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Image Boards???

Started by Paytonzane3, May 03, 2011, 07:35:55 PM

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The only reason there is hardly much "activity" is because most of the members here are just cowardly lurkers, plain and simple. They come on, sign up, and then scramble about in the shadows looking the stories and pictures and never saying boo. And when they do, they can't seem to must up the courtesy to wait until they've established a presence before begging/demanding for stories from certain authors. And it is especially annoying when no one takes part in the polls, or throw in with the brainstorming of themes. I'm not saying people should be obligated to commit to a site as though it were a school based group thing, but it would be nice to see more active participation from people, even if they feel like they can't write or contribute as much as the distinguished members. The only thing we can thankful of, is that thankfully we don't have fuckig trolls like 4chan.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Wait a minute, how did anything I said appear offensive, or could any part of it be construed as a rant? Just because someone has a bit of a tendency for...purple prose doesn't mean that they're necessarily out to criticize stuff. I assure you, I meant what I said as neither complaint or demand: it was more of a pondering out loud about how things are. I've been around since the Yahoo Groups days with Jupiter and Micro, so I certainly know how things go.

There's no need here to take the highground and call bullshit on each other. If you believe there is, then I will oblige appropriately, but keep in mind that would say more about you than it would about me.

(That wasn't a jab at the talkbox. It's a talkbox. That's what it does, and that was the whole point of bringing it up.
The comment merely referred to its consistent and clockwork nature in contrast with everything else, which seem more sporadic.)

Maybe it'd come as a surprise, but I actually agree with you on a lot of stuff. Even so, I invite you to revisit the points you made.
1. This isn't deviantart, only a couple people can draw, and only a couple more people can write, meaning your not gonna get activity every 24 hours, most likely we'll get something once a month if we're lucky (maybe longer since yarr is taking a well deserved vacation).
True, and contributors and lurkers run on double standards. Besides, wouldn't you agree that it's hypocrisy to ask "why don't you make something" when this whole gig runs on a volunteer basis in the first place? Hmm?
2. Everything produced from this board comes from an abundance of free time that the author/artists has, which is hard to find with school, work, friends, family, or any other obligations... orrr maybe even just something good on T.V. :P
Again, true. People are inherently lazy, and I'm not saying I'm an exception. Generally speaking for forums, it's okay not to do anything, ever. Perhaps the generous folks who pay for the servers consider their donation as charity and don't expect to gain anything from all this? Who knows?
3. Although one of this board's focuses are pics and fics, the main focus is just gathering like-minded individuals... and in that aspect I don't think we're low on activity at all, in fact I seem to see a new person on these forums every other day :)
Very true about the like-minded aspect, but I'd have to disagree on the activity part. Obviously, it's impossible to always have new content: still, even during the dry spells, it's nice to see new discussions or venues of interest pop up. Or are you saying your definition of activity is a bit more, shall we say, lax? By all means, if you're a true believer, just belonging to a plane of existence is in itself an activity.
4. Beggars can't be choosers enjoy what ya got... because I'm sure it's not a small amount
Considering how far this place has gone since the old groups, I have to agree there's not much to complain about. Hell, this place is great, no irony here. That's also why I don't want it to die for the wrong reasons if those can be helped.

On your final piece of advice, perhaps you speak the way you do because you're used to making miracles. I work fast, but unfortunately I'm only human: my infinitely mundane posterior isn't a dimensional rift of magicks and wonders from which I could pull new content on a whim, and even that concept wouldn't make a good nyou story. Tell you what though: as a show of good faith, I will be making something, and I'll let you hold me unto that. My break from work ends beginning July, so if I work at breakneck speed, I'll see if I can post something before things get too hectic for me again.

Heck, you've done more than share many times over. You know, I've always enjoyed your work, Yarr (which was why I offered to work on the Melina pic, really). The stories are consistently ridiculous all while being unabashedly fetish...and undoubtedly that's why they work so well. Hah! I think I'll be making a Sakura pic this time. You ready for it?

Yes, and Amen to that, brother.


Quote from: nkay7 on June 23, 2011, 03:53:53 PM
Hah! I think I'll be making a Sakura pic this time. You ready for it?

Single manly tear inc.

Feel free to use any of my stories with her as a ref if you like. Looking forward to it.  :)


Quote from: nkay7 on June 23, 2011, 03:53:53 PM
... I assure you, I meant what I said as neither complaint or demand: it was more of a pondering out loud about how things are...
My bad, I misunderstood  =D


Quote from: Paytonzane3 on May 03, 2011, 07:35:55 PM
Ever sense Nyou3 went down, I've been using Gurochan's Scat section for most of my image seeking needs, and What boards have you guys been using???

There is a booru now, but it's more focused on farting than scat.  Not fully tagged, but it's something.   Not really an alternative though to the massive amount stored here, but glance-worthy. 

(I'll gladly remove this if it is troublesome.)


Was intending to post this up monday night, but, well...real life happens. I've contributed a pic to the Toilet folder, not sure if anyone was waiting for it.

I dedicate this image to Yarr and Orpheum, and I don't think the subject matter needs an introduction. Come to think of it, I suppose it's a bit too prudish for Yarr's tastes, but I think softcore fans will like it. While guro material abound, less graphic stuff like Micro's seem harder to come by. This is the second image I've colored for the nyou board, but it's also literally the first original drawing I've made since those days scribbling in my notebooks during middle school. Brings a tear to the eye, really. I hope y'all enjoy, and I'll be around.

Mind you, I'd honestly rather not see this get posted on other imageboards/forums, but that's all I'll say about that.

(The following are passing insights -and frustrations- duly noted for progress tracking and self-crit purposes. I also find that the more challenging the work, the more amusing the trials tend to appear in retrospective, as if to rationalize our angry ramblings from those early hours of the morning.)

nkay7 Project Log #002 : "Sakura's Awesome Experience.jpg"

Deadline (self-set): 1 week.
   Edit: OHGODMAKEITSTOP. Fixed to 2 weeks.

- Tried to distance myself from s2x "pure ass" approach with something less explicit but also more challenging to make.
   Edit: Wondering if challenge level is set too high. Bitten more than I can chew?
   Edit: Nah!
- Surfed Gelbooru for reference materials, mostly Udon stuff. Settled for a ahoge-sporting Sakura.
- Spent way too much time on the ink line drawing. Half-assing the cleanup part.
   Edit: Does anyone know how to smoothen line drawings during cleanup? Because the linework looks really jagged.
- Starting to wonder if the level of detail was a bit too ambitious from the start.
   Edit: Yes. Yes it was. There's no way this is getting done in a week. Need another week. Also need a drink.
- Lifted color palettes from ref materials. Applying matte layer.
- CLOTHES DON'T WORK THAT WAY. It nags at me, but I probably should just move on as long as it looks cool. The more my judgement erodes from lassitude, the more likely I'll be to make mistakes.
- Done with highlighting layer. Moving to shading layer.
   Edit: That's fine too.
- No time for drawing a background. Adopting a grayscale minimalist approach.
   Edit: Well, that sure is one ugly ass background. Moving on.
   Edit: Got a bit of time now. Switching to basic geometric shapes and colors.
   Edit: ...And now it's a disco hall. Man, I suck.
- Cut and pasted an angled marble floor in a feeble attempt to add texture to the image.
   Edit: ...Didn't quite come out as intended. The perspective's all wrong. Wasted too much time to re-do by now.
   Edit: Looks surreal, so kept it there in final version just for kicks.
- Final touch up. Detailing hair. Detailing eyes. Adding blush and sweat. Should be done over weekend unless something comes up.
   Edit: And it did. Staying sober was wishful thinking.
- Completed project. Not sure how some people do this regularly, but I'm drained. If there's a next time, I might try something more stylized and less demanding. Constructive commentary would be appreciated.
- Time to tend to my broken neck. *Wheels away*


Quote from: nkay7 on July 05, 2011, 07:37:33 PM
Was intending to post this up monday night, but, well...real life happens. I've contributed a pic to the Toilet folder, not sure if anyone was waiting for it.

OMG. Mind is blowned at the awesomeness.


Hello all,  thought i'd use this forum to say hi.  I'm Snow from nyou3, some might remember others might not care.

Anyway this site is a little hard for me to see, it took me several tries to get the code right just to post this. So excuse my noobishness but where would i go to upload any work i may have. Are Photoshop pictures acceptable?

Thanks to anyone who answers.


Well Nkay, I have to say I wasn't waiting for this, but that's only because I didn't know/forgot you where doing it. :-[  Very, very nice.

I love your take on that distinctive style S2X uses for most toilet related commissions. =D =D =D  There are two different threads going on right now on the Gurochan scat board concerning S2X's work, with the man himself taking part.

Wile I do enjoy the Yarr-S2X stuff with massive piles of poop, I've always been a huge fan of the "cute" pics. of just girls on the potty.  Those are some of my favorites, especially if they're well drawn and featuring characters I know, like much of Micro's work.

As for the picture it's self...  it's funny to say since I've only seen one other of your works, and that was just a coloring, but I can see your distinctive style in Sakura's face.  I like how the "surreal" background and positioning turned out.  It's not so bland as to be distracting, but just fads away and you hardly notice it, exactly as a background should.  I'm glad you went with the original version of the story with two toilets, it was probably easier to draw that way, but it also makes a better visual image, even if it isn't as realistic in the story.  You sure where able to get across the effort those two are putting into it, especially Chun-Li in the second one!  :constipation:=D  I'm amazed how good you got the crumpled clothes and panties to look (one of the hardest aspects of these pictures).  All the tiny details on the shoe laces must have taken a long time, but it came out looking amazing.  Whatever method you use for coloring, it strikes a perfect balance between anime cell-shading and realistic shadow.  In my mind, a thoroughly polished and professional piece all around. 

If you ever get the time, energy, etc. to illustrate more stories from this site I would truly love to see them. :004:

Skunkyfarts/Snow, you can post pictures on the Media section, the link is on the top bar here.  As for photoshops, I would say only "high-quality" ones, ie. no fart pictures with just yellow stuff randomly airbrushed around girls butts, but I can't tell you what to do myself.


I don't know what to tell you. Aside from the more obvious child porn restrictions, I don't think anyone has set ground rules within this image board yet. However, I agree with Bones that unless the modifications reach a certain level, photoshops of already-existing pictures can feel like an exercise in redundance. Would posting those annoy everyone? No, but it would definitely annoy at least someone. But hey, if you feel your work's good enough, I don't think anyone would complain about new material.

While I enjoy the occasional thumbs up (who doesn't), it's a nice surprise to see someone took the time to really look at the picture.

I don't think anyone can color without at least some prior knowledge of how to draw, so my way of doing things would logically carry over from piece to piece...although to be quite honest, it could just as well be that I don't really know any other way of coloring as of right now. I basically proceed with brut splotches of color here and there and smoothen out the edges to make it look like two different tones merge together. Hell, I think I probably use really inefficient methods overall and while these two projects have made me less of a Photoshop noob, I'm still in the midst of figuring out what the damn software can do! So the whole "cel-shading" look of the image is incidental, really. I'm happy people like it despite the jagged linework. And I'm happy you noticed the tiny details! That was a real headache to draw with a mouse.

I'm glad to see there's someone else who enjoys softcore pictures. I think of it as focusing more on posture and original source acknowledgment rather than on...well, ass and output. Considering the outrageous and excessive nature of the Sakura fic though, it's weird to think the latter approach would have been ultimately truer to its spirit. So in the end, there's really no place to criticize s2x's art when it comes to fulfilling this kind of commission. No sweat, I just wanted to try something different.

And now, I will stop abusing this thread.