Summary: A magician learns to take her time with magic, the hard (and very messy) way.
Categories: Original Characters: None
Warnings: Defecation, Desperation, Diaper, Farting, Pantypoop, Scat, Urination, Wetting
Challenges: Dangerous Brew
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 4635 Read Count: 4122
Dangerous Brew by Jimmy Olsen
Summary: The heroine is a young magician/magical girl who doesn't quite understand all the ins and outs of magic. There are two potions you're not supposed to mix, because it creates something highly dangerous (like liquid fire or poison gas or something). She accidentally drinks one while the other is still in her stomach. She's really embarrassed by her amateur mistake, so she doesn't tell anyone. Her body is protected from the deadly concoction, but in a few hours it will come out of her and wreak havoc. She has to find a safe place to dispose of it before it comes out on its own.
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb."
Categories: Original
Characters: None
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Categories: Original
Characters: None
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