A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other
Summary: A girl takes cosplay pics of herself as a damsel in distress using the stone wall in her family's basement as a backdrop. She even takes a timer-photo of herself locked in an ankle bracelet (an antique her dad plans to sell). It's so rusty she can't open it up and is trapped with her cell phone just out of reach. Someone happens upon her a few hours later. She wants him to get her out and never tell anybody this happened (because she's embarrassed by her own stupidity and because the antique might have to be ruined to free her). He loves seeing her powerless because she's normally pretty controlling. He lets her out, but not before lots and lots of teasing (which only intensifies once he notices she needs the bathroom). Maybe he frees her just in time to save her princess panties. Maybe she wets before she's free. Maybe he offers her an antique chamber pot as a joke and she's so desperate she actually uses it. These things are up to the writer.
Categories: Original Characters: None

A fantasy story about a young woman who wishes for riches.  Her wish is granted in a way she never expected: Every time she takes a dump, gold and jewels come out.  She becomes wealthy but is terribly afraid of anyone learning her humiliating secret (not to mention the discomfort she experiences during each bowel movement).  This story is about her quest to remove the spell, and about a man who is determined to learn the secret of her inexplicable wealth.  He eventually spies on her and ends up helping her break the spell.

Categories: Original Characters: None
Summary: Right in the middle of a physical exam (or what have you) at the doctor's office, a female patient is suddenly overcome with the need to relieve herself, but tries to hold it until she starts leaking and/or farting right in front of the doctor, right into her exposed undies (because she's in a medical gown, (un)dressing, lying down while being examined "down there," etc.). Either she admits she has to go or the doctor embarassingly points out her situation, which then leads into how she could possibly relieve herself mid-exam. She asks for a bedpan or some kind of container, but the clinic has no such hospital-level materials, and the doctor brings her a diaper instead. Whether or not she relieves herself in private and whether or not the doctor continues the exam while she tries to use or not use the garment, is up to you. The diaper need not be an adult one if the doctor takes it from, say, the pediatric wing of the clinic.
Categories: Original Characters: None

What if the cloud food had some unexpected side-effects on people before the big disaster? Samantha Sparks finds herself needing to poop a ton after eating some of the heavenly food. Or, she could find that the lemonade made from a lemon storm cause overactive bladder symptoms. Or a combination of the two.

Basically, the story should either be:

*A case of megacolon caused by the food; can lead to accident or Flint needing to invent super toilets

*Sudden urge to pee a lot

*Combination of both

Categories: Original Characters: None
Summary: Write a Code Geass story where Lelouch Lamperouge uses his Geass for less then honorable purposes. He can use it on any female character and have them do anything that is physically possible. So, that means no egg laying, vore tentacles or futanari but anything else is fine. You can also disregard the one use per person rule regarding the Geass.
Categories: Original Characters: None

This idea would work with pretty much any animé with a shy girl who's part of a group of closely-knit characters. This poor shy girl is constipated. First she waits or the problem to stop, but it doesn't. And she can't bring herself to buy a laxative at a drug store (sort of like Hideki and the panties in <i>Chobits</i>). So she wants to ask one of her friends to get a laxative for her, or else advise her on another possible remedy, but she's too embarrassed to talk about something like that.

But as the days go on, her tummy gets tighter, and her rectum remains immobile, she gets increasingly desperate for a remedy, and comes closer and closer to overcoming her fear of discussing the matter. First she tries dropping hints, but that doesn't work. She has to practically scream it in the end.

But more silliness ensues. A drink with a laxative dissolved in it that someone prepared for her gets accidentally drunk by another girl, with hilarious (and possibly messy) results. And there would be other issues and plot-wanderings before our shy girl finally drops her motherload at the story's conclusion (probably after an awkward enema scene).

Categories: Original Characters: None

Some of you may recall a pee-centric picture with what looks like a flight controller losing it and peeing her panties. Well even if you don't here's the skinny: A young girl whose responsible for helping land planes is stuck in the control room with little staff and an even fuller bladder/bowel. What can she do when the overwhelming need to go is pitted against the moral dilemma of saving a plane that is flying on the skin of it's teeth.

The story can be fairly serious, or have a more humorous situation with witty banter and the like. Also, it can be just pee or poop, doesn't have to be both.

Categories: Original Characters: None