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Nyou Dreams

Started by Jimmy Olsen, October 24, 2007, 10:06:22 PM

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Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: Harry-Topper on August 17, 2013, 04:29:45 PM
Nice examples, Jimmy. The Ghostbusters one should've ended with the wife running to the toilet despite her half-naked state and exploding her fecal matter into the bowl.

Unfortunately I can't control my dreams.
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Thought I'd drop off these two.

One dream, I walked in on two college girls in a unisex bathroom at some formal event. One was on the toilet, the other was wearing a pink pair of training pants, but both of them were in pink dresses. They seemed like they were in some kind of sub/dom relationship, except the one in the diaper was the domme instead. Apparently that girl was berating the other for having held in her pee for so long ("Look what you made mommy do", etc., apparently she already wet herself waiting for her pretend daughter to finish). The other girl, who was surprisingly taller, leaner, and more athletic than the other, could only straddle the toilet and whimper helplessly while a huge stream of urine poured out from between her thighs.

Another took place in a shopping mall that was about to close, and I ended up trying to help two more college girls in need of a toilet find somewhere in the mall to relieve themselves. It didn't help that there were security cameras and guards everywhere and every time they thought about just going on the floor, and that there was some kind of adult diaper promotion going on inside. Finally we ended up outside the mall, and at first a dark corner of the building seemed like a good idea because their black clothing would just blend in. Turned out it was too bright, and security was there anyway, so we disappeared down an alley. Eventually we passed a bunch of public phones in an empty corridor, but with no toilets in sight, the girls came to a stop, doubled over, and simultaneously wet themselves in front of the booths. They seemed way more relieved than embarrassed, though, especially when they realized it was too dark for anyone to notice their soaked pants.
Project List:
Amanda and Alyssa 4: The Subway
The Fetish/Designer Diapers
AAA followup/Steam Knights and the Stocks
Sabotaging the Restaurant
College Story I: Banned From The Toilet
College II: Responsible Girls Don't Go In Their Pants
All Tied Up And Nowhere To Go
White Diaper, Black Mail

Jimmy Olsen

These dreams sound like good fic fuel, Paragon.  :)
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Yeah, if I get some decent time to myself over the weekend, I might be able to crank out something. I haven't been in the mood for 4000-word epics lately, so I might try my hand at producing a couple of smaller chapter parts this time.
Project List:
Amanda and Alyssa 4: The Subway
The Fetish/Designer Diapers
AAA followup/Steam Knights and the Stocks
Sabotaging the Restaurant
College Story I: Banned From The Toilet
College II: Responsible Girls Don't Go In Their Pants
All Tied Up And Nowhere To Go
White Diaper, Black Mail


I had a dream last night where Ana Didovic was using a squat toilet in France. She shat out several fat logs, outside of the toilet.


I rember being at a small town fair and Gal Sone was there. Several mean were trying to record her shitting, and so was I. Unfortunately, and old Japanese man was the one who successfully recorded her.

I saw him get rewarded by a representative of a voyeur video company. He gave this man 2 big gold bars and several small pieces of gold for that video.

Jimmy Olsen

The main dream last night was that I went out driving with my dad and his artist friend, and we dropped in on a family the friend knew who didn't seem to want us there.  But at the end of the dream I saw an ad on television.  It showed a montage of women peeing.  It included a showgirl in a silent film lifting a leg and peeing on the floor, a World War II pin-up model pushing her swimsuit aside to pee, and a Surrealist film in color with a nude legless woman playing a piano while peeing backwards off the bench.  The voice-over (by the Living in Iowa narrator, I think) said something like, "Every woman in history has done it, but not much has been said about it."  It turned out to be a preview for a documentary entitled Female Urination: Anatomy of a Taboo (or something similar).  I said to myself that I needed to write down the day and time so I wouldn't miss this program.  Then I realized I didn't need to, because it was only a dream.  I woke up just then.
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Jimmy Olsen

Nyou-themed magazines existed in my dream last night, and I went to a special store to buy the latest 3 issues.  I forgot about them for years, then found them and read or reread them.  The magazine had branched out since its early issues, and was now essentially a science and news magazine focused on medicine and the human body.  The only really relevant part I remember was an article by a water conservation agency.  It was trying to get people to use water sparingly instead of wasting it all the time, and the article promoted the first No Flush Day.  It was a holiday they hoped to popularize where people were discouraged from using flush toilets for the day.  To drum up interest, the article had photos of celebrities doing stuff like squatting in bushes and sitting on logs with their pants down.  The dream seems to contradict itself, because I thought the magazines were all several years old but this article seemed to be new.
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Going back to that Ghostbusters dream from this past summer, that actually reminds me of a fic I was working on called "Grossbusters" where the (3-woman) team dealt with supernatural threats that had to do with the toilet (such as a woman's rectum being possessed by a gassy genie, or a poltergeist that resided in a person's septic system). As is the case with many of my fics, I abandoned it after not being satisfied with the way things were going.

I really need to stop doing that.

Jimmy Olsen

That sounds like an overspecialized team, but I like toilet ghost stories.  I hope you can make one work.

I played around a little with turning that Ghostbuster dream into a story, but didn't get very far.  One idea was that the wife thought the house was haunted and that it all came from a mysterious hole outside that reappeared every time she filled it in.  Because she saw what looked like a Kappa in the hole, and because of the old painting of someone driving away a Kappa with gas, she decides she can end the haunting with a well-placed dump.  The other idea was that she suspects a toilet is really some kind of shapeshifter, and she wants to force it to show its true self by choking it with the most massive load her body can muster.
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For some reason, my dream the other night had a Family Guy like cutaway with either the Invisible woman from Fantastic Four, or Catwoman (my memory kind of blanked on that shortly after waking that day) squat over a western toilet and taking a shit. The "cutaway" didn't show anyone on the toilet, but a very feminine moan and splashing sound. The rest was just bizarre, as is the case with most of my dreams.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


I just had another "World tour of pooping" dream.
This time, Ana Didovic announced that she would appear at a huge comic book convention in New York.
And just like the dreams I had before, I couldn't afford to travel there and see it!

When combined with a different dream I had that night, I woke up really angry.


I had another Nyou dream, but it is much different than the "World tour of pooping" concept.

In this dream, airport security hassled someone without good reason, and demanded a stool sample. When that woman was taken into the security room, she took an elephant sized shit, and pretended to feel sorry for the people who would be stuck analyzing it and disposing of it.


i had a dream, about panty & stocking, having a farting contest, with panty shitting her panties from farting too much.

can someone make this into a fan fic?, or a drawing?.


I had a king of the hill dream of Nancy and Luann were chatting on the toilet and I could see them through a hole in the wall and they wiped each other's butts after they were done.

I would love to see a drawing on this.
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