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Anime Lover's fiction status report

Started by Anime Lover, March 22, 2008, 01:26:37 PM

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Anime Lover

Chapter 52 of my Succubus Series, 'The Kaori/Sakaki Enigma'
has been posted
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Jimmy Olsen

Any chance you'll write a chapter/spinoff involving diapers?  I'd really like to get this contest rolling, in the spirit of increasing activity here.
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Girls' Night
Morning Commute

Anime Lover

I currently have no plans to make a 'new' fic with diapers, although, in my succubus series, Alex likes wearing and messing them and has a special re-useable pair from Lynn's mom, so if i did do a diaper fic, it would likely be a chapter of my succubus series, I just have no ideas atm
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13


Probably stupid to re-open old wounds, but...

You've always talked about how rough Kim was treated as a younger girl... how about a Kim "pee-rape" fic from when she was a bit younger?  :)

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Jimmy Olsen

Okay, well if you do have an idea, don't hesitate to share the resulting fic.

Oh, and what do you think of Teesle's Lucky Star challenge?  Anything you'd be interested in writing up?
Latest Stories
Girls' Night
Morning Commute

Anime Lover

you mean the one with Konata using a diaper in her gaming?
yeah, I actually thought about doing a fic based on the pic s/he was talking about.
I just haven't gotten around to doing it.
I still haven't did my Yutaka/Minami fic yet >_<
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Jimmy Olsen

Yeah, the diapered gaming.  That could be a fun fic to read.
Latest Stories
Girls' Night
Morning Commute

Anime Lover

My Life as A Succubus
54. The Kaori/Sakaki Enigma: Redux

Final Fantasy X-2: Crossover
4. Warmth [WS]

Craptastic Can Be A Good thing! [SCAT]
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Anime Lover

My Life as A Succubus
54. A Touchie Evening [WS]
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Anime Lover

Lucky Star
A Gamer's Dedication [WS] [DIAPER] [Teesle challenge] [Story contest]
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Jimmy Olsen

I posted my review, and if you're wondering why it ends so abruptly, that's because I accidentally cut off the end.  But there's nothing in the conclusion that isn't just summing up what's in the rest of the review.  Great job!
Latest Stories
Girls' Night
Morning Commute

Anime Lover

21st EX chapter added to the popular girl


Sakura learns the downside of having two sets of parents when she, like any other teenager, tries going behind there backs to do something she's not allowed...
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Anime Lover

22nd EX chapter added to the popular girl


A brief look back to Nina's life before meeting Sakura.
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Anime Lover

23rd EX chapter added to The Popular Girl


Her arm just healed and Sakura can't wait to get back into the ring, will she fair better this time?
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Anime Lover

24th EX chapter added to The Popular Girl


Sakura, the girl who once swore off boys, gazes at a sight she NEVER thought she'd see...

NOTE: I've been wanting to do a chapter like this with Sakura for awhile now (not the Yaoi part) and i finally got around to doing it ^_^
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13