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My story ideas thread

Started by Zephiel, July 14, 2014, 07:14:36 PM

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So I have some series I want to write for, but I wanted to talk about them and get some ideas from you all.

Final Fantasy VII: I already have most of this wirtten, it has Tifa and Yuffie desperate. I'm wondering if I should make Aerith desperate too.

Dragon Ball: I want to see Android 18 and Chi-Chi get some focus, so that's the main point of this story. It will be set shortly after Cell and include Bulma too, but I don't know what the scenario should be. I like Orpehum's story where they're waiting in line for the toilet at Roshi's, but I don't want to just copy that.

Pokemon: No idea what the scenario should be, but I'll probably include most of the main girls. I may also edit my FFVII story into a Pokemon one since they both have the JRPG thing going on. Cheap, but it works. >.>

Super Smash Bros.: Again, no real idea yet (but I got two new girls today =D)

Some others I may write for but haven't given much thought: Fate/stay night, Sailor Moon, Fairy Tail, A Certain Scientific Railgun.

Black Osprey

Getting your thoughts together is always a great thing. Letting everyone see it is even better, since it gets us excited for what's to come ;D

Definitely all great ideas here. Very happy to hear that much of the FFVII story is put down on pixilated paper. There are few people who can resist the allure of a single one of those beautiful FF ladies, so having more than one of them (all being desperate at that) is sure to please. Can't wait!

As for the DBZ story, my usual introductory piece of advice for a work featuring a pre-existing universe of any kind is to find instances where your desired instance would be possible. Since you have your little timeframe roped off, you're already better off than many. Since it is after the Cell Saga, you might want to focus on Android 18's recent changing back into a human thru the Dragon Balls. 18 hasn't been fully human in a long time and as such hasn't had a digestive system. Potential, Nyou-related problems can arise from this. I'd say 18 could be unused to having to stop for the restroom to the point where she inadvertently holds it off to the point of a near accident, leading to the coveted desperation scene that ring the audience in before the expulsion. I'm not too sure how Bulma and Chi-Chi fit into the story, however. I would suggest something like "three girls go out shopping and end up getting desperate all at once" or something but that seems very boring for a series as bombastic as DBZ. I like the idea so far, and this is only a suggestion, so you can obviously do what you find more interesting.

Pokemon has a ton of potential too. Each Generation has access to a female main character at least, accompanied by opposing female trainers, female Gym Leaders and champions, rivals, and more. This, in tandem with the similarities to the modern world, can make for some standard desperation scenes that are plausible in real life (waiting in line desperation, having to relieve themselves in the woods and behind buildings, tou get the picture). What makes Pokemon so unique is the potential involvements of the monsters in the story. Is a Snorlax blocking the way, leading to a few of the bursting PokeGirls to wake it up and move it before they lose their waste? (with the aid of their pokemon which, for added hilarity and heightening desperation, are all water types. Possibly a Water Gym?) Does a Poison-Type Pokemon attack our heroine, giving her an instant case of the runs? Does a confusing and perverted Gym Leader offer a nyou-related task instead of a battle in order to earn the badge, a request our spunky future PokéMaster is too determined to refuse? The possibilities are truly endless, and I'm excited to see it.

Smash Bros is kind of tricky, since the story mode doesn't lend to any ideas, nor does the core gameplay. However, I can foresee it as a great chance to create crossovers with the female cast in One on One fights that could either force the loser to succumb to a Nyou punishment or contests involving the nyou itself.

I don't have much of an idea for the rest of the series' you mentioned, but I would be interested to see those as well.

Happy writing, my friend!  :)
Fighting game fanatic.


Wow, thanks for the in-depth reply. While you're #18 idea sounds very nice, she wasn't actually turned back into a human because the wish couldn't be made. But I'm still going to have her desperate because nothing ever said she is missing those qualities. =P And I should mention that I picked that time frame because it has #18 around while Bulma and Chi-Chi are both still fairly young. It's a shame I can't include Videl or someone without bending canon...

Nice ideas for Pokemon, I will probably use multiple girls on an adventure together. I've also thought of putting a bunch of characters into a high school universe, which could work for Pokemon or Smash Bros. (I'd still do a normal Pokemon, story, though).

Black Osprey

Oh yeah, for some reason I remembered her actually being transformed back. Slip of the brain on my part. Still, though, cyborgs can be desperate too right? They've never specified against it, so fair game.

Yeah, I can definitely see the high school universe idea going well with Pokemon or Smash (pokemon moreso), which definitely lends to some more traditional and less canon-breaky stuff with girls from different generations. Could see it for Smash as well, but I don't think it would be as believable considering a large amount of the girls are from a medieval, castles and dragons-esque universe (Mario counts as that right? I mean the princess lives in a castle but Mario is also a go kart driver and doctor so idk). Could still definitely work though, since host universes are hardly top priority in that sort of crossover universe fic.

I also totally get the timeframe choice for the reasons you stated, totally justified because of the other two staying young and all.
Fighting game fanatic.


Guess I shouldn't worry so much about canon, but it's still hard to justify having Videl in a story with young Bulma and Chi-Chi. Smash Bros. in school might be weird if they wore their original outfits, but with school uniforms it should be fine. I would prefer to keep Pokemon characters in their original outfits, though. Would you have any interest in looking over my stories over PM or IM? I'll probably need someone to.

Black Osprey

I'm happy you asked for me to take a look at them, but I should tell you I'm not exactly one adept at critiquing or writing in general. I would be open to reading and helping any way I could, but I would look into getting one of the more experienced nyou writers to look into it as well.
Fighting game fanatic.