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Started by Jimmy Olsen, October 05, 2007, 04:47:22 AM

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Jimmy Olsen

Bones: The plot synopsis (if you can call that a plot) of the multi-girl story has already been rewritten (about 5 pages), as has my favorite snippet from it (about 7 pages).  I don't think I took anything out of "By the Forest's Edge."  There's still the part where ghosty girl says "I never really appreciated a good dump while I had the chance."  Writing Alistair wasn't too hard, since part of me still thinks of women as Angels, and I remember what it was like when my first girlfriend would randomly bring up something personal like periods or brasseire underwire. 

I'm not sure if I want to post a Deviantart link here, since I'm afraid of my personal interests getting out.  Just posting a G-rated photo of a model on a toilet with her panties on on a "cute chick image" thread once got me flamed severely.  I hate to think of the fallout I could get if all my fics became public knowledge.  But on the other hand maybe I should let the people here see my gallery, since they're tactful enough not to mention too much in the comments section.  And I already have drawings up of a diapered woman and a woman squatting over a chamber pot, so it's not like nobody on Deviantart has an inkling...

Livinginfinite: The FF6 story was almost nonexistent even before it was deleted.  Most of the file was just notes about the characters and snippets from Toilet Stool about bedwetting that were supposed to serve as guidelines.  I didn't get very far on the fic before I found other projects I would rather work on.  But I did spend like ten minutes retyping what little I had written, and will post it below.  This is actually probably longer than what I had before if you subtract the notes I mentioned above.  It's definitely more organized.
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Jimmy Olsen



A party including Celes and Terra are camping inside a system of caves.  They're all in sleeping bags.  As Celes falls asleep, she's bothered by the eerie surroundings, which include millions of crystalline facets that glisten like watching eyes. 

In her dreams they really are eyes.  She feels like a trapped animal.  She gets out of her sleeping bag and tries to run out of the cave, but ends up where she was before.  Only it's smaller now.  The cave is slowly caving in around her, and everywhere she looks are eyeballs that eye her in anger or hunger or lust.  She sees things moving in her peripheral vision that duck out of site when she looks straight at them, and they're not Fraggles either.  In her search for another exit, she runs afoul of some moving stalactites and stalagmites.  A set of them chomp shut like teeth, trapping her near a narrow passageway leading who knows where. 

Then the cave literally swallows her, and she slips slowly down the narrow passageway, which melts around the contours of her body and scrapes and cuts and bruises her everywhere.  In the stomach of the cave there are no eyes, but lava is almost everywhere, and it's so hot she takes all her armor off and continues her struggle for survival in her undergarments.  She hops between islands in the lava, hoping some dark corner of the cavern contains a way out.  But she falls flat on her back and can't move.  The lava is gone, but a stalactite above her is alive.  It grows and grows, pointing straight down between her legs, and you can guess what she thinks is gonna happen.  But it doesn't grow that far, and turns into a snake instead.  It drools warm venom on her undies, and is about to strike when she wakes up screaming.

Terra is already awake, and tells her it's a dream.  Celes blurts out that it must be real because her clothes and sleeping bag are soaked with snake poison.  Then she wakes up fully and realized in humiliation that she wet herself.  It turns out the reason Terra is awake is because the same thing happened to her, only she messed herself instead of wetting.

Then Celes wakes up again.  She's not Celes at all.  Celes is a fictional character who she's merely cosplaying as.  She's Lalla, a geeky yet attractive college student, and her and her friend Sandy are at a fantasy con sharing a hotel room.  They were so tired yesterday they fell asleep on their bed with their costumes on.  Lalla is horrified to find herself wet in this reality as well, and the scent of ripe human feces is in the air.  No wonder she dreamed about pee and poop.  But she is not to blame.  Sandy, still dressed as Terra, is the culprit for both #1 and #2.


Realizing the source of her wetness, and realizing that Terra knew it too, Celes almost wished a snake had killed her instead.  At least the darkness hid the redness of her face.  All she could do was sheepishly comment, "These caves play tricks with my imagination."

"I know what you mean," Terra said.  To Celes' surprise, there was a hint of embarrassment in her voice as well.  Could she have...?

"Did you wet yourself too?" Celes said in a whisper that was almost lost in the howling winds, dripping water, and other cave sounds that surrounded them.

"I wish," Terra said.  As she shifted her nubile body around in the sleeping bag, Celes could hear a sticky, mushy sound.

Later Dialog:

Lalla looked at her friend.  The Terra cosplay she bore now wasn't quite as exquisite as the one the nerdy boys had been admiring the day before.  The mint ice cream-colored wig was in her hand, the makeup was smeared, and there was a trace of drool on her chin.  She had obviously woken up just moments before Lalla.  But the biggest inaccuracy was in the pink and orange-spotted white pantyhose.  A big oval-shaped spot, dark and translucent, marred the garment.  What was more, Sandy's panties could be seen beneath the wet fabric, sagging below the ruby-colored miniskirt.  Hanes Her Ways on an Esper warrior were a clear anachronism, and Terra had never loaded her clothes with fecal mass in any game Lalla had played.

Lalla's lips parted in surprise.  "You...?" was the shape and sound they finally formed.

"I apologize.  I have a slight, um...difficulty with...well, nighttime control."

Once Lalla's brain had wrapped itself around the present situation, she said, "No offense, Sandy, but you've lost your bed privileges for the remainder of the weekend."

"I'm not offended.  My boyfriend's revoked my bed privileges too."
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That's awesome Jimmy, especially for someone who never played FF6. I won't hassle you to work on anything you're not that into, but a fleshed out version of this might be one of my favorite stories of all time.


I read it twice and didn't notice that line but I must have just missed it. :-[ 

I wasn't trying to encourage you too put a link up here, it was just something funny that I noticed.  There's something surprising about running into someone you know from one place in another context.  Kind of like bumping into someone you see at work in a store or something. 

I don't think there's anything wrong with keeping this place a little secret, if only because you have personal information on that account.  The only reason I can write this stuff here is because it would take a bit of work to trace it back to me.  Do it if you feel comfortable, but not because of me.       

The FF6 story sounds very much like a real dream, even a dream within a dream (like I sometimes have). ^-^

Jimmy Olsen

Status Report: I just posted the part of my multi-girl story that I retyped.  The rest is summarized as well.

I'm glad my FF6 story is liked, despite being so brief. :) Maybe I will write it out.

I've started summarizing my epic story, but it may take a while.  Are the people here interested in reading the summary?
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Wow! I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that you recovered so fast and so well from such a dispiriting virus  :kawaii:
A summery isn't necessary to me, since I'd rather be surprised, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't appreciate it, again I can't state enough how happy I am that you went right back to the drawing... writing board after what happened.

I admire your perseverance, and although I'd like to join you in this writing spree that your currently on... I'm taking some heavy classes this semester and haven't been able to make time to put effort into a story  :'( But this summer I'll be MAKING time to stop being a shadow and start contributing to the site I've followed for a quite a while, anyway I just wanted to say how much i respect your determination towards your work  ;D


While I am not a fan of poop, I did find this somewhat enjoyable, though as a fan of desperation, I would have loved to have seen Celes/Lalla struggle to hold it longer.

Nothing particularly wrong FF6 story-wise, though it would obviously happen in the World of Ruin instead of the World of Balance.  :)

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD


"Wow! I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that you recovered so fast and so well from such a dispiriting virus. 

A summery isn't necessary to me, since I'd rather be surprised, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't appreciate it, again I can't state enough how happy I am that you went right back to the drawing... writing board after what happened."

Amen to all of that. Absolutely. ;D

I agree that I don't need a summery of the epic.  It sounds so good, I'd hate to have it spoiled. :kawaii:  As long as you might still make an effort to remake it in a complete form by say, the end of this year, I can wait.  I wouldn't have a problem with you putting the summary here if anyone else wants to see it, I just won't read it. ;)

I probably won't end up reading the "Restroom Tales" summary for the same reason, though I did have to peek at the excerpt, just up to the point the cheer squad comes in.  It's really interesting to see a bunch of characters who where written for one specific scenario all being thrown in together and forced to interact in a neutral setting, that's probably another reason I like fanfiction. 8)  I know you're keeping them all in character, but it's fun to watch Tiffany being so obnoxious when she's not lost in the woods at night and Ai acting more reserved in an unfamiliar country. 

Sarah's character reminds me of Su from Love Hina.  She at least looks a lot younger than the other characters, has darker skin of an undefined "foreign" ethnicity, and acts spasticlly hyper and weird for no apparent reason. ;D

Jimmy Olsen

FallenStar: I like desperation too, but in this case I set out to do bedwetting instead.  I think the original request was for FF6 girls to pee and poop in sleeping bags, and that wasn't really condusive to desperation.

Bones: I was wondering if anybody was going to notice Sarah's similarity to good ol' Su-chan. ;) She's in my one of my planned novels, where she she shows up in the main character's bed with no idea how she got there and no clear memories from before he finds her.  All the characters are deeply concerned with her identity and past, except Sarah herself.  She was originally based on a girl I went to school with, but I was concerned she didn't have much to distinguish her from another character in the book, so I amalgamated her with a third character who was sort of a Su ripoff.  But her looks stayed exactly the same, and for all I know the real girl could sue me if the book gets published.  Many of the things she says in this little excerpt are quoted or adapted from a different real girl who reminded me of Su and may sue me one day also.  I don't know if you cared about all that, I just felt like explaining that Sarah isn't just supposed to be Su-chan with an American name.

Ai and Tsuchibo's true personalities (as depicted in the other stories) will come out more later, as they become more comfortable with each other and Ai also becomes comfortable with Tsuchibo's friends.  Bathrooms bring people closer.  :)

I've decided not to post my Ysé epic's plot summary (which is far from finished), due to the surprise aspect.  Thanks for all your support, guys.  ;D
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Jimmy: I think Celes' dream sequence could contain desperation if you desired. It would be nice to have some nyou content within the main portion of the story and not just at the end.

Also, since we were on the subject, I think I also stumbled upon your DA account. ;) I actually did a while back and thought 'whoa this looks like Jimmy's art', but upon closer inspection it seems to be you. Makes me kind of nervous actually, I think people would recognize my style if they saw me anywhere else.

Star: There's caves in WoB too...


Quote from: livinginfinite on January 27, 2010, 10:29:44 AM
Star: There's caves in WoB too...

It's not that; Celes and Terra are only in the same party in very few portions of the WoB - the battle of Narshe, and the Floating Continent. Since they are not likely to be that close to each other until the WoR, it makes sense to conclude that they are in the WoR.

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD


Huh, never noticed that. Still, they could be messing around in WoB with the airship before heading to the Floating Continent...although the story reminds me more of the Phoenix Cave than anything else.


There are no caves on the airship, my friend.  :P

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD


Come on, you know what I mean...taking the airship to random places in the WoB. Perhaps completing Mog's dance list on the SNES version of the game.


Quote from: livinginfinite on January 27, 2010, 04:50:28 PM
Come on, you know what I mean...taking the airship to random places in the WoB. Perhaps completing Mog's dance list on the SNES version of the game.

I don't really think we should count sidequests, but if you wish...

The shortest distance would involve Crescent Mountain Cave, Serpent Trench, Nikeah (Chocobo Stable), Baren Falls, Veldt.  Of those destinations, only the Crescent Mountain Cave is actually a cave and it's definitely not dark at all.

And yes... I'm just overanalyzing because I'm bored and need something to occupy my time with.   :P

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD