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Jimmy VS Fallen

Started by Jimmy Olsen, March 13, 2008, 01:03:30 AM

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Jimmy Olsen

The only thing of long-term value is the challenge, and I've saved that now.  So yeah, you can delete whatever you want.

However I seriously think you ought to be more polite, especially in light of how polite I am to you despite our differences.
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Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on March 13, 2008, 01:03:30 AM
The only thing of long-term value is the challenge, and I've saved that now.  So yeah, you can delete whatever you want.

However I seriously think you ought to be more polite, especially in light of how polite I am to you despite our differences.

And I think you should be more polite to the people in the chan. You do *not* go into there and start spouting your shit about "Masturbation is self-abuse and oh, but that's a polite term!" because A.) It's not. and B.) it's insulting and derogatory to have done so. And further, when I ask you to stop and you persist, that's an insult to my ownership of the chan. If you can't follow the rules as they're laid down, then you get banned. It's as simple as that. 

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Jimmy Olsen

I didn't say anything judgmental about it.  I called it "self-abuse" because that's what I always hear it called.  It's just a decriptive term.  Banning a widely-used expression because you think its root words are inappropriately selected is irrational, as is banning people without warning after they've agreed to avoid the subject of contention.
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Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on March 13, 2008, 01:17:17 AM
I didn't say anything judgmental about it.  I called it "self-abuse" because that's what I always hear it called.  It's just a decriptive term.  Banning a widely-used expression because you think its root words are inappropriately selected is irrational, as is banning people without warning after they've agreed to avoid the subject of contention.

First of all, you did *not* agree to avoid it, since you brought it up tonight after I warned you about it last time.  Secondly, I could call you a freaky white ass boy - it's a descriptive term, but it is *also* very offensive and insulting - the same way as you used "self-abuse" to refer to Masturbation. And no, it's not *that* widely used unless you are so restrictive a person that you see evil in bringing yourself pleasure which is generally only those religious nuts who are so uptight about pleasing God that they forget just to live. And further, discussing *any* religious beliefs in that chan is wrong because the only way to debate against someone's beliefs generally leads to flames and insults.

And just because you hear something, that doesn't mean that you repeat it OR that you say "Oh, well, it's a polite term for it", which it is *not* - it is insulting and derogatory to an extreme.

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Jimmy Olsen

You didn't warn me about it last time (unless it was posted right before I signed off and I consequently didn't see it).  You said "it's not abuse" and some other stuff to that effect.  It seemed that you thought it was a stupid expression but I had no reason to believe you would penalize anyone for using it.  I figured you just hadn't heard it before since you live in a different region than I do, and were surprised by it. 

It has appeared to me that "self-abuse" is the predominant term for that used in conversation, and I had no prior knowledge of anyone forcefully objecting to the term, so I never saw any reason to not to use it.  So it's entirely unfair to make assertions about my character based on my using it.

To add to that, you have no reason to be hostile.  I've never done you any wrong, and have always been polite and respectful to you.  Placing a permanent ban on me for my first minor infraction is poor conduct.  It seems to me that the proper thing to do would have just been to tell me you didn't want me to call it that.

I also never said anything about religion.
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Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on March 13, 2008, 02:29:34 AM
You didn't warn me about it last time (unless it was posted right before I signed off and I consequently didn't see it).  You said "it's not abuse" and some other stuff to that effect.  It seemed that you thought it was a stupid expression but I had no reason to believe you would penalize anyone for using it.  I figured you just hadn't heard it before since you live in a different region than I do, and were surprised by it. 

First of all, YES, I did warn you and you accepted the warning as it was. For a time, there, you did not mention it, and for that, I allowed you to stay in the chan, against my wishes. Further, it *is* a stupid expression because it suggests that doing that is harmful - which it is not. You may not want to do it yourself, but it has been proved time and time again, that it is *not* harmful, nor is it abuse.

And I *did* promise you that I would take the necessary steps if you did not cease talking about it. And no, it's not because I live in a different region that I find that phrase offensive, but the sheer stupidity of it in the first place.

QuoteIt has appeared to me that "self-abuse" is the predominant term for that used in conversation, and I had no prior knowledge of anyone forcefully objecting to the term, so I never saw any reason to not to use it. 

Which is why I warned you the first time. I understand how people come from different manners of conversation; different walks of life. However, when you persisted against my warnings, that's when you earned yourself a ban.

QuoteSo it's entirely unfair to make assertions about my character based on my using it.

Unfair to make assertions? About someone who claims never to have felt an orgasm and who claims that coming to a porn/hentai site full of porn/hentai stories and yet, never has felt aroused? It's obvious that you are not thinking clearly, nor do you even understand how your own body works or why you like the things you do. You act as though you're a innocent little kid who's just trying to discover things about himself, but is too rigid in their faith to allow themselves the freedom to explore. 

This, in the end, isn't the sign of someone who has lived anywhere but under a rather strict  Christian (possibly Catholic) or other religious regime. If you look at the types of people that come to a site and make all these declarations, you're going to find out that most, if not all of them, come from such a background and while I try not to make judgements, in the end, that is my job as owner/administrator of the chan - to make judgments based on what I see.

QuoteTo add to that, you have no reason to be hostile.

Except that you flaunted my authority, again, as owner/admin and purposefully broke the rule against "No flaming", which your declaration of "Masturbation is self-abuse!" is.

QuoteI've never done you any wrong

Except that you have, by not following the rules and pissing off every member in the chan and thus, I responded in kind. You have not the type of personality to go in there and do what you did and you pissing off the rest of the membership leaves but one option - banning.

Quoteand have always been polite and respectful to you.

Again, you were *not* polite when you insulted and flamed the chan with your ignorance and stupidity.

QuotePlacing a permanent ban on me for my first minor infraction is poor conduct.

The ban is permanent because you have showed *no* signs of stopping your declaration. I gave you the benefit of the doubt the first time you mentioned it, but when you continued against my warnings, I had no choice but to ban you. This permanent ban is all your doing, my friend.

QuoteIt seems to me that the proper thing to do would have just been to tell me you didn't want me to call it that. 

I did...  several times. You refused to change it, thus, I had no choice but to call you on it and ban you. 

I also never said anything about religion.

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: FallenStar on March 13, 2008, 10:36:13 AMAgain, you were *not* polite when you insulted and flamed the chan with your ignorance and stupidity.

This is a perfect example of your irrational conduct.  I mentioned self-abuse once in a context that had nothing to do with moral judgment and you're saying I "insulted and flamed the chan."

I've never said anything about any moral objections to anything here out of respect for the community that has been created here for the open exchange of ideas and expression relating to taboo subjects, even if some of the subjects aren't to my liking.  I should hope this has been apparent to everyone.  Despite this, you act like I have been a constant voice of objection.

QuoteI gave you the benefit of the doubt the first time you mentioned it, but when you continued against my warnings, I had no choice but to ban you.

You didn't give me the benefit of the doubt.  You banned me immediately.  If something you said prior to that was intended as a warning I either didn't recognize it as such or wasn't around to read it.
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Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on March 13, 2008, 03:55:34 PM
This is a perfect example of your irrational conduct.  I mentioned self-abuse once in a context that had nothing to do with moral judgment and you're saying I "insulted and flamed the chan." 

Irrational conduct? What are you on about?! You flamed the chan, then made a stupid excuse about how "Oh, that's the "polite" term for it."  Sorry, those kinds of stupid excuses don't fly here.

QuoteI've never said anything about any moral objections to anything here out of respect for the community that has been created here for the open exchange of ideas and expression relating to taboo subjects, even if some of the subjects aren't to my liking.  I should hope this has been apparent to everyone.  Despite this, you act like I have been a constant voice of objection. 

You have been a constant voice of objection and you have been breaking the rules. I warned you three times and now, I'm warning you to back off here too. This thread is *not* your personal "whine" thread. Go take that to some other forum more suited for you.

QuoteYou didn't give me the benefit of the doubt.  You banned me immediately.  If something you said prior to that was intended as a warning I either didn't recognize it as such or wasn't around to read it.

Oh, I'm soooo sorry that I didn't ban your ass right out the first time you brought up this bullshit.  >_>;  Gee, *what* was I thinking when I let you stay in the chan for DAYS after you first brought this mess into the chan?  Hmm, maybe I thought you'd change. That you'd learned your lesson after I warned you about it.  Clearly, you show *no* remorse for your actions and you keep on keeping on.

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Jimmy Olsen

There's clearly no reasoning with you.  I was going to challenge you to find anyone else on this forum who thinks I've been out of line, but now I just want to be done with this nonsense, whatever the outcome.  I've been trying to minimize my time and mental investment in the Internet, and the opposite is what has been happening.
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Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on March 13, 2008, 04:22:45 PM
There's clearly no reasoning with you.  I was going to challenge you to find anyone else on this forum who thinks I've been out of line, but now I just want to be done with this nonsense, whatever the outcome.  I've been trying to minimize my time and mental investment in the Internet, and the opposite is what has been happening.

You can't reason your way out of the flaming and trolling you've done, no. That is, inherently, *your* problem, and you'll have to deal with the consequences of your own actions.

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD


 :-[ Wow.... Never thought we'd see a flame war here. Guess even the calmer waters get a little restless.

If I could throw in my two cents, and only just as an observer without really getting into the middle. Masturbation isn't anything close to abuse, while morons like catholics and christians would like to think it is, it isn't. But I have to say, trying to backpaddle after making a comment, whether it was intended to insult others or just a single person, doesn't bode well on the one who made the remark.

I got into a stupid arguement with some smoe on 4chan who made a lame (and it was! >:() joke about diamonds being a metal or something like that. I don't care, but trying to make a /b/ joke after someone's (my) lame joke about big boobs being able to crush diamonds is idiotic at best. But I should've just ignored the thing all together, thankfully I wasn't in any trouble. The point though, is that when you dig your grave, you've got to just lay back and rest in it.

Now let's all go eat some jello pudding! Ahuhuhuhuh!
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Quote from: OrpheumZero on March 14, 2008, 11:55:18 PM
:-[ Wow.... Never thought we'd see a flame war here. Guess even the calmer waters get a little restless.

They happen to the best of forums, its unavoidable. At least Godwin's Law wasn't brought into effect!  ;D

If I could throw in my two cents, and only just as an observer without really getting into the middle. Masturbation isn't anything close to abuse, while morons like catholics and christians would like to think it is, it isn't.

To tell you the truth, I think they consider it to be more "wasted seed" than abuse. Christians have always had weird rules, though, that don't make any sense in the modern world. Its a wonder they still attract a following larger than a core group of fundamentalists.

But I have to say, trying to backpaddle after making a comment, whether it was intended to insult others or just a single person, doesn't bode well on the one who made the remark. I got into a stupid arguement with some smoe on 4chan who made a lame (and it was! >:() joke about diamonds being a metal or something like that. I don't care, but trying to make a /b/ joke after someone's (my) lame joke about big boobs being able to crush diamonds is idiotic at best. But I should've just ignored the thing all together, thankfully I wasn't in any trouble. The point though, is that when you dig your grave, you've got to just lay back and rest in it.

I agree with this. I've said some stupid and bad things on other forums in the past, and soon on I realized that the best way around it was to simply ignore it, and let the issue die. Its happened many times. I say something, person responds, insulted/offended/hurt by my statement, I respond with a harsh remark, repeat to infinity. I learned that someone needs to give up, or the argument will never end, and so I usually took the "good guy" stance, and tried to end it.

Now let's all go eat some jello pudding! Ahuhuhuhuh!



Quote from: OrpheumZero on March 14, 2008, 11:55:18 PM
:-[ Wow.... Never thought we'd see a flame war here. Guess even the calmer waters get a little restless.

Likewise. At least, not from two active and contributing members.

Like Orpheum, I have no idea what happened. So, while I have developed an opinion on the whole ban thing, I'm keeping it to myself since I have no clue what actually happened.

That being said, I would hope that the next time something like this happens, one of the parties involved will have the courtesy to deal with it over PM. I don't know about the rest of the community, but I come here primarily to discuss girls going potty. Not be treated to a web Soap Opera  :(

If you own a PS3, download the demo. Give this game a shot. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.


I don't like to have this shit (no pun intended) on the forum either, but it's better to put it in it's own thread than to have one of my threads (for something totally unrelated) cluttered up with this nonsense...  >_>;

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Jimmy Olsen

Words are being put into my mouth by misinterpretation and exaggeration.  I never said anything judgmental about the practice, and I certainly never intended to insult anybody.  I made a perfectly innocuous comment.  I just called the practice "self-abuse" because that's what I know it as.  That is, "self-abuse" seems to be the primary term people use to refer to it, based on what I hear and read.  It's not like I chose "self-abuse" over the synonyms as some sort of statement.  I didn't know anybody objected to the term so forcefully.

What's more, if I were a fanatical conservative Christian, do you really think I'd be here?
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