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Your top five girls...

Started by Poowrite, December 03, 2007, 01:11:56 AM

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Well...I gotta be honest, I'm drawing a blank for ideas right now.

Jimmy Olsen

For "X-Men"-related ideas, or just ideas in general?

There was the idea I suggested before where a tough chick (whoever you can think of) has an accident waiting for a meek chick (preferably Asian) finish up on the toilet.

I have an "X-Men" comic where a whole bunch of the X-mutants are sharing a small underground complex that has a funny scene where Iceman owns Boomer (who was called Boom-Boom then).  We see almost nothing, it's mostly told in dialog, but Iceman is in the only bathroom while Boomer waits impatiently to use it.  When she is at the peak of her desperation she finally gets let in, and finds that he wasn't really using the bathroom for all that time, he was freezing everything in it.  So she sits on an ice-coated toilet with solid ice in the bowl instead of water rather than wet her pants, which is very unpleasant for her bottom.  Maybe you could draw something inspired by this.

Also, a tough chick (preferably Rogue from "X-Men") sleeping peacefully under covers that are soaked with a big wet spot would be awesome.

Or maybe some chick (Jean from "X-Men" is perhaps ideal) after having a wetting accident.  Just standing there in her puddle with her arms behind her back, looking at the viewer with an expression of embarrassment and shame (or perhaps looking away in shame)

Do any of these sound good?
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I'll start from 5...

5- Plug (Fight Ippatsu) - This one I needn't worry about; the show covers pretty much everything as it is. She's peed herself more than three times in the first season alone - my wish has been granted. On top of that, she's just funny and drawn really cute. Just look at her sing the start of the intro, it's precious!

4- Yoko (Gurren Lagann) - I'm aware of her age, and I feel like a pig, but really can you blame me? I thought she was in her 20s in the first episode. Her swimsuit covers more skin than her regular outfit! She's such a fanservice-y badass, and those are the characters that I think would work best with an accident.

3- Haruhi - I know she's practically everywhere as it is, and most of the fans of the series prefer the other characters, but I've always liked her character. Even though she's a sociopath, she's sympathetic because she feels lonely and afraid and just doesn't know how to handle her emotions. And at the same time she's usually very comedic, being so over-the-top you have to at least smile. And I love brunettes.

2- Anzu/Tea (Yu-Gi-Oh) - She's usually drawn pretty cute, but its her English voice that seals it for me. It's so sensual! I can see her going through a desperation of some sort, I don't know why... I only put her so high because she was the, I dunno, second anime crush I had. The first is...

1- Bulma (Dragon Ball) - Bulma, Bulma, Bulma... I love this character. Because I got a peek at Volume 1 as a kid, I was way more into girls than I shoulda been. I thought she looked pretty, was a funny character, and had an awesome story to go with. Flash forward a few years later, when I find out she peed her pants in her first appearance, and from then on I've been enticed by this character. I mean, she's all I could want in a cartoon chick. She's funny, snooty, ditzy, a genius (at the same time), has countless naked appearances, and PEED HER PANTS IN THE FIRST CHAPTER. I even think she's drawn perfectly. Not too thin, not too cliche... just right in every way.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to start thinking of some Bulma fanfics. Contentment works like hunger, y'know...


Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on September 07, 2009, 03:40:38 AM
For "X-Men"-related ideas, or just ideas in general?

There was the idea I suggested before where a tough chick (whoever you can think of) has an accident waiting for a meek chick (preferably Asian) finish up on the toilet.

I have an "X-Men" comic where a whole bunch of the X-mutants are sharing a small underground complex that has a funny scene where Iceman owns Boomer (who was called Boom-Boom then).  We see almost nothing, it's mostly told in dialog, but Iceman is in the only bathroom while Boomer waits impatiently to use it.  When she is at the peak of her desperation she finally gets let in, and finds that he wasn't really using the bathroom for all that time, he was freezing everything in it.  So she sits on an ice-coated toilet with solid ice in the bowl instead of water rather than wet her pants, which is very unpleasant for her bottom.  Maybe you could draw something inspired by this.

Also, a tough chick (preferably Rogue from "X-Men") sleeping peacefully under covers that are soaked with a big wet spot would be awesome.

Or maybe some chick (Jean from "X-Men" is perhaps ideal) after having a wetting accident.  Just standing there in her puddle with her arms behind her back, looking at the viewer with an expression of embarrassment and shame (or perhaps looking away in shame)

Do any of these sound good?

What the...okay, I didn't see those ideas until now. :-[ Didn't mean to ignore them, there's just no notification for edits.

Someone's gotta remind me to draw one of those when Jimmy comes back!


I think it'd be awesome to see picture of Shadowcat with a load in her pants. Wearing the blue jeans and pink top she had in X-Men: Evolution.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


You know, a friend of a friend played Shadowcat in the movie...kinda changed the way I feel about Shadowcat fics. ;D Still open to the idea though! I think that particular outfit might be a little too Zoey/Claire...though maybe that's why you like it. :P I personally might prefer a more obviously X-Men outfit. I'd want Jimmy's opinion before starting on it too.

Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: livinginfinite on November 25, 2009, 01:49:53 AMWhat the...okay, I didn't see those ideas until now. :-[ Didn't mean to ignore them, there's just no notification for edits.

Someone's gotta remind me to draw one of those when Jimmy comes back!

I was wondering why you never responded to my ideas. :) If you draw something I'll see it eventually.  I'm able to get on here like once or twice a week.  Kitty messing herself is fine, so long as you don't make her look slutty.  The Kitty I know is innocent, which makes her all the more hot.  Also it'd be nice if you could work phasing into the picture somehow.  ;D
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I guess I'll get-in on this, from lowest to highest/hottest:

5. Kuriko/Yuna/Rin (Maburaho) - They're all from the same series, and i simply can't choose one, so they're tied for fifth. The reason they're tied is because, although they all have such separate yet strong personalities, I love all three of them for different reasons.

4. Sango (Inuyasha) - Although most fans choose Kagome, I found Sango to be much more alluring in both her kimono and of course her form-fitting ninja outfit. I love her tough nature, and sometimes she's the only one I find even more sexy when she's angry.

3. Mutsumi (Love Hina) - The fact that you never see her without a smile on her face says it all about her attitude, she's as sexy as she is optimistic. And although she's barely in the show her laid-back nature along with her curves had me treasuring every second she was on screen.

2. Hinata (Naruto Shippuden) - To me she's one of the best combinations of cute and sexy out there, and also I love how she's fearfully strong and yet has a frail and quiet personality. And although she tries to hide her curves, I think she has one of the best bodies on the show.

1. Nel (Bleach) - Although she's obviously attractive in every way  :kawaii: (she's even able to pull off a scarred face) it's her personality that attracts me just as much. She knows when to act serious and when she does she's actually very intelligent, but more often then not she chooses to act like a kid and I love every second of it.


I have top five girls:

1. Yumi from Hi-Hi Puffy Ami Yumi
Yeah, she plays the guitar a lot, and I'd like to see her play her trademark instrument while taking a dump with her pants and panties around her ankles. :)
2. Lamu 'Lum' Invader from Urusei Yatsura
That's right, the hot alien chick herself is new to this world and she is does very well in using an Earth toilet. Imagine if she was stranded without toilet paper... ^-^ ;D
3. Zoey/Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew/Mew Mew Power
This little baby cake has a lot of spirit and cuteness in her, and some can imagine her using a litter box and defecating on one, but she is part human and she is toilet-trained, so there is a good chance to see her on he porcelain throne with her shorts pulled down at her feet. :-[ :P
4. Jillian from Family Guy
Yes Sir, Brian's ex is still hot cute as she can be. They've seen Lois and Meg on the toilet, why not her? I mean, image her sitting on the porcelain throne with her pants down at her feet, then leaving the bathroom door open for someone to see her making fudge from her butt...I wouldn't mind. :kawaii: ;D ^-^
5. Hayley from American Dad
Finally, this hippie chick is really sweet and has a lot of spirit. I'd see her using an eco-friendly outhouse with her pants pulled down to her ankles. But what toilet paper? She might have to use leaves, I guess... ;D

And that' top five girls...word.


Nice list. ;D 

Did you know that pictures exist that are at least somewhat related to your first and second picks?  You can go to an amateur Japanese artist site, to find a picture of Ami from the cartoon pooping on the toilet.  There is actually a drawing of Lum stuck on the toilet with no paper.  It's part of an artists collection I put up a wile ago, but I think I lost the download link.  If I find it or find some way to post the picture here, I'll show you.

Plan B

5. Kikyo, from Inuyasha. Even an uptight living dead priestess like her has to fart and poop some time, am I right?
4. Kagura, from Inuyasha. Associated with the wind. Shouldn't it be obvious?
3. Yura, from Inuyasha. Very minor character from the first couple episodes. Not only is she pretty, her Japanese voice is just  :kawaii:
    I always imagine Yura uses leaves to wipe her butt because she lives out in the forest.
2. Jessie, from Pokemon. I'm not a huge Pokemon fan; I don't even know a whole lot about it besides some of the characters being in the Super Smash Bros. series. But Jessie's voice is just...dead sexy.
1. Android 18, from Dragon Ball Z. All right, who didn't see this coming? You knew she'd be on here. I don't know how a cyborg like her can move her bowels, but she can give birth out one side, so why not?


Andriod 18 got turned back into a human by a dragonball wish, so she gives birth also to brown babies  8)

Jimmy Olsen

Annoyingly, some of the very cutest animé pics I've ever seen are from shows that (according to reputation) aren't very good.  Sanada from U.F.O. Ultramaiden Valkyrie and Shinozuka Arashi from GadGuard are two especially delicious examples.  They look like such well-groomed and proper young ladies that I can't help imagining what they're like behind closed (stall) doors.
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I don't want to sound rude, but I was also hoping anyone can please draw these requests of mine, please. I've seen the Ami pic, but there isn't one of Yumi on the toilet either. Thanks to DrBones for sending me the link to the Ami pic. And please, if anyone is willing to draw me my top five girls on the toilets, please reply back.