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Jimmy VS Fallen

Started by Jimmy Olsen, March 13, 2008, 01:03:30 AM

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Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on March 16, 2008, 03:44:25 AM
Words are being put into my mouth by misinterpretation and exaggeration.

Words are *not* being put into your mouth by misinterpretation - you are the one who said it was self abuse yourself. There is *no* exaggeration here. You said not once, not twice, but three times and I warned you the first two times *not* to call it that. You didn't listen, thus I had no choice but to ban you. And now, you *still* don't learn your lesson and you keep on and keep on.  I swear to you, if this was my site, I would ban you right here and right now.

As it is, you have *not* learned from your mistake, so I see *no* reason to ever let you back in. You have to learn to deal with the consequences of your actions and until you learn to do that, you'll not be let back in.

QuoteI never said anything judgmental about the practice, and I certainly never intended to insult anybody.  I made a perfectly innocuous comment.

Innocuous from whose perspective? If you had said it once or even twice, I would have (and indeed, did) overlook it. I gave you the traditional three-strike rule - Unfortunately, you didn't learn from your mistake and thus, you earned yourself a ban.

QuoteI just called the practice "self-abuse" because that's what I know it as. 

Again, that is a faulty, stupid belief. If you persist in believing that that is self-abuse, then you really don't belong here in the first place.

QuoteThat is, "self-abuse" seems to be the primary term people use to refer to it, based on what I hear and read.

Then you need to get away from what you hear and read, because it most certainly is *not* self abuse. And if you're incapable of doing so, you don't belong here *at all*.  Stop digging your own grave.  >_>;

QuoteIt's not like I chose "self-abuse" over the synonyms as some sort of statement.  I didn't know anybody objected to the term so forcefully.

After two times of me warning you not to? Geez... you're really ignorant, aren't you?  >_>;

QuoteWhat's more, if I were a fanatical conservative Christian, do you really think I'd be here?

For someone who doesn't even think he feels aroused from reading this stuff - who doesn't even want to touch his girlfriend... yeah... I think you *are* a fanatical conservative Christian - someone who takes guilty pleasure at this but doesn't have the capability to grow beyond what they've been taught, despite how wrong it is....  But again, that is neither here nor there. You must learn the consequences for your actions and until you learn to say "I'm sorry", then you will *not* be let back in....

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Eternal Dragon

ARGH WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT!? I go away due to my computer dying on me and this shit happens... ugh... and masturbation is not what you say it is Jimmy... and I'm sorry but I'm agreeing with Fallen here cause he seems to make more sense... and his logic is more how should I say... sensible and logical! I talk to the guy everyday... and he makes more sense then I do sometimes...  :-[

Anime Lover

without having actually seen the original post/comment that started this, I think this is all just a missunderstanding, from what I read here, Jimmy just used 'self-abuse' as a sort of slang to describe masturbation, like spanking the monkey or something, which I can totally understand, and if that's the case, I side with Jimmy
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Quote from: Anime Lover on March 17, 2008, 08:54:43 PM
without having actually seen the original post/comment that started this, I think this is all just a missunderstanding, from what I read here, Jimmy just used 'self-abuse' as a sort of slang to describe masturbation, like spanking the monkey or something, which I can totally understand, and if that's the case, I side with Jimmy

It's not that at all. If he had only said it once, it wouldn't have been a big deal. I would have asked him not to say it again and we all would have moved on. But no, he chose to say it again, and again a third time, after I had already told him to stop calling it that. That is why he is banned. For that and no other reason.  And instead of accepting his punishment, he came here and started raising a big stink about how "Oh, you are unfair, unreasonable, etc, etc..." and that just shows that he does *not* feel remorse for breaking the rules and thus, doesn't make me in any fashion, feel like unbanning him....

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD


Was he actually trying to make others agree with his phrasing? Or was it simply something he off-handedly said?

If he were using the term just casually (like a slang) then I would have to say it's a bit unfair to chastise him. But if he were honestly insisting others use it as well, then I can see the problem. While I will agree there are some phrases I could live without hearing, we can't really police others about what they say. Honestly I hate people who 'samefag'/'newfag' because I can't tell if it's meant as an insult or just a slang like 'bro'/'homey'. I mean, as far as I understand, fag either means a gay man or (if you're british) a cigarrette.

I'll agree that when someone is politely asked to refrain from using a phrase or slang and they should comply, and I certainly think that bringing the fight to another site is wrong. All in all, I would say it'd be best to try and forget about this situation all together. I mean, to persist on something so trivial when compared to someone whose purposefully attacking others with hateful speech or words just seems pointless.
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~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


I agree with the fact that when I banned him, I expected this "fight" to go away. When you're told by an admin to stop using an offensive term, and you neglect to do so, it's well within the admin's powers to ban you until you apologize, and you certainly don't take the fight to another forum and continue the same bullshit all over again.

As for policing what people say, yes, actually, you can on IRC. There's a function called "Badwords" that you can program into the chan bots so that if someone says one of those "badwords", they get kicked out of the chan. 

Now, you can't do stuff like that on a forum, I agree, but as I have no control over what goes on here, there's not much I can do. However, as the chan does belong to me, and as I *do* have certain criteria for people to be allowed in (such as not pissing off other chan ops - which Jimmy did too - and following the requests and directives of the owner/operators - which, again, Jimmy did *not* do), if you cannot follow those criteria, then you get banned.

It's the same thing no matter where you go - if you break a rule enough times, then you get banned.  Jimmy simply did not learn his lesson in time to save himself from banning and his defense of "Well, it's a polite term" is the stupidest PoS I have *ever* heard of and I have not *yet* heard him apologize.   Until he does, he is still banned.

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Eternal Dragon

I completely agree, I'd have done the same thing if I was in your place