggests that there was a Psylocke figure, but I personally was exposed to her via X-Men vs. Street Fighter. Used to hang around a lot in arcades...and the fighting games always had the hottest girls.

As for the origin of my fetish, the girls in my class who I thought were attractive always happened to have accidents around me back in early grade school. One time it happened while I was sharing a bus seat with the girl...she almost got me wet too. The bus driver had to stop the bus and let her finish her pee outside. Now I think on some level I just associate that with female beauty some series of freakish coincidences.

Quagmire: I don't know who Jumpin' Jupiter is, but a bunch of my art that I'd rather have forgotten is up on Rule 34 for ever and ever. I figure one day I'll just say it wasn't me ;D

Jimmy Olsen

Haha lucky!  When I was a kid I thought it'd be fun to see somebody have an accident (boy or girl), but I never did!  The closest I've ever seen is desperation.  Actually I recently got to see an attractive woman my age act desperate, which was a thrill.  :)
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I've never been lucky to see a girl poop/pee, but I've certainly have had a fair share of ear-burning comments. :P One girl in my high school was just blantant about her toilet habits, mentioning how she took a dump of that she had to take one on numerous occasions, even going as far as describing the size and how it felt.
Another girl I knew once had to pee very badly *she was crossing her legs, very cute  :kawaii:* before our class started so I told her to go and that I'd take the fall if the teacher got mad. Then there was one girl I used to call a friend who whispered to me that she had to poop one time a little bit before the last bell rung.
Then there's one little sight that won't ever leave my mind; a girl improving taking a dump during the practice night for a whose line is it? style comedy night. Needless to say I never would have expected a girl to just so graphically pretend she was squeezing out a fat one! *complete with squeal-like straining and shaking off the 'tail'*
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

I've never seen a girl pee or poop either, I've just heard the hissing/tinkling a number of times.

Once I was in a public restroom that a girl used by mistake.  When she realized she was in the men's room she ran out without flushing or washing her hands.
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I've seen my fiance on the toilet a few times (for both pooping and peeing). It's quite an experience, seeing somebody you love taking a dump. I'll always remember the sounds and the (occasional) smell.

Jimmy Olsen

LivingInfinite: So do you see yourself doing any paintings of "X-Men" women soon?
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I dunno, maybe. Did you have anything in mind?

Jimmy Olsen

Nothing specific.  I'd just like for you to tackle some tough chick who I know and love (not counting 16-bit armored bounty hunters).
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