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Messages - Quagmire

Commissions / Re: Underappreciated Shows and Games
August 28, 2010, 04:04:31 PM
Comics, ye say?  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 

The Phantom is regarded as the original costumed superhero.  In short, "he's" been around almost 500 years because the mantle has been passed on from father to son with very few knowing it.  The world (well, those who believe he even exists) think it's been the same man from the start.

ANYWAY, naturally to make sons you need women.  In the case of the Walker family, it's usually hot and/or exotic women.  And the series is set in the jungles of Africa.  Mention of "wilderness relief" was what made this one hit me.  Also wonder what kind of facilities there might be/have been in the Skull Cave?  Maybe there's a second "skull throne" that's never been addressed?

And incidentally, there was briefly a FEMALE Phantom as well who served while her brother was recuperating from multiple broken bones.

Eh, just thought I'd throw it out there.
General Discussion / Re: Autobiography
July 13, 2010, 08:34:31 PM
Yes, make it so! 

If, for some reason you decided not to post least post it somewhere like (and let us know what handle you'd be using if not the obvious "Micro!" )

It seems that I've always been around girls that are pretty open about bathroom stuff, but I've never had the balls to ask one of them to let me watch before.  So while I'd have some sorta-interesting tales, they'd pale in comparison to yours...
Commissions / Re: Batman (Poison Ivy) idea...
June 12, 2010, 10:54:33 PM
Eeexcellent!  I was thinking more along the lines of some poor newbie janitor or guard, but I think much hilarity could ensue if the other inmates (big names or random loons) get in on the show..
Commissions / Batman (Poison Ivy) idea...
June 04, 2010, 08:48:29 PM
Borrowed from the 'farting' thread at the ibf4.  There's a pic posted there of Poison Ivy farting, and it appears to have a "flowery" smell:

So, suppose that a side-effect of Ivy's "unique" body chemistry is that, as the saying goes, her shit really DOES smell like roses!  Opens up some ideas/scenarios I would think.

I know I said this in the Ultimate X-Men thread, but this time I really MIGHT get off my ass and try to write a little (and I mean "little") something myself, maybe...
General Discussion / Re: Indecent Proposals
May 24, 2010, 07:26:11 PM
So...any critiques on my little attempt?  *braces*  :o
General Discussion / Re: usuing Nyo Points?
May 23, 2010, 07:28:33 PM
Quote from: FallenStar on May 23, 2010, 06:02:41 PM
Personally, I'd rather a system where people get *more* points for reviewing a fic than taking them away just to *read* a fic.  That's almost like turning the site into a paysite.

I'm with that...

But then again, maybe if Duce did enact such a system, we'd have more activity.  Even if it is just "shooting the shit" (no pun intended, we say that down here :D) on random topics.
General Discussion / Re: Nyou Dreams
April 08, 2010, 09:20:29 PM
Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on February 05, 2010, 09:20:33 PM
I had a weird dream the other night where I called this woman I was courting "Goldie" because the first time I saw her she was "letting loose a golden stream."  The weird part is that she was a goldfinch, I was a parrot, and we were in a Disney movie.  ???'ll KNOW that our fetish has reached "mainstream" the day something like that happens! :D
General Discussion / Re: Democratic poo poll!
January 10, 2010, 07:55:40 PM
Ah, a young'un! ;)

(or maybe someone that wasn't into video games much 10 or so years ago...)

I never played the game myself, but I read about assorted entries in GamePro back in the day.  It was a fighting game series on some oooold systems (not like 8-bit NES old, but old).

One reason I didn't vote for her even though I knew who she was - I've SEEN a rather good pic of her on the toilet...

And while typing this I've been searching, here it be:
Thanks for the reply!  I should check out some of these...  :)

I've not noticed much in the way of bathroom references on the show, but one stands out that I posted about on the now-dead AnonIB toilet board:  A very attractive brunette on a space journey managed to mistake an escape pod for a bathroom...twice!  And jettisoned herself at least once, making me wonder how things could have turned out while waiting for rescue if she was REALLY needing to go... ;D
Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on January 04, 2010, 01:32:00 AM
Do you ever read the (actual official) Doctor Who novels?  I wouldn't be surprised if one of them has Nyou-related fanservice.  The ones I've read sometimes have references to peeing and pooping (there's a chick in one who tries to spy on a reptile guy peeing because she's always wanted to see how an alien does it), and each of the Doctor's female companions is described naked in at least one book.

Dang!  I'm a bit of a Whovian, but had no idea about that kinda stuff being in the novels!

(Still recovering from the joygasm from "The End of Time!"  Not that I was glad to see Tennant go, but the shows were so damn good!)

Any ones in particular you'd recommend?
General Discussion / Re: Toilet Stool
November 25, 2009, 08:23:08 PM
Well, good news is site is back!  ;D
Bad news is that 99.9% of new pic content is scat... :'(
General Discussion / Re: Toilet Stool
November 15, 2009, 06:29:17 PM
 :'( I think we broke it....says the bandwidth is used up for the month!  >:(
General Discussion / Re: Toilet Stool
November 13, 2009, 05:19:20 PM
Photo gallery, you say...? :kawaii:  Could this be a reliable replacement for the "here today, gone tomorrow, back maybe day after tomorrow for a bit" AnonIB for real-life pix????

Any guidelines, apart from the no-brainer of no underage stuff?
General Discussion / Re: Indecent Proposals
November 05, 2009, 08:51:28 PM
Ok...*cracks knuckles*  ...first attempt, here we go!  (I think I'll worry more about the story than the emoticons for now.  And hope the "accents" aren't too annoying...)


"Uhn, mmm, oh Lordy..."  Rogue mumbled under her breath as she quickly made her way to her room in the X-Mansion, rubbing her upset stomach as she went.  Once inside, she locked the door and went straight to the private bathroom.  A luxury afforded to all of the X-Men, thankfully.  Despite the fact that she was quite fit, and invulnerable to boot, her tummy was a bit sensitive.

Taking a second to lock the bathroom door as well as an extra precaution (she knew this was going to be a seriously bad bowel movement), she rushed to the toilet, jerked down her low-cut jean shorts and green thong in one fluid motion, and sat.  As soon as her shapely bottom hit the seat, a torrent of runny poop and gas exploded from her.  She let out a sigh of relief that turned into a groan of pain as a cramp made her double over.  This continued for a few minutes, until at last Rogue's diarrhea eased off.  Now red-faced and sweating, she leaned back on the seat to catch her breath.

"Ahhh."  Her nose crinkled as she caught the scent of her 'production.'  "Whew, Lordy, what a stink..."  It was about enough to make her wish she bothered with air freshener.  But since she was the only one who used it at the moment, she didn't....


A startled Rogue nearly jumped off the toilet seat as her bathroom doorknob exploded in a purple flash, and the door slowly swung open to reveal a grinning Remy LeBeau - AKA Gambit.  Rogue's hands flashed down to cover her crotch and her face got even redder as she yelled, "REMY!  You...ah....what in th' blue blazes are y'all DOING?!"

LeBeau kept grinning, and shook his head.  After indulging himself a look at Rogue in her predicament, he shifted somewhat in the doorway to where he wasn't looking directly at her but could still see her out of the corner of his eye.  "Ah, chere, you done brought dis on y'self, you know.  Me an' you, we gotta be havin' a talk about some important t'ings, but you done keep avoiding de subject.  So, a man's gotta take drastic measures sometimes..."

Rogue blinked for a moment, then glared at LeBeau and took one hand off her crotch to use it to point at him accusingly.  "Avoiding the...AVOIDING the subject?!  Why,"  For a second Rogue forgot herself as she moved her other hand to shake a fist at her Cajun intruder.  "...Ya self-centered, egotistical swamp rat!  Ah ain't been avoidin' it, in case ya ain't noticed we've had OTHER things to worry about lately!  Ya know, like those Sentinels that've started popping up again.  Or that crazy Omega Red that showed up a couple days ago lookin' ta take Logan's head off..."

Gambit waved a dismissive hand.  "Pah, jus' minor interruptions.  No need to let dat stuff get in de way of what's really important, heh?"

Rogue blinked again, then shook her head.  "Why am ah even listenin' to this right now?  So help me Gambit, you have until the time ah wipe my...clean myself to get as far away as possible before I knock ya plumb into next week!"  She reached over for the toilet paper, with a glare that DARED him to watch what was coming next, but found nothing but the empty roll-holder there.  "Wha..."

"Awww...misplace, something, chere?"  Gambit pulled a fluffy, pink roll of toilet paper from his trenchcoat and started to hand it to Rogue, then pulled it back before she could reach it.  "Nope, sorry, I done went to a lot of trouble to get you where you be sittin' still for a second, so you can listen to what ol' Gambit have to say!"

Rogue stated to speak, but moaned as another cramp hit her.  "Ohhh...that gumbo...wha..."  She glared at Remy again.  "Did ya put laxatives in that gumbo?  Ya sick freak, dirty butt or no, ah'll get up from here and rip your..."

Gambit quickly put his hands up.  "No chere, honest I wouldn't do DAT to ya, no matter how bad I want to be talking!  But ol' Gambit don't have to be a mind-reader like de Professor t'know dat you love his home-made gumbo...but it don' like you much at all, oui?"  Rogue cocked an eyebrow at him.  "Trust me chere, I appreciate de ladylike way dat it's handled, but ol' Gambit know dat after you go off for a while after eatin' it, your nose ain't got no more powder on it den it had before.  I jus' pulled out all de stops to outdo m'self dis time to make it extra-good.  So you'd be sure to go back for seconds..."

Rogue's stomach grumbled loudly.  "An' thirds..."  Rogue sighed and shook her head.  "Look, Remy, ah really do like you.  But don't you think that we have enough goin' against us even overlookin' the fact that we work every day to protect a world that hates n' fears us?"

Gambit turned around so he could look Rogue straight in the eyes.  "Never said it'd be easy, darlin.  But my Pappy done told me a long time ago that nothin worth having was got easy.  ...he be talkin' about thieving, 'course, but I tink' it still applies, non?"

Rogue couldn't help but smile at Gambit, despite the rather uncomfortable and embarrassing position he had put her in.  "Remy, ah...sometimes when ah'm with you, I feel like just maybe...ah dunno, maybe mah life is..."

"Normal?"  Gambit finished for her.  "Oui...powers, X-Men, Brotherood, whole world that'd be happier wit us wiped off de face of it...when I'm with you, mon amor, don' none of dat matter."

"All right, swamp-rat.  Y'all win...let's talk."

Gambit flashed a smile.  "Bien, chere!  Just one t'ing..."  Remy once again handed Rogue the toilet paper, and didn't pull it away this time.  "'s about a courtesy flush, heh?"
^^^ Win!  8)