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Anime Lover's fiction status report

Started by Anime Lover, March 22, 2008, 01:26:37 PM

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Anime Lover

it's ok, you don't have to rush it or anything.
Though, i am intrigued how you'll do your version of the 5th chapter since there's been stuff in the previous chapters that you don't like.
from the sexual nature of my chapters (at least the first 3), I'm guessing yours would tone down on the sexual stuff
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Jimmy Olsen

There's going to be some sexuality but no actual sex.  My aims here are character interaction and humor.  Oh, and painting a picture in words of 2 attractive girls fighting each other.  ;)
Latest Stories
Girls' Night
Morning Commute

Anime Lover

31th EX chapter of The Popular Girl added


Sakura is invited to a Merkolovian Spa. Everyone likes the pleasure of messages and Sakura receives one she won't soon forget...
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Jimmy Olsen

Latest Stories
Girls' Night
Morning Commute

Anime Lover

32nd EX chapter of The Popular Girl added


Just a short chapter I managed to do in a day ^_^
Sakura discovers one of the least bragged about things that come with puberty...
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Anime Lover

33rd EX chapter of The Popular Girl added


Thanks to Lila, Sakura and Lila's relationship hits their first big bump...
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Anime Lover

TWO new chapters this time added to The Popular Girl
(well I just split one chapter in two)

Chapter EX 34


After waking from a disturbing dream, Sakura faces an unsettling fact...

Chapter EX 35


Excited with her first school Field Trip on Merkolova, Sakura receives a very surprising gift from Nina...
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Anime Lover

36th EX chapter added to the popular girl


Breaking up is rarely ever easy...
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Anime Lover

37th EX chapter added to the popular girl


While Lila still feels bad for what she did and the break-up, Sakura herself seems completely over it, in more ways than one...
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Anime Lover

38th EX Chapter of the popular girl added


Rumors travel fast, and Merkolovian schools are no different...
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13


I guess all this interest in the Popular Girl means you won't be doing anything with Classic Lynn and Classic  Alex/Sarah/Amy, huh?

I used to really enjoy classic Sarah and Amy... even in non-FD situations.

Ah, well... when I get my computer fixed, I suppose I oughta read some of these chapters, lol

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Anime Lover

when you say 'classic', then you already know the answer, I've talked to you about this before.
I haven't done anything new with my succubus series because I'm fresh out of idea's for that series
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13


I know the answer;  I was just trying to say that if you had done anything new with those characters, I would've probably read fics on them... simply because they are classics to me. 

I like them more than I do Sakura, in other words.  <.<  >.>

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Anime Lover

ah, I see, 'classic' in the since that your already familiar with them
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13


Quote from: Anime Lover on September 17, 2009, 06:32:59 PM
ah, I see, 'classic' in the since that your already familiar with them

Well, put it this way...  I've been reading Locker Room Desperation, We Won't Get Caught, Trust Me, and that fic of yours where Lynn and Alex challenged Amy and Sarah to a hold it contest and I find those fics a lot more enjoyable than your Popular Girl series simply because I liked the characters better.   I don't know what it was but something about Sakura just never clicked with me and her Cerick only intensified that dislike.  The fact that Lynn's a succubus never seemed to impact her, though I really enjoyed how long she could hold it (at least, in that first fic with the teacher).

I should also admit that your scene where Sarah rubs Lynn's black dress up against her naked pussy is something I've liked so much that I've had Suki do that in one of my RPs.  I think you really have talent at setting up scenes.  Far more than me, at any rate.  =P

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD