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Messages - Waru

Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXV Themes
December 17, 2012, 01:16:47 PM
I'll say this... there are two good ideas here that pique my interest... Well... mine... and the "history's biggest dump" (knowing me, I'd go with prehistory, just for the fact of a female going all out while going).
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXV Themes
November 28, 2012, 01:46:18 PM
Resubmitting my theme.

theme: Perverted Mind Control

description: This one is open-ended... but must involve some form of mind control (beit a traditional soothing voice and swinging watch-n-chain, a hypno, a pulsing thrumming "screen saver", a non-fatal neurotoxin/drug, or something else you can think up, technological, magic or otherwise), and that it must have a female being mc'd (anime, toon or game... any age) and urinating, defecating, or both (can be simple pants/panty-shitting, making her think she's in the woods and having her squat & go... make her think she's a puppy/primal human, etc)... AND IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE LIMITED TO RELIEF! Can involve sex and other funny/kinky mc stuff (so long as the ws and/or scat holds SOME focus).

Just remember, skies the limit: "Only YOU can make her say 'no'."

EDIT: ONE restriction... no guro/snuff, please. Vampirism's ok... but no guro/snuff.
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXIV Themes
November 16, 2012, 02:16:09 AM
Welp, it's a tie.

... Now what?
Role Play / Re: rp?
November 16, 2012, 01:37:29 AM
Hmmm... the last one doesn't seem bad... So I guess the best idea would be to promote more writers, and, when the time comes, someone can try and work in an rp from there.
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXIV Themes
November 15, 2012, 02:21:08 PM
Man, this is gettin' close  =D
BORDERLANDS, you say?  :kawaii:

Any Tiny Tina?  =D
General Discussion / Re: Pooping Gifs
November 07, 2012, 06:11:27 PM
Most of these seem good... but... some of these are "scat" scat.
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXIV Themes
November 05, 2012, 02:47:51 PM
Ya know, I was thinking... and yeah, it IS to help with my idea (but it's not JUST for that)... since we have a three-way tie for second... I was thinking any poll ideas that get tied for second, perhaps we have a secondary poll to select a secondary theme? That way, the contests are a little more varied, and more variety gets pushed out.

I know it "kinda" defeats the purpose of having a poll ("kinda" but not really), but nothing saying we can't have a 1st runner-up in case of 2nd place ties, right?
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXIV Themes
November 02, 2012, 08:46:37 PM
Same with my MC... in fact we were tied.
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXIV Themes
November 02, 2012, 06:53:21 PM
Vandalism in the lead? Really?

Don't we have PLENTY of fics where a women clogs a toilet to irredeemable extents? And... well... I hope others can "figure out a way" to such a difficult theme like that work, in ways beyond that...
Role Play / Re: rp?
November 02, 2012, 06:50:37 PM
Well, you're not wrong, TUSF; So what do you suggest?
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXIV Themes
November 01, 2012, 11:22:59 PM
I honestly don't know... I mean, I HOPE my MC vote wins, 'cause if so... there are just no decent non-generic MC stories that aren't of either OC's or that doesn't take it too far.

Wouldn't MIND experimenting with it because with MC possibilities are ENDLESS, but you gotta have the right "touch" to make it seem workable, and "arousing".
Role Play / Re: rp?
October 30, 2012, 10:10:45 PM
Well, Duce... it's kinda hard to RP when nobody bothers to make premises, or discussions... even on regular RPG (D&D, Pathfinder, Shadowrun)...

I'm not entirely sure it should be taken down, but I'm just one voice...
General Discussion / Re: Indecent Proposals
October 18, 2012, 05:44:21 PM
Quote from: DrBones on November 15, 2008, 08:45:38 PM
Thanks for reviving this Orpheum.  I think I have one or two more ideas I could put up next weekend.  If we really want to continue these though, we're going to have to start using other characters from the series already up here or more obscure universes as most of the best known ones have been done, (I'm literally looking at my manga/DVD collection next to my desk for ideas.) 

I seem to remember an Excel Saga one among the originals if you want to recreate that, or I could (but I really know the manga better than the anime.)

Love what you did with the DBZ short, especially that first line.  So whatever Roshi is slipping into her food not only makes her dumps huge and messy, but gives her incredible gas that smells like week-old death.  (Hmm... wonder if he would sell me some...  ;D ;))  Not only was it a Bulma pic. that originally started this whole thing, but she and Vegeta are the only actual married couple in this thread so far.  Maybe I could try one with Krillin and 18.

Now that I think about it, it may have been a good thing that the old thread page was lost...

*rifle bullet whistles past head*  :-X

Weight!  Let me explain!  :001:

That thread was very slow when it died, now we have more stories than ever on here and better versions of the classics.  It sucks more than most things I can think of that we keep losing these sites, but as long as they come back bigger and better every time we can keep the community alive. 


Well, Bonesy (if you're still here), I did the Excel Saga one... I really should recreate it, since I do vaguely recall it. I read the Samurai Champloo one and laughed from the record-scratch censors and the sheer absurdity that was Bo-bobo.

Ya never know, I may work on some stuff again.